Infinite Heavens: Start by getting Steve's panel

Chapter 204 I'm here to save you

"I'll test your code!!!"

“I eat lemon!!”

"I'll take you to fight!!!"

Lu Mingfei looked at Li Ye beside him. His mind was full of nonsense. He had already said the most filthy greetings he could, but he regretted it after the greeting.

He remembered that Li Ye was a guy with weapons all over his body. Thinking of the Thomson just now and the fragrance of his mouth, he felt a chill on his neck.

The bravery just now was only what he showed when he was threatened by death. The cowardice now is his essence.

"Classmate Li, listen to me, Mr. Li..."

Li Ye walked towards Lu Mingfei with a smirk on his face: "Classmate Xiaolu,"

Lu Mingfei immediately fell to the ground: "No! No!!!!"

Li Ye chuckled: "Classmate Xiaolu! Don't be afraid! I'm not that vindictive. I didn't even hear what you just said."

Lu Mingfei looked in disbelief: "Are you serious?"

Li Ye nodded: "I'm serious!"

Lu Mingfei remembered that many teachers were very respectful to him. This should be the tolerance of the upper-level staff towards a lowly person like him.

He stood up tremblingly and saw Li Ye's hand unbuttoning his belt again and taking out a huge red cube.

"Come! Xiaoji-san! Use it for self-defense! I'm going to charge into battle now!"

Lu Mingfei took the red cube in a daze. After taking it, he remembered that this thing was exploded just now and caused a huge noise.

"I'm going! Classmate Li! I don't want it! I don't want it!!!"

But the next second, Li Ye had already run away, leaving only a figure behind him holding a machine gun.

"No, ah no, classmate Li!!! Take this thing away!! Take it away!!"

Lu Mingfei is neither standing nor sitting. In short, in one sentence, he is afraid.

He had just seen the power of this thing. It could shake the whole school. The most important thing was that he didn't know how this thing detonated. Li Ye just wiped it and caught it. He didn't dare to touch it casually. Got it

So he just held a bomb and moved here, neither moving nor moving.

The scorching summer sun was constantly basking on him, and he shed a lot of sweat. He didn't know whether the sweat was caused by the sun or the cold sweat from the things in his arms.

"Classmate Li! Mr. Li! Uncle Li!! Come quickly! I'm afraid!!!"

At this time, he turned his head with difficulty, wanting to see the direction Li Ye was leaving. Unexpectedly, he saw the big crater created by the thing just now, which was ten meters in diameter. He was full of doubts in his heart.

"How did he throw it so far?"

The weight of this thing is quite high. It felt heavy even when he held it in both hands. Not to mention that Li Ye could just throw it so far.

"Wait! Is this thing heavy?"

He just realized it now. He has been holding this thing for a long time and he definitely has no strength. What will he do then? Besides, everyone around him is already busy, and no one will come to help him take this thing off.

At this time, he didn't react at all. One cubic meter of TNT should weigh 1.654 tons. A normal person would definitely not be able to lift it. Now he is only left with endless panic.

"Help!! Someone come and help me!!!"

Xiaoji-san stood there like an idiot and kept yelling

On a tall building on one side, a child in a suit and a man in a black trench coat stood looking at the scene below. The man lit a cigarette and then stuffed it directly into the child's mouth.

The child looked confused: "What are you doing?"

The man smiled: "I think I should smoke a cigarette at this time to cope with the situation. I lit it before I remembered that I don't know how to smoke."

The kid in the suit is Lu Mingze, and the man in the windbreaker is Li Ye who just finished persecuting Lu Mingfei.

Lu Mingze looked at Li Ye: "Are you serious?"

Li Ye smiled: "Of course"

Lu Mingze sighed: "Whether it's solemn, majestic, or funny now, I really don't understand who you are."

Li Ye smiled: "Of course these people are all me. Each one of them is me. It just depends on who I want to be and what I want to do."

Lu Mingze then spoke: "You are really smart like this, no one can scheme against you."

