Infinite Heavens: Start by getting Steve's panel

Chapter 205 You tell me she is the winner?

Lu Mingfei was completely stunned now. What was going on? Why did they start fighting again?

Gunfire kept flying, and countless bullets kept flying around Lu Mingfei.

"I'm heading!!"

Lu Mingfei didn't know if the bomb would explode if he dropped it, but he knew that if he was hit a little bit now, it would definitely explode.

He didn't have the courage to throw them out directly, so he could only watch the bullets flying in front of him in fear.

Time seemed to slow down very slowly at this moment, and he could clearly see the trajectory of the bullet.

Every bullet was flying in front of him

At this time, he saw a figure in the crowd. This figure was wearing a black windbreaker and black sunglasses, looking at him in the crowd.

And in his left hand was a smoking Colt .45 pistol. Isn't this none other than Li Ye?

Li Ye looked at Lu Mingfei who was looking at him and smiled, and even waved to him. Bullets were flying around him, but none of them hit him.

At this moment, Lu Mingfei suddenly realized that the shot just now seemed to have been fired in this direction.

"Classmate Li!! Come and save me!!"

Li Ye smiled and turned around and disappeared into the crowd.

Lu Mingfei almost cried. He happened to see a bullet flying in front of him, which frightened him so much that his hair stood on end.


"Do you make a deal?"

Lu Mingfei immediately looked behind him. The figure of the little devil walked slowly from a distance, and the already slow bullet speed became somewhat stagnant.

He could even see the bullet stopping in front of his face

"Are you here to trade again?"

The little devil Lu Mingze smiled: "Of course, as long as you pay a little soul, you can escape from here and gain very good abilities."

Lu Mingfei was dumbfounded: "Do you still want a soul?"

The little devil nodded: "If you sign the contract, then you can still live, but now you are in a situation of no life or death."

Lu Mingfei gritted his teeth and looked at the bullets around him. He was about to say something when he heard the little devil say

"Forget it, I'll give it to you for free this time. It's a small discount. After all, supermarkets will also launch free tasting activities, right?"

Lu Mingfei shouted: "Then you should come quickly!!"

The next second, a black figure was seen passing by, and with lightning speed, Lu Mingfei ran away directly. When Lu Mingfei reappeared, he was already on the side of the building. The peak of

"Ah? What happened!"

Lu Mingfei raised his head and saw that Li Ye had appeared in front of him, holding the huge red tnt in one hand.

"Li...Classmate Li Ye"

Li Ye nodded with you: "I'm sorry. I just wanted to give you a little help. I didn't expect it to cause you a lot of inconvenience."

Lu Mingfei touched his head: "No, it doesn't matter."

Li Ye smiled. Lu Mingfei's cowardly physique and lack of brains were causing trouble again. Normal people knew that something was wrong now, but Lu Mingfei, a bad guy, didn't feel it.

But it is inevitable that his character may have been cultivated by those guys from the secret party since he was a child, and they just wanted to be more controllable.

Although they don't know Lu Mingfei's magic, they know that Lu Mingfei is the top S-level. After all, his parents are both S-level, and the children they have cannot be fuel-efficient lamps.

"By the way, are they really at war? I don't feel right, classmate Li, I just didn't feel right."

Even this not-so-smart guy realized that something was wrong with this group of people.

Li Ye looked into the distance: "Do you know what day it is now?"


"Today is called Freedom Day. As the name suggests, today is very free."

"This is too free."

When Lu Mingfei saw the melee with guns below, he couldn't help but sigh. They all said that American campuses are very free, but he didn't expect that this was really free.

"Hahahaha, they all used tranquilizer bombs"

"But the blood... and they're all out of breath..."

Li Ye smiled: "The alchemical bullet they used, the Frigga anesthesia bullet, has the effect of being completely anesthetized and even losing breathing, but you will recover soon. As for the blood that flowed out, it was the Frigga bullet. The effect is that my head was just a Frigga bullet."

"That's it. It looks like real bullets. So is this a real-person CS match?"

"Yes, the person who survives to the end will get a chance to express his love that cannot be refused."

Lu Mingfei's expression suddenly became trance-like. Li Ye used Pi Yanzi to figure out that this guy was thinking about his senior Nuonuo. This was also one of the few "brave" times for this guy, of course, mentally. brave

Li Ye smiled: "However, I also really need this opportunity to be the winner, so I'll ask you to get some sleep first."

He raised the Colt .45 pistol in his hand and pointed it at Lu Mingfei's head.

The black muzzle of the gun instantly brought Xiaolu back to reality: "No! Oh, no! You let me do it! I can do it by myself!!"

But the next second, gunshots rang out, and Xiaolu went offline directly.

Li Ye patted his big windbreaker

This thing is not an ordinary windbreaker. If it were an ordinary windbreaker, he would not wear it. This is the justice windbreaker he got from Emiya Kiritsugu. He wears it like a justice man, which is very consistent with Li Ye's justice style.

