Infinite Heavens: Start by getting Steve's panel

Chapter 162 Madam, do you need my help?

When I opened the door, a rotten smell mixed with a bit of the fishy smell of the sea hit my nostrils.

Artoria frowned and looked at the scene around her, but could not find Irisviel.

I don’t know why, but the ground is full of water

damp, cold

But the next second, countless tentacles burst out from the shallow water

He entangled himself towards Artoria.

How could Artoria be entangled in this? She has an intuition that can be compared to "the domineering power of seeing, hearing, and color", and she can easily dodge all tentacles.

And she kept waving her sword, cutting down those disgusting things, but the tentacles were also constantly increasing, she yelled

"Hand over Irisviel!"

No matter how she swings the sword, the speed at which the tentacles are produced is faster than her slashing speed.

Tentacles appear on walls, in water, and even on ceilings

Eventually she was caught

Hanging in mid-air, but there was no trace of panic in her eyes. It was obvious that she deliberately let the tentacles hang.

Sure enough, there was bubbles under the water, and a guy wearing a strange robe surfaced, exuding a strange aura.

"You have indeed found this place~King Arthur"

This man is Marshal Gil who kidnapped Irisviel.

Artoria looked at him and narrowed her eyes slightly: "Where is Irisviel!"

Jill shook her head: "You will find her, but not now."

As he spoke, he kept getting closer to Artoria. Finally, he came to a place where he could see Artoria's face clearly. He was stunned, and then he seemed to be a different person and became crazy.

"Oh! Such a perfect face! It is as graceful as a creation of the gods! How could a despicable guy like you have it!"

Artoria was stunned. What is the situation with this person? Why is he praising others and scolding them at the same time?

The crazy Gil kept getting closer to Artoria, looking at that face, that face he was once familiar with.

"Really, really high!"

His fingers trembled and he gently stroked the face: "For you! I became like this, my saint!"

He participated in the Holy Grail War to resurrect his beloved Saint. Now, he finally saw this face up close.

She really has the same face, even though she is not her saint,

It is because they are so similar that in the original work, he is unyielding towards Artoria and keeps admitting his mistake, thinking that she is a saint.

But this time, Li Ye directly told the names of all the heroic spirits. In addition, he thought of the fact that there are many similar guys in the spiritual base through Hassan, so he was not as mentally retarded as in the original work.

Despite this, he is still very crazy

He opened his mouth, and a melodious voice came out of his mouth: "Ah~ My saint, can you hear it? This was your favorite music back then. We used to be together."

Everyone in Artoria was confused. What was this guy doing? "I'm not your saint! I'm King Arthur! Artoria! Where is Irisviel!"

Marshal Gill was stunned for a moment, stopped humming, turned to look at her with a serious expression: "Of course I know you are not, you are just a guy with the same face as the saint."

Artoria said hurriedly: "Then what do you want to do!"

Jill smiled again: "Sure enough, I still can't be angry with this face~"

He walked to Artoria's side and said as he walked: "You are just a tool I use to resurrect my great saint. With the same face, you can perfectly resurrect my saint." "

Artoria only felt a chill: "So where is Irisviel?"

Gil didn't speak. He just raised his hand, took a strand of Artoria's hair, and sniffed it.

But the next second, he frowned: "Why does it smell like another man?"

At this moment, Artoria shouted: "Wind King Barrier!"

This is one of her abilities, which means that she can hide her sword from an optical angle, and she can also accumulate the power of the wind to strike. At this moment, she used this method to free herself from the shackles of the tentacles.

Her original intention was to use this method to try to find out Irisviel's location, but it was obvious that the other party would not tell her at all.

So she directly used the Wind King Barrier to come down on her own.

After coming down, Artoria immediately backed away, holding a sword in her hand and looking at Marshal Gil. She didn't even think about a sneak attack or anything.

That's something her male speciality might do, not something she, the heroic King of Knights, should do.

"Tell me the location of Irisviel! Otherwise! Die!"

Marshal Gill smiled: "It's really...naughty."

He clapped his hands on the ground, raised his voice a lot, and shouted, "But this is my territory!"

The magic workshop's bonus to magicians is really great. Even though it only took two days to build a magic workshop, it is not perfect, but it is still powerful.

Countless tentacles came overwhelmingly, Artoria directly unfolded the Wind King's barrier, waved her sword, and started slashing.

The two parties are close in strength. Without unleashing their ultimate capabilities, neither can do anything to the other.

On the other side, in the basement not far from the warehouse

The orange-haired Ryunosuke Uyu is humming a song, holding two daggers in his hands, and handling the "work of art" in front of him.

“It’s really good~”

The "work of art" was seen dead, with blood all over its body.

Behind him, Irisviel was tied up tightly, lying on the ground like a silkworm chrysalis.

Some of the dried blood, a little sticky, stuck to her face, and dried on her face, making Irisviel's face feel tight, just like her heart,

All she could think about was whether she could still see Emiya Kiritsugu, whom she longed for.

Although she only lived for nine years, she fell in love with Emiya Kiritsugu. She loved and absolutely trusted her husband Kiritsugu and could not change.

"Oh~ this beautiful lady, do you need my help?"

Irisviel heard a man's voice coming from behind her and immediately became energetic, but the first thing she looked at was not behind her.

But the person in front of him was Ryunosuke Uyu. He was a crazy perverted murderer. If he was discovered, something would happen, but I don’t know why.

Addicted to the artwork in his hand, he didn't notice anything strange. He even looked back at Irisviel and continued to carve his artwork.

Irisviel then turned her head and saw a shabby black robe with a book in her hand and her hands behind her back, without looking at her.

That's right, after Li Ye handed the note to Artoria, he came to Irisviel again.

Irisviel looked at Li Ye and was so anxious that she was gu yong, like a big silkworm chrysalis

Li Ye smiled: "So, madam, what do you think?"

But after waiting for a while, there was no response to Li Ye's words. It was like a cool breeze was blowing through the small room, which made Li Ye embarrassed and wanted to use his feet to push out the three rooms and one living room.

"Oh~ this beautiful lady, even if you don't need help, you can still reply. Don't worry about the murderer over there. He has been disturbed by the power of the gods and can no longer notice you."

But the cool breeze blew again, and there was still no conversation.

Li Ye looked at Irisviel awkwardly, and then he remembered that she had an opening on her neck and could not speak or use magic power.

He sighed, picked a golden leaf from beside him, lowered his body, and touched Irisviel's white and slender neck.

"The gods are watching you, my wife who is not gorgeous"

The light flashed, and Irisviel's wounds were healed, and the stains on her face were also removed. This shows that Li Ye is also a guy who knows how to respect others.

In fact, he just looked at Irisviel because he was too embarrassed, so why not show his face so that he could see it clearly?

Irisviel found that her magic power still couldn't be used, but her voice had returned and she hurriedly said: "Quickly"

But as soon as the words came out, she seemed to have thought of something, and immediately turned behind her and looked at Ryunosuke Uyu

Seeing that Ryunosuke Yusei was still humming and didn't notice anything going on here, she felt relieved: "Let me out quickly! I need your help."

But Li Ye just smiled: "So, what are you willing to pay for this?"

Irisviel was stunned. Isn't this plot wrong? Shouldn't it be that she is rescued and then the two of them form an alliance and everyone is happy in the end? Why do you still ask for this?

The smile on Li Ye's face did not diminish, he unfolded the book, and a scene was reflected in front of Irisviel's eyes.

It was the scene where Arturia was restrained by the tentacles,

"Madam, I don't have much time left for you."

There will be another chapter of three thousand in a moment

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