Infinite Heavens: Start by getting Steve's panel

Chapter 163 Hand over your most precious thing

Li Ye looked at the changing expression on Alice's face, and the smile on his face became more and more toothless

He narrowed his eyes directly, without showing his teeth. He showed Alice the image just now. Although Altria was not comfortable against Marshal Gil, she would not fall behind

"So, Madam, what is your choice?"

Irisviel gritted her teeth: "What do you want! I can't give it to you now! But after I get out, I can give you a lot of money, and magic books!"

Li Ye still smiled toothlessly: "Don't you think those things are too cheap for a heroic spirit?"

After all, heroic spirits are formed after being sent, so why do they need money after being sent?

Looking at Alice's appearance, Li Ye continued: "And I want something that can be obtained now"

Irisviel pursed her lips: "Then what do you want!"

Li Ye stretched out his palm and stroked Irisviel's neck. The wound there had disappeared, replaced by smooth skin. "Then guess what I want?" Those big hands seemed to have magic, making Irisviel's heart beat wildly. Of course, it was not because of her body's reaction, but because of fear. She was a little afraid and didn't dare to imagine what Li Ye wanted to do. After a while, she kept biting her lips, constantly tangled, as if fighting in her heart. She probably knew what Li Ye wanted, but her love for Kiritsugu Emiya and her own shame kept interweaving in her heart. Until she looked at the mirror image, it was exactly the way Altria was pulled by her hair, and she gritted her teeth: "I agreed! But can I,, go out and do it! I can swear, even the magician contract, I will not regret it, now untie me first! I'm going to save Altria "Ya"

Li Ye smiled: "Of course not, God doesn't like lazy and procrastinating guys, I want it now"

His index finger slowly moved from Alice's neck to her chest,

Irisviel screamed directly: "You bastard! !"

There was even a Yu Sheng Long Zhi around, although this guy couldn't see them, but it also made Alice's shame reach its peak

At this time, the hair of Altria in the scene was sniffed by Jill

Irisviel was anxious and twisted

But the next second, Li Ye closed the book directly and closed the scene. It had to be closed. If the two fought later, it would be bad if the lady saw it


Irisviel couldn't see the scene, and she became more anxious, so she pursed her lips, turned her head to one side, and tears slid down her eyes: "Take it away! Bastard! You bastard! ! ! "

She had always thought that Li Ye's clothes and books showed that he was a generous clergyman, but she didn't expect him to be a beast in human form.

Looking at Alice like this, Li Ye's toothless smile became even more intense.

"Then! I'll accept it with pleasure!"

He raised his hand and untied the rope on Alice's chest. He untied it very slowly. The rustling sound of the rope rubbing against the clothes was so harsh in Alice's ears.

There was also the humming of Ryunosuke Uzumaki not far away, intertwined together.

Her tears could not stop flowing down.

Finally, Li Ye untied the rope: "Then, madam, I'm going to start. I'm going to take away your most precious thing."

Alice closed her eyes.

The next second, Li Ye's palm fell and pierced directly into her chest. Blood spurted out and gushed everywhere.

"What are you thinking about? What do you think your most precious thing is?"

Li Ye's hand slowly pulled out and took out a scabbard from her body.

"Distant utopia! This is the most precious thing, isn't it? "

Irisviel looked at the thing that Li Ye pulled out, and she didn't know what expression to show on her face

Is it the eagerness to save Altria, or the relief of surviving the disaster? But he is dying

Normally, it is not necessary to cut open the body to take this thing out, but Li Ye didn't know how to take it, so he had to make Irisviel happy

Irisviel looked at her heart exposed to the air and coughed twice, but only coughed up blood

Li Ye smiled: "Well, madam, it's a pleasure to cooperate with you, you can go and save your servant "

After saying that, he stretched out his palm and cut the rope on Alice's body.

But Alice was about to die due to excessive blood loss, and now her pupils were dilated.

Li Ye sighed: "She is so fragile."

He just helped her open her arms, and fumbled a few times to find something. She was half dead, which was very difficult to deal with.

Then a bottle of iced black tea was poured down, which woke her up directly.

Iris saw that her body had been repaired and she could use magic again. She was stunned.

"I, I am not dead?"

Li Ye sighed: "God is kind, how could he kill a partner? I used the water of God to wake you up."

Iris looked at the yellow liquid all over her body, and then looked at Li Ye who had stood up and adjusted the hem of his robe, and had some bad guesses.

But now there is no time for so much pretentiousness: "Then I can go! ? "

Li Ye nodded: "Of course, according to our cooperation, I took away your most precious thing, Madam, and replaced it. You can go now."

Aliceviel stood up immediately, but the long-term binding still made her a little weak. She staggered before she could stand firm.