Look at the characters wearing trench coats. They are all righteous guys.

For example, Blade Runner, Kiritsugu Emiya, and Batman also have versions wearing trench coats.


Li Ye suddenly remembered that a certain braised egg also wore a windbreaker. He quickly took off his windbreaker and stepped on it.

"Bah! What bad luck!!"

So he took out a cloak: "This still fits well, and it can let others know at a glance that I am a decent person."

That's right, wearing a black robe with a Prajna mask on it, plus Li Ye's iconic toothless smile, he looks like a good person at first glance.

At this moment, Li Ye turned his head and looked into the distance. The war at this moment had entered the final stage. The original counselors had also entered the battlefield and been consumed. There were only four people left on the battlefield.

Nono and Caesar from the Student Union, and Susie and Chu Zihang from the Lionheart Club

This is exactly the same as the original

Normally speaking, when Li Ye destroyed a team from the Lion Heart Club, the student union should have won, but in the group battle just now, the individual abilities of the members of the Lion Heart Club far exceeded those of the unnamed guys from the student union.

After all, there are three named members of the Lionheart Club participating in the war this time, while there are only two in the Student Council.

On the battlefield, Caesar faced Chu Zihang, holding the hunting knife in his hand

"Come on! You're the only one left here! I'm the only one left here! Let's have a duel between real men!!"

Caesar's move was a little trick. He knew that Nono was hiding behind and Susie was hiding in front, but he deliberately said it to confuse Chu Zihang and make Chu Zihang think that he didn't know about the other party's ambush. ,

"Then come on!!"

Chu Zihang said a rare word and went straight up with a long knife. Of course he was not a fool. He also knew that the other side knew that Su Qian on his side was alive. He also knew that the other side must have a back-up plan, but he didn't know what was behind it. what are hands

This wave belongs to Caesar's first level, Chu Zihang's second level, and Li Ye's atmospheric level.

As for why Li Ye is so atmospheric, it's because now Li Ye has been taken care of by the two little girls. He is sitting on the chair made by the two of them, eating melon and watching the two men fight each other.

"You pick your crotch! It's true! Hit the person first and hit the egg first! The winning rate is half higher. You don't understand this rule,"

"You can't help but show some martial ethics and step on your toes!"

Only the flash of swords and shadows were seen. There were more and more wounds on the two people's bodies, and their attacks became more and more fancy. Li Ye couldn't help but sigh.

“It’s still not enough to catch up with me.”

That's right, these two people really can't keep up with Li Ye. At the same level, Li Ye can fool these two people without cheating.

Although Li Ye's level is only infinite martial arts, he still has infinite martial arts. It is not easy to obtain this move in fate, and coupled with Li Ye's tactics of not talking about martial arts and the powerful flying style , in his eyes, these two people are just cowards.

Finally, Li Ye finished eating his melon, and the two men were covered with wounds and could no longer fight.

Li Ye hummed a little tune and walked out

"How are you two, did you have fun?"

Caesar looked at Li Ye with a smile on his face: "Mr. Li, you are indeed here."

Li Ye nodded: "I saw your patrol team just now, it was well deployed."

Yes, Caesar had prepared a patrol team to search the academy in advance to prevent speculation, but in the end the frontal battlefield was empty and the team joined the battlefield, and someone like Li Ye didn't even need to use it. Feel free to hide away

"Haha, thank you for your compliment"

Li Ye looked at these two guys and smiled: "But what if I really want to win this time?"

Caesar was stunned for a moment: "Sir, are you also a contestant?"

Li Ye nodded and took out his student ID card: "Yes, I joined Kassel."

Caesar looked at the certificate awkwardly and said to Li Ye: "Well, sir, you got the wrong one."

Li Ye looked at it and quickly put it away: "Look, how did I take out the principal's certificate? Ange said that I wouldn't let anyone see it before I took the position."

Then he took out another ID and said, "This is the right one."

Caesar nodded awkwardly: "Then please take the victory! Mr. Li!"

And Chu Zihang also opened his chest wordlessly, waiting for the end of Li Ye, waiting for the end of the war,

Li Ye sighed: "Then, see you in a few days. As a compliment to you, I will use my strongest martial arts."

Caesar and Chu Zihang's eyes widened for a moment, and they looked at the stock attentively. They saw Li Ye pulling out his firearm and firing two shots at Bang Bang.

"This trick is called American aggregation. Have you learned it?"

[Ding, Chu Zihang’s negative emotion value +100]

[Ding, Caesar’s negative emotion value +100]

Li Ye looked at these two guys. These injuries will definitely not heal in a few days. The dragon world is indeed full of madmen.

"Then declare victory!"

At this time, there was a sound on the radio: "Free Day is completely over! The winner is! Uesugi Eri!!"

This chapter is sponsored by Brother Cheng and Guigu Xuanqi.

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