Outside, the Master Group

Wade's pupils suddenly dilated when he felt the connection with the Heroic Spirit was broken. He looked at the back of his hand in disbelief. The three Command Spells had slowly disappeared. He was completely dumbfounded

He did not use the Command Spells to strengthen the King of Conquerors Iskandar, because his teacher Kenneth gave him the idea to save it until the end, and then strengthen it after killing the giant girl to compete for the final Holy Grail

All of them thought about the problem based on "being able to kill this giant girl", and did not expect any accidents

Because they thought that two Heroic Spirits, dealing with a Berserker's magic workshop, would not have any problems without the existence of the Heroic Spirit itself. The most likely possibility was that they could not find Matou Kariya and come back to look for him again

But they didn't know that there was still There is an old shaman waiting for them

Kayneth hurried forward: "Is the King of Conquerors dead?"

Then he immediately looked at Kotomine Kirei, who raised his hand, the Command Seal was still intact,

He looked at the faces of several people, smiled, and used his own Command Seal to summon Assassin, wanting to get some information

"My Servant! I command you! Come back to me! Use your Command Seal!"

A young man appeared in front of him. It was the clone of Hassan the Hundred Faces. After he was summoned, he immediately shouted at everyone

"This is all a conspiracy! The Berserker is a twin hero! He still has half of his body in the golden tree!"

Everyone was stunned: "Did you encounter him?"

The young man seemed not to hear it, and continued to shout Shouted: "It's a conspiracy! It's all a conspiracy!"

Then, a raging fire burst out of his body,

"Ah! Ah!!! It's a conspiracy!!!"

Kotomine Kirei looked at the Command Seals in his hand, which should have disappeared, but had already disappeared. He smiled slightly

"Sorry! All the assassins are dead~"

The Command Seals will only disappear when Hassan the Hundred Faces is completely dead.

The raging fire just now and the disappearance of the Command Seals now undoubtedly brought the current atmosphere to the most bizarre level

Emiya Kiritsugu hurriedly said: "Then those Heroic Spirits in front! Do you want to summon them back directly with the Command Seals!"

When Kotomine Kirei heard this, it was unacceptable. Those two were fine, but Gilgamesh didn't have a Command Seal. If they summoned Gilgamesh back, they would have to leave him there, so he jumped out in a hurry

"I don't think so. If we withdraw now, we will undoubtedly lose this good opportunity! It will take more time to break this domain next time!"

Emiya Kiritsugu gritted his teeth and said, "At least there is still a chance! Shouldn't we plan before we act?"

Kotomine Kirei shook his head, "Hesitation will lead to defeat! What can you do if you let them come back now? Rider is dead now! And the enemy has been alerted! Do you still have time to find transportation to get on the Golden Tree again?"

Emiya Kiritsugu looked at the three small black dots in the distance that were constantly waiting for the signal, and gritted his teeth, "Then how do you know there will be no accidents!"

Kotomine Kirei laughed, "What accident are you waiting for? Waiting for that guy to kill himself? Are you still waiting for her magic power to continue to gather and the scope of the domain to expand further?"

Emiya Kiritsugu was speechless

Kayneth also looked at the magic power that was still gathering in an extremely exaggerated scale in the distance, and sighed, "Now, we can only go all out!"

He raised his hand and released the Command Spell again,

"My Heroic Spirit! Accept my power! Fight for me! !”

He still did not choose to use two command spells together, and still had some ideas about the Holy Grail.

Diarmuid in the distance felt that his strength had increased again. He looked at Gilgamesh and Altria behind him and said, "The time has come!"

This was their agreement at the time, to use the command spell as a signal to attack. Although he did not understand it in his heart, the King of Conquerors should have succeeded when the signal was given.

The giant girl in front should have become weaker, but now she looked extremely manic.

"No matter! Go forward!"

The three of them moved forward like a sharp sword until they reached the bottom of the giant girl.

"This is too exaggerated! !"

The huge pit under the girl has been filled with spiritual fluid formed by magic power, and is transforming to an unknown level. From this angle, the girl's figure is even more exaggerated.

Diarmuid was about to make a battle plan, and Gilgamesh on the side had already started.

