Le Yue Ang became less panicked after thinking that he could start over again.

But he is still quite scared, not to mention that he has very little experience, so he is quite scared when encountering these things.

Even if he is not afraid of death at all, he is still a little scared, mainly because he doesn't know whether he will return to another save point or directly return to the fruit stand after death.

After all, he hasn't died since he survived the Sausage Hunter, so he's still running like crazy

Adrenaline saved his life and prevented him from being taken down directly.

As he ran, he became more and more courageous, and finally looked back: "Rem!! It's you!!"

He was a little surprised, a little dazed, and the speed of pushing the door slowed down. The meteor hammer flew past his scalp again. This time, the strong wind it brought directly swept away the hair on his head, turning it into a Mediterranean

"I'm super!! My hair! Help!!!"

He didn't understand why no one came to save him even though he screamed like that.

Rem, who was chasing behind, wiped the dust from the corners of her eyes and said to Leon in front of her: "No need to waste your efforts! Your Highness Roswaal has not been in the mansion these days! And sister will not stop me! You It’s impossible to survive!”

Rem's dark color gradually went crazy, and a red light gradually emitted from her forehead, giving birth to a huge horn.

Le Yueang was stunned, and he collapsed on the ground: "What... what is this!! And! Where is Emilia!!"

Rem's eyes burst into red light: "She! She's not coming!!!!"

Lai Yueang ran desperately, everything around him was rumbling, but the road ahead was already a dead end.


He broke the glass and jumped out. He didn't know why the girl was chasing him. He wanted to know what happened to Emilia now! Could it be that he was also poisoned by this girl?

"Damn it!!!" He fell directly from the tall building and hit the ground hard. Blood spurted out of his mouth, which was caused by the rupture of his internal organs.

The girl fell directly from the sky and hit him hard: "Give me!! Die!!!"

At this moment, Leon, who was lying on the ground, looked at the girl in front of him and recalled Emilia's figure: "Such a loud noise! ​​There is absolutely no way Emilia can't hear it! She is definitely in danger now!"

This guy has been lusting after Emilia's body for more than a day or two: "I don't know what's going on with Emilia's resurrection now! But we have to figure out what's going on with Emilia..."

His eyes became brighter and brighter: "Why don't you... call that guy! If Emilia is also murdered! Then I will commit suicide! If Emilia is not murdered! Then I will see how to pay him!" "

The girl is getting closer and closer, and his eyes are getting brighter and brighter: "Gunara, the God of Darkness! Ukaraka! Old Biden! The whole body changes!!"

At this moment, he didn't know how expensive Li Ye's move was, and he wanted to use time to get a chance to get Li Ye's move.

What caused him to have misconceptions about the price of Li Ye's sale was because that guy Parker had been punished twice, and he also asked Emilia about the price for Li Ye's sale.

Emilia's answer was not much, it was pretty good, and it wasn't too troublesome.

But what he was talking about was the money needed to rescue them from the Sausage Hunters. This guy still thinks it was the price paid by Emilia.

Emilia, however, thought he was talking about the price she would need to pay for thawing her family when she just went out to find Li Ye. She also wondered why Lai Yueang knew where she went.

It was such a simple difference that gave Lai Yueang the illusion

As his words fell, an exciting BGM sounded, and accompanying this sound effect was a very shocking sound with echoes, just like the sound effects of masters in martial arts novels.

"I'm coming on horseback!"

When hearing this sound, Rem in front of her stayed on the spot. She didn't know why, but she couldn't move. It was like. . . It's like being imprisoned by shackles

"Obviously!! Just a little bit close!! Just like that time!! Just a little bit close! Just..."

She wanted to break free from the invisible shackles, but it was obviously of no use at all. Lai Yue'ang smiled with a snort. It was thanks to the low floor he fell from and the adrenaline that saved his life that he finally let go. He had the strength to stand up and stood in front of Rem, holding his waist.

"Sorry! My mercenary! He's here! I'm waiting for him! What are you waiting for!"

This guy is pretending now, and he feels like a villain has gained power.

And behind him, Li Ye really stepped out on horseback, with a tall head and white eyes, watching all of this quietly, his majestic voice sounded: "What do you want me to do in this transaction?"

Lai Yue'ang pretended to be indifferent and did not look back at Li Ye. He just waved his hand like a gang leader: "Get her!"

Li Ye smiled: "She can't move anymore. Is there anything else that needs to be done? If not, your chance will be used up~ I have to leave."

After listening to Li Ye's words, he quickly turned around and said hurriedly: "No! Don't worry! Find Emilia for me!"

But when he looked back, he was stunned: "I'm super! What kind of look are you doing!"

I saw that Li Ye was now in disheveled clothes. His Hanfu had been torn into tatters, and he had reached the level of being half-clothed. There were also several big red lip marks on his neck and face.

"I was short of money recently, so I went to the Middle East to work. Please forgive me."

"What the hell is that lip mark on your body!"

Li Ye sighed and spread his hands: "Alas, you know, I am too charming, it is not easy to deal with! The beautiful girl over there had to throw herself into my arms! I can't do anything~"

The breeze blew, blowing up his ragged clothes, revealing his muscular muscles. Lai Yuenang looked at Li Ye's face, which became more perfect because of several life promotions, and he couldn't help but feel jealous. He pouted and said

"We are both time travelers, why are you doing so well, and I have no ability!"

Li Ye sighed, made a showy gesture, and flicked his hair: "I can't do anything, it's all because I look too handsome ~"

This is the truth. Not to mention the "beautiful" aura around Li Ye's body, just the several life promotions have exaggerated his appearance.

That kind of change will not change Li Ye's appearance. Li Ye is still Li Ye, and others can see that he is Li Ye, but he has become more perfect.

But even so, there is no way to change the fact that he is a show-off.

Lai Yueang pouted: "You damn guy!"

Li Ye smiled: "Okay, okay, solve the problem first."

Lai Yueang suddenly thought of Emilia: "Yes, yes, yes! Solve the problem first!"

"So how do you want to solve it?"

Li Ye's eyes glanced at Rem in front of him and smiled.

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