The subtext of this sentence is to express that Lu Mingze does not intend to scheme against Li Ye anymore.

Li Ye took the cigarette from Lu Mingze's mouth, flicked the ashes and stuffed it into his mouth: "Anyone who dares to scheme against me, I will usually let them go to the West together."

Lu Mingze looked at Li Ye: "So, what is your purpose? As a partner, I should have the right to know."

Li Ye smiled: "Of course, kill the four dragon kings and the Black King. By the way, do you count yourself as a dragon king in your current state? If so, you will also die."

Lu Mingze's face turned dark. The last half of Li Ye's sentence, "I want to kill him", could be said in front of him. Either this guy is an arrogant crazy critic, or this guy is already so powerful. Even if you let yourself know that he is going to kill you, it will be of no use to that extent.

Lu Mingze believed the latter

Then Lu Mingze said: "That's really unfortunate. I shouldn't be considered the Dragon King anymore. My body was already dead and only me and my brother are left."

Li Ye shook his head: "It's not you who has the final say, it's me who has the final say."

The meaning of this sentence is that whether his word spirit can be triggered is the right way to go. The word spirit Tiamat can swallow and absorb the ability of the killed dragon king into his own body and become his own power.

But not only the Dragon King can be absorbed, but the White King can also be absorbed, so Li Ye wants to try the guy in front of him to see if he can do it.

"Then it's up to you, as long as you can ensure that the Black King is dead and my brother is still alive,"

Li Ye nodded: "Of course."

Lu Mingze looked at Lu Mingfei below. He was currently holding something weighing 1.654 tons, which was very tiring for him. Of course, he was able to pick up this thing because Lu Mingze lent him some strength.

"Are you sure you can let him borrow my power like this?"

Li Ye smiled: "Of course, don't underestimate my wisdom."

"Your wisdom?"

"Don't think I can't learn alchemy, but I still have a lot of wisdom in this area."

Yes, Li Ye learned a little bit of alchemy from this guy. He learned it through time deceleration in the spiritual realm, but the result is obvious. Li Ye can't even learn the simplest alchemy formula.

If Lu Mingze didn't dare to laugh at Li Ye, he would have laughed at him.

A guy who absorbed the White King, a person who can control various elements physically. His mental power is so vast that even Lu Mingze is a little afraid. He doesn't even know the most basic alchemical formulas.

Let’s talk about it, it’s a bit too rubbish

It cannot be said that there is no talent, this is simply the brain of every alchemist.

Li Ye was also puzzled about this, why he had no talent at all in magic and alchemy. Even the two magics of portal and mirror space were learned with great difficulty by using the personality of the Dimension Demon God.

Is it because the points I added are not from the mage? Should it be the main strength and secondary endurance, single-point lighting, and sword practice?

That should be the case, otherwise there is no way to explain why Li Ye is so talented in martial arts and weapons.

Lu Mingze looked at Li Ye with mixed feelings in his eyes: "I hope it will be as you wish."

At this time, the combined forces of the two major warlords from the academy had also arrived here. Looking at the large pit that was ten meters in diameter, both parties were stunned.

"The equipment department is going to heaven"

With this kind of power, they would believe it if they said it would blow up the next generation.

At this time, they saw Xiaolu-san, Xiaolu-san holding TNT, mainly because the thing Xiaolu-san was holding had a name written on it rather arrogantly.


Caesar looked at Li Ye: "You should be the one using weapons of mass destruction in the academy."

Classmate Xiaolu almost cried: "Ah, no, please listen to my explanation."

Classmate Xiaolu saw Chu Zihang at this time and immediately shouted: "Chu Zihang! Senior Brother Chu! You are here too!!! Hurry! Explain to them, I am also from Shilan High School. We have met before." You said it! How could I be a bad person? "

Caesar looked at Chu Zihang, who frowned and then shook his head.

Obviously, Chu Zihang knew Lu Mingfei, but he was not sure what kind of quality Lu Mingfei was.