"Damn it! ! People of the world, I hope to lock the gods! "

Gilgamesh was in a bad mood, and he clenched his fist with one hand. Countless chains appeared around his body and rushed towards the girl.


Diarmuid had to draw out his spear and followed.


The spear was waving continuously, shattering the surrounding area, and the Heaven's Chain also successfully sealed the giant girl Tiamat.

"For my lord! I have no choice but to ask you! Die here!!"

Diarmuid held two guns in his hands and ran up directly on the chains of the Heaven's Chain. At this time, Tiamat finally found them.

"Why... Why... Why did you leave me!!"

Helpless voices kept coming out of her mouth. This voice was extremely helpless, like a girl who had lost her footing.

Altria was stunned when she heard this voice. She didn't know what this heroic spirit had experienced, but she still took out her sword.

"Sorry! No matter what the reason is! You can't kill wantonly!!"

Gilgamesh laughed loudly: "Miscellaneous cultivator! Miscellaneous cultivator! Your divinity will be the key to killing you! Suffer death!!"

Countless Noble Phantasms emerged from behind him, and he unsealed them one by one and shot at Tiamat, not caring about the consumption issue at all, because at this moment, Kotomine Kirei took out his small dagger again and started hunting.

Seeing him killing those ordinary people, Emiya Kiritsugu kept screaming.

"Kotomine Kirei! What on earth are you doing!"

But Kotomine Kirei just smiled: "I'm saving the world, right? This is your point of view, kill a few people and save more people."

Emiya Kiritsugu gritted his teeth and didn't know what he was thinking. He turned his head and looked around. Weber and Kenneth just looked at them indifferently. His expression of disgust could no longer be suppressed.

It was because of these magicians' hatred of life that he became the "Magician Killer" preached by the outside world, but now, he has no choice but to do so. This is indeed the best way.

On the battlefield at this moment, three people just produced the sound effects of a world war.

"Die! Die to me!!!"

"Boom!! Boom boom!!"

Countless Noble Phantasms hit Tiamat's body, making thunderclaps and bangs. It was a scene of excitement, but Tiamat was sealed by the Lock of Heaven and could not move at all.

At this moment, Diarmuid stepped on the chain and climbed up to the head of the girl Tiamat: "Now!!"

But as if she sensed danger, the girl trembled violently.


The huge chains fell off in large swaths, and Gilgamesh was stunned. In his opinion, the guy in front of him was undoubtedly a god, possessing the highest divinity, but he was actually able to break free of the chains with his body!

You know, the higher the divinity, the stronger the chain. This is what the gods made for him.

What he didn't know was that the guy in front of him was more powerful than the so-called gods!


The huge palm swung across, hitting Diarmuid who was forced to float in the air.

But Diarmuid had an eye, so he immediately moved away and stepped on Tiamat's finger.

At this moment, Artoria also joined the battle. Her intuition allowed her to perfectly avoid those areas that Diarmuid had not cleared.

So she ran straight away

"Look here! You big guy!!!"

She activated the Wind King's barrier with all her strength and hit Tiamat with a hammer. Although the damage was not high, it was extremely insulting.

"A guy like you should be abandoned!!"

Tiamat immediately became angry, and her huge figure immediately turned towards Artoria, with energy continuously gathering in her mouth.

The Tiamat here is not the self-restrained Tiamat in the Seventh Front. The only weakness of this guy now is that he has insufficient energy and does not have the Sea of ​​Life in the Seventh Front.

"not good!!"

Artoria's intuition warned her wildly, and she immediately ran to one side, but no matter how she ran, his warning did not disappear.

A gray light shot directly from Tiamat's mouth and headed straight towards Artoria. This was the condensed body of that realm. Just being released made the air around it tremble.


Artoria, who was ready to die, suddenly heard a loud shout. It was Diarmuid who swung his spear and hit Tiamat directly on the head.


Diarmuid's roar shook the sky, and he had already broken open Tiamat's skin.

"ea!! Guili Sword!!! Look up at this brilliance that makes even the world tremble!!!"

This attack was something he had been saving up for a long time. He even used the treasure phantoms in his treasure house that could enhance damage, just for the ultimate output.