She wanted to say something, but turned around and prepared to leave, rescue

Li Ye smiled: "Madam, I advise you to take this guy with you."

His finger pointed at Ryuunosuke Uyu, and Irisviel immediately understood what he meant.

Killing the master will cause the servants to have no magic power supply, and then slowly die. Although Ryunosuke Uyu does not provide magic power to Gil, he is still that guy's master, and killing him can still bring a lot of benefits to Gil. big trouble

"Okay...thank you"

Li Ye smiled with that toothless expression again. He was indeed a noble guy. He had already treated her like this, and she even said thank you to herself.

At this moment, Ryunosuke Uyu turned around and saw Irisviel: "What! Why did you break free!"

Irisviel glanced in the direction of Li Ye. Li Ye still had a toothless smile, but this time he nodded slightly. Irisviel gritted her teeth, knowing that Li Ye had probably eliminated concealment for herself.

But would she be afraid of an ordinary murderer?

Although there is nothing she can do against a heroic spirit like Li Ye, she is an artificial human being after all, the carrier of the Holy Grail, and she was created to participate in the Holy Grail War.

I saw her pulling out two hairs, opening her mouth slightly, and shouting a few bytes from her mouth

"Wreckage, give you life"

The silver hair stained with blood suddenly became extremely hard

Li Ye smiled, turned and left

Ten minutes later, in the warehouse

Artoria and Gil are still fighting, because this is a magic workshop, and Artoria is even slightly at a disadvantage.

"Ah ha ha ha ha! Fall down quickly! Seeing you using this face, I really can't bear to do it."

Indeed, Gil didn't even use his most powerful Noble Phantasm

But there’s no need for Artoria to show up on the other side.

Both of them have a big move, but except for the big move, the rest of their attributes are not very strong. Although they are not bad compared with ordinary heroic spirits, they are not as good for those wall-hanging heroic spirits. Too far apart

At this moment, the warehouse door was opened again, and Irisviel rushed in dragging Yuyu Ryunosuke in his hand: "Let the girl go! Otherwise I will kill her!"

The two people's eyes were instantly attracted to Irisviel's figure. The next second, a strong wave of air erupted from their feet at the same time, and they sprinted in that direction.

"It's really wonderful."

At this moment, Li Ye is sitting at the top of the warehouse, with a clamp on his nose, eating watermelon, and watching the fight below.

But as he ate, he felt something was wrong with the taste. When he looked up, there was a tentacle on the top of the warehouse dripping water, which was dripping on his watermelon slices.

"Blank it! Don't eat it! It's disgusting."

He took out the scabbard that he had just taken out from Irisviel's belly and smiled: "I really don't want to poke it."

This scabbard belongs to Artoria. It is the scabbard of her sword "ex curry stick". Don't underestimate this thing. This thing is much stronger than her broken sword.

It can be said to be the Noble Phantasm with the strongest defensive ability in all fates. There is no other treasure. Even the six-wheeled chrysanthemum shield is weak. The strength of this thing can be said to be an exaggeration.

"Distant Utopia: The scabbard of the ex curry stick. The ability to simply use the scabbard is immortal. It has the ability to heal the holder's injuries and stop aging. The Liberation by True Name Association will develop a strong stance and free itself from all interference. The guardian holder ignores all magic and physics, and can even deflect other people's attacks. It is truly a must-have defensive weapon at home and when going out."

Even Gilgamesh's ultimate move and the ea deviant sword that can split the world cannot split this thing.

If this thing were entered into a lottery and placed in the prize pool of 100,000 yuan, Li Ye would not feel a loss, but it is obvious that those guys are ignorant and have no idea what this thing is, so they only use it as a prop to summon Saber.

“You’re going to make a lot of money~ You’re going to make a lot of money this time if you have this one thing~”

Li Ye looked at the scabbard as if it were a treasure. During the ten minutes of the battle between Irisviel and Ryunosuke Uyu, he had been cleaning the scabbard, and now it was polished and shiny.

But the next second, a large lump of mucus fell from the ceiling again, this time it was more concentrated, making the entire scabbard fishy and smelly, as if it was taken out of some unknown place.

Li Ye was stunned for two seconds, looked up at the tentacle, and silently took out a long knife from his trouser pocket.

"True Name Liberation!! For Asgard!!!"

The blazing fire flashed from his blade, and a humble little tentacle was about to receive extremely unfair treatment.

But now below, a few people couldn't even notice what was happening above their heads. After all, it was Alaya's blessing of the mirror flowers and water moon, and the effect was so strong that bubbles bubbled up directly.

Arturia was even faster, and Marshal Gil kicked her out of the air: "Don't even think about touching her!"

Jill showed a crazy and cruel smile: "It's true, we are in some trouble."

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