Infinite Heavens: Start by getting Steve's panel

Chapter 183 Gods! Please bear witness!!

If Tohsaka Toki is still alive, he will find that Ishtar's face is exactly the same as his daughter Tosaka Rin

At this moment, Ishtar was looking at Gilgamesh with a playful look on his face.

"Of course I have to show up here~ Otherwise, I won't be missing out on a good show."

Gilgamesh's veins popped out, but at this moment, his injuries no longer allowed him to do anything else.

"Answer my question! Ishtar! Why are you here!"

Ishtar smiled: "Of course, it's not just me~"

"What do you mean!"

Suddenly there was a loud noise in the distance. Gilgamesh looked immediately and saw a guy who looked exactly like Ishtar, attacking Tiamat.

"That's my sister~Ereshkigal, the God of the Underworld~"

Gilgamesh looked at her hard: "So what is the purpose of your coming here! Is it because the restraint force finally sensed that something is wrong with the strength of this heroic spirit? Are you here to deal with it specially?"

Ishtar smiled: "Of course it's impossible, because this guy was sent by those two guys~"

Gilgamesh gritted his teeth: "Why! This is not reasonable at all!"

Ishtar laughed so hard: "You just need to know that this guy is going to die soon."

Gilgamesh narrowed his eyes: "Are you so sure you can kill her? Just the two of you?"

Ishtar smiled: "Of course, it's more than that~"

At this moment, in the sky, a huge bolt of lightning struck straight at the burning golden tree, making a huge noise.


And a white-haired old man with eyes filled with white light appeared in the clouds wearing a white skirt.

"The clown who stole faith! Come out!! Pay the price for your actions! I, Zeus, will judge you!!"

At this moment, the earth surged, countless red magma surged out, the aura of the underworld appeared in the city, and a figure wearing red armor immediately appeared.

Red armor, a strange aura all over his body

"Who says otherwise, my dear brother?"

And countless blue tides surged up again, flooding the entire city. A figure in blue armor stood on the wave with a trident in hand.

"You deserve to die! Yueju bastard!!!"

And in the future, countless guys who can’t be named will continue to appear.

In the golden tree at this moment, Li Ye looked at the conquering king Isukandar on the side and smiled. Isukandar also heard the words of the gods, and then he believed Li Ye.

In fact, in fact, it was because Li Ye registered a trademark for the word "神明" that they gathered together.

This is what Li Ye and the two inhibitory forces call "trouble"

They agreed to Li Ye's trademark registration. They also hated those gods deeply. After all, who would want a bunch of guys that they can't control on their territory?

It's like when there was a Desan stationed next to the territory of Poland. Can he not feel uncomfortable? He might give you a knife one day and take away the territory from you, but you couldn't beat him, and he would occasionally come over to use your sword. Land, are you angry about this?

Li Ye's appearance is like the arrival of a furry bear. I don't know whether he can beat him or not, but the two guys seem to be about the same size. Wouldn't it be okay if he gives me some military expenses?

And now, it’s the day when Mao Xiong and De San are fighting.

Li Ye stood up unsteadily and put on the black robe.

But this robe is more exquisite, with gorgeous embroidery, simple and unpretentious, and there is a Prajna mask on the shoulder.

This is Li Ye's Black Shadow Empire mask, and underneath this robe is his armor.

"Then, it's time to start"

Iskandar looked at Li Ye and said, "Can you do it alone?"

Li Ye smiled: "Of course, you are the treasure I use to deal with that guy. You must come later."

While he was talking, he wiped the long knife with his robe. A strange light shone on the long knife, making people feel like their souls were burning when they saw it.


Li Ye's smile did not diminish: "Have you really seen my full strength?" The golden eyes of his eyes lit up, and the huge pressure came down from the overwhelming pressure.

The Iskandar people were dumbfounded. Just coercion made him see death waving at him. Who is this guy?


Li Ye smiled, turned around and gave him a thumbs up, the front teeth reflected a strong light: "I am me, a different kind of fireworks, you can call me a good friend of Inhibition, or you can call me A good partner of the world~”

Iskandar was numb. He said that the idea he had just now that Li Ye was some great god was wrong at all. This guy had some serious illness.

[Ding, Iskandar’s negative emotion value +300]

Hearing this familiar voice, Li Ye nodded with satisfaction.

Then he dressed neatly, wearing the Joy of Fire in his left hand and the real Kungunir in his right hand, and slowly walked out of the Golden Tree

I saw the horizon with dawn, and countless gods standing there, headed by Zeus.