In the distance, Emiya Kiritsugu also saw this through the telescope removed from the sniper rifle, and immediately raised his hand.

"In the name of the Command Spell! I order you! Fight for me!! Follow my orders! My servants! Magic power is strengthened! Damage is strengthened! Magic power is released and strengthened!!" He directly consumed all three command spells. , he is not one of those magicians who can use the human body as a great medicine, he really cares about mankind.

Artoria immediately raised the sword in her hand

"Drink! ex!! calibur"

A huge beam of light rushed straight towards Tiamat, coupled with a fatal blow from the Sword of Disobedience


This blow directly erupted with huge power, knocking the three of them far away. Diarmuid, who was the closest, was directly thrown away, and even outside the field. If it weren't for It was his spear that was inserted into the ground in time. At this moment, he was already hating the northwest.

But even so, his right arm and shoulder turned directly into fly ash

"Uh-huh, it's not over with the arm, right?"

He gritted his teeth and stood up, looking at the strong power of that move

The tearing of space and the explosion of energy are constantly happening on Tiamat's face. Although the formation is not as powerful as Li Ye's body-turned-sword, the power is definitely several times higher, even more than ten times.


That huge mournful cry kept sounding,

Arturia and Gilgamesh looked at the gorgeous fireworks and breathed a sigh of relief. No heroic spirit should be able to catch this intensity.

Light and darkness are constantly intertwined, and even the burning golden tree in the sky cannot compete for its light.

Finally, the wailing stopped, and a few people showed some relief on their faces

But at this moment, the big hand reached out again, pinched Diarmuid, and then


Diarmuid became Diarmuid-chan

Altria looked at the partner who had just fought side by side with her and was now directly crushed into a paste. She was dumbfounded. She immediately looked at Tiamat. The explosion had ended, but there were only a few small scratches on the girl's face

No other injuries

"This is... fake..."

Tiamat also roared: "Why! Why!!!!"

The magic power around was flowing wildly, washing straight into the sky

Gilgamesh looked at this situation and actually laughed

"Why, why did this guy appear in the Holy Grail War!!!"

The energy around was chaotic. The current kept surging, directly swallowing Gilgamesh and Altria.


The powerful force made the bodies of the two people feel like they were in an oven, constantly being eroded and destroyed.

But they couldn't escape, and the death field was all around them.

Until Tiamat's roar ended, the group of guys were thrown out fiercely.


Their figures were like cannonballs, smashing through stones and the earth, and there was no response for a long time.

"Cough... cough cough..."

After a while, Gilgamesh got up in a mess, and then fell down again. He felt the state of his body. Yes, he had no ability to continue fighting. He raised his head and looked at the sky.

"Did I... fail?"

He had forgotten when he failed last time. Was it against the god? Or at some other time, as a creation used by gods to manage the human world, he seemed to have never failed.

This time he lost too thoroughly. He finally used the omniscient and omnipotent star, but lost so thoroughly. This made him, who was arrogant and conceited, a little at a loss. Even when he faced the gods, he had never been like this before.

A full-strength attack only scraped the opponent. This was too outrageous.

And now, he has made Li Ye doubt himself a little. Arrogant guys will fall into self-doubt as long as they fail a few times. Even the most ancient king is no exception. It just takes a little more times. However, the biggest feature of Gilgamesh is that he doubts himself for a short time and will quickly cheer up.

[Ding, Gilgamesh's negative emotion value +2000]

Just like when he was still alive, when Enzi was executed, he also doubted himself, but he still stood up in the end. Became a wise king

"Hahaha! I won't allow... I won't allow myself to fail! How could I fail!"

Gilgamesh still struggled to get up

"Why doesn't Kotomine Kirei send his magic power over? I want to! Kill her again!!"

In this state, he didn't notice that the biological death field that was originally diffused around him had disappeared. He wanted revenge and smashed the huge girl to pieces

Even if he could only make a small wound, he would use 10 million small wounds to erase that guy

"It's really embarrassing~ Gilgamesh"

A crisp voice sounded, Gilgamesh looked in the direction of the sound, and he was stunned

It was a girl floating above him, graceful and elegant, with countless gems floating around her, and her beauty was natural

"Why... You appear here! Ishtar!"

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