Chu Zihang and Lu Mingfei were from the same high school, Shilan High School, a small city near the Xiangjiang River. However, Lu Mingfei was just a bad boy, not very well-known in their grade, and Chu Zihang Hangze is a college legend, and this guy from Shilan College deserves to be at the top of the list.

He has money in his family, he is good-looking, and he is the leader of the Children's Palace of Kendo. He is called a rich and handsome man, and he has not spoken much at all.

In addition, Chu Zihang’s brain had been tampered with by Xia Mi, so he couldn’t even remember it clearly.

At this moment, Chu Zihang could only confirm that he had met Lu Mingfei, but he couldn't remember who this guy was.

Caesar stepped forward and carefully checked Lu Mingfei's condition. Lu Mingfei's head was covered with sweat and he chose to believe this guy.

"Golden Retriever! Boss Golden Retriever! Get it down for me quickly, please."

Lu Mingfei could also tell that this guy was a leader.

"Then tell us where this thing in your hand comes from, and I'll help you get rid of it!"

Caesar raised the hunting knife and pistol in his hand, signaling Xiaoji to continue talking, but he felt that the red square looked familiar inexplicably, as if he had seen it somewhere before. When he took a closer look, it was filled with trinitrotoluene. If this thing explodes, the people below will definitely not survive.

So Caesar said to Lu Mingfei

"This behavior is quite bad. Freedom cannot be so free for one day. How many students will die! This person must be brought to justice."

Lu Mingfei's attention was all on the bomb, and he didn't notice the words "Free Day" in Caesar's language.

"But that person is very famous and powerful. Are you sure you can help me? Why don't you take this down?"

Before Lu Mingfei finished speaking, a member of the student union burst out laughing.

"Do you know that our boss is from the Gattuso family, Gattuso!"

But before he finished speaking, Caesar stopped him with his eyes. He hated his family identity. He was a man who yearned for freedom, let alone using his identity to oppress others. He didn't use the abbreviation when he got married. Venue provided by Tuso

Then he looked at Xiaolu warmly: "Don't worry, the college will make the decision for you, the student union will make the decision for you, and I will make the decision for you,"

The order in which he said the names, he put himself last, it was obvious,

"Then let me tell you, it's a guy named Li Ye!"

The shameless Xiaolu betrayed Li Ye on the spot.

After hearing what Lu Mingfei said, Caesar was stunned: "You mean, Li Ye? The famous one?"

Lu Mingfei nodded, and Caesar laughed: "That's no problem. Mr. Li Ye won't make things difficult for you. He is a hero and a great man. I guess he was just joking with you. I'll take it down for you right away."

After hearing this, Lu Mingfei's sweat dropped instantly. He heard that the danger was over and noticed Caesar's other words.

Caesar called Li Ye "Mr.", which means that Li Ye's ability or power is definitely stronger than Caesar's, and he just betrayed Li Ye. If Li Ye is a petty guy, then he will have to bear the consequences.

Lu Mingfei recalled that Li Ye didn't seem to be a petty guy. He just gave him a gun.

"I hope So... "

At this time, Su Xi, the deputy general beside Chu Zihang, said: "Then the problem is solved. It was done by Mr. Li Ye. Then should we continue to fight and complete this unfinished battle, which belongs to the Lionheart Club and the Student Union?"

Su Xi is a member of the Lionheart Club who has always liked Chu Zihang, so she has always been at Chu Zihang's side. Knowing that Chu Zihang is not good at speaking, she took the initiative to communicate with the other side.

After listening to Su Xi's words, Caesar reached out to take the tnt and said: "Of course, we must decide the winner."

But as the voice fell, a bullet passed through the air and hit the forehead of a small leader of the Student Union.

"No martial ethics! ! No martial ethics! ! ! "

In an instant, everyone started a new melee, only Lu Mingfei looked at these people with a sad face.

"No, take my bomb first."

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