One side of the city in the distance has been flooded, and the other side has turned into a city of magma.

"You really think highly of me. Two of the twelve most powerful gods in Greece are here, and they brought your big brother with them."

He looked into the distance, and many gods and goddesses from Japan and other gods came to join in the fun.

Basically all the pantheons in the world with the name "god" are here. To be honest, if the Cthulhu pantheon didn't call them "gods", Li Ye would have thought there would be an octopus head.

Yes, Fate contains the Cthulhu pantheon. From the Luoyan City teachings of Grand Marshal Gil, it is something in the Cthulhu pantheon. In the Cthulhu mythology, it is parallel to the "Book of Death". , can summon evil gods

Countless gods, burning golden trees, submerged cities and distant magma seas

The days of this world have become a battlefield for gods and no longer a residence for humans.

Everyone was confused. What was going on? The messenger of the gods was alive again? Are you still fighting with the gods? They don’t understand, but they also understand who is helping them and who is harming them.

Countless faiths flocked to Li Ye again

On the battlefield, Zeus laughed loudly in the sky: "Incompetent rat! You finally dare to come out! Your audacity has brought disaster to you! If you can give up this behavior and hand over Na Tiamat! We can still Spare you a way to live"

Li Ye looked at the famous stallion in Greek mythology and smiled.

"The gods are unkind for the sake of harming time, and ignore the sufferings of the world. Today, I will attack on behalf of the gods! Kill you guys!"

Zeus sneered: "That's shameless talk! Then come on!!"

Then he waved his hand: "Go ahead! Crush him!!"

But after a while, no one responded to his actions. He turned around awkwardly: "Hey, can you give me some reaction?"

The girl in palace clothes behind shook her head: "We are not from the same divine system. You are making it difficult for me."

Just like you and I are both the boss, why should I listen to you?

This young woman is none other than the main gods of Japan, Amaterasu and Li Ye.

Li Ye laughed loudly: "It's just a stallion and a girl who loves to watch dancing. It's really the most ridiculous thing in the world."

He slowly stood up and confirmed that there was indeed no one from a powerful eastern divine system on the other side. Come to think of it, the people over there were called gods, and the trademark he registered here was "god".

"Come and fight to your heart's content!!!"

He carried the knife in his left hand and the spear in his right hand and climbed up. As soon as he stepped out of the golden tree, a colorful flying sword appeared under his feet, carrying him towards the place where the god was.

There is a saying that the Greek gods are pretty stupid, especially the three Zeus brothers. They came out and shouted something and then disappeared. I guess as long as Li Ye still has the ability to fight, he doesn't plan to come out.

Just like Zeus did to his father, it was quite outrageous. He fought to the end to reap the consequences, and the result became his own.

But Li Ye is not a fool, he has his own tricks

Seeing Li Ye who was already charging towards him, Jianyu Thundergod rushed forward.

"You're just a rat!! How dare you attack!!"

He carried the thunder and attacked Li Ye, but Li Ye swung his sword directly. Countless flames mixed with intense heat devoured him. Li Ye did not slow down and rushed over.

One sword, one god's head

But Li Ye did not stop as he crossed the sky. He shot back and pierced the air directly. The next second, a pierced figure suddenly appeared in front of the gun. It was the German god of hunting, Uller.

This guy tried to use his power to carry out a sneak attack, but it was obvious that his little trick failed.

"Then it's time to see who is overestimating his own abilities!"

When Li Ye grabbed the long knife with his left hand, he was also holding the head of Jianyu Thunder God, and Uler's body was hanging on the head of the gun.

Li Ye turned around, looked at the gods who had been slightly shocked, and smiled, still with that toothless smile.

"Who's next!"

At this moment, Zeus shouted again: "What are you doing standing still!! Come on together!!!"

The gods finally reacted and rushed forward together to kill

Li Ye, on the other hand, stood there, with flames igniting around him, burning the corpse and head cleanly.

Then he raised his head and looked at the countless figures rushing towards him. He finally bared his teeth and smiled evilly and darkly.

"Gods! Please bear witness!! Let your dusk come!!!!"

Many gods in fate are mechanical life forms, including the twelve main gods. I think it is too restrictive to write it like that. It is better to be more serious gods, so I wrote it like this. If there is an FGO game party, don't do it. Scold me, after all, the combination of fantasy and mecha is a bit strange. The main reason is that this mecha is not a human creation, but a mechanical life form, which is somewhat difficult to deal with.

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