Infinite Heavens: Start by getting Steve's panel

Chapter 142 Please me as much as you can

Loki was running, Fenrir was chasing.

But Fenrir will be hindered, so he still can’t catch up.

After running for a long, long, long, long time

Loki looked exhausted. After running a long way, he finally stopped to rest and take care of his injuries. He looked at the sunken wounds on his chest and guessed that several ribs had been broken.

He was actually a little confused. He wanted to take this opportunity to ascend to the throne of Asgard, but his strength really didn't allow it.

"Wait! There is also an ice giant"

"Hey! You remember me, my son"

Loki looked up and saw that the person speaking was none other than Laufei, the king of the ice giant clan.

And it’s not just him, he is also followed by a large group of younger brothers.

"Ah~ my father, how could I forget you?"

Laufei was very happy to see Loki: "Look! My son also brought me our treasure! The Ice Box!"

Loki was stunned, good guy, he had been fighting hard just now, and his body was contaminated with too much scent of the Ice Treasure Box. Who is Laufei? The owner of the treasure box of the previous generation,

Once you smell it, you'll know where the treasure box is.

Loki smiled coquettishly: "Oh, my father, of course I am willing to offer this to you, but the current Asgardian forces are too chaotic! I'm afraid something will happen!"

Laufei smiled: "As long as you have the Ice Treasure Box! Those guys! It's nothing to worry about! They are just clowns."

Loki's eyes shone shrewdly, and he took out the box with both hands.

This Laufei is not a fool, he must know that Loki and he are not of the same mind, but Laufei still decided to give Loki a chance. Since Loki has given him the box, there is no need to pursue anything.

On the other side, Li Ye slowly climbed up to the main hall, and many undead souls came to stop him on the way.

Because these guys really have no sense, but Li Ye only needs to wave a little, and these guys won't even be scum left.

With Mejia's Soul Stealing Scroll, this guy is like a father beating his son against some undead creatures.

"You're back. Where is that old Odin guy now?"

Hela could smell the smell of Odin on Li Ye.

She is now sitting in Odin's seat, stroking her two death swords in her hands. The clothes on her body have been repaired, and now she has restored her full strength.

Li Ye sighed: "He is dead and I got rid of him."

Hela laughed, and then showed a fierce expression: "You should have left him to me!"

Hela's behavior means she definitely wants to take action. She knows that Li Ye is not a good person and he is just using her.

Li Ye waved his hand: "It doesn't matter. Our cooperation is almost done. I don't plan to continue with you because Odin gave me a problem."

Hela narrowed her eyes: "What?"

Li Ye sat back, and the black energy formed a chair under him

"Before he died, he enchanted a spear for me, saying that I could borrow all the power from Asgard."

Hela's eyes narrowed even tighter. Li Ye's words meant that he didn't want to cooperate anymore. Guys who can truly cooperate would not directly tell others about their inner feelings like him, otherwise it would definitely cause trouble. covet

Not to mention that Hela itself has no intention of cooperating with this guy Li Ye.

Li Ye continued: "As strong as Asgard is, this thing will be strong, but I'm not worried about you."

Hela watched him speak while holding the sword in his hand: "What are you worried about?"

Li Ye pulled out Kungunir from the void: "Only the Asgard I command is the most powerful Asgard, but if you are here, it will be difficult for me to gain a foothold."

Li Ye was not a fool. He had known for a long time that this girl had evil intentions towards him, so he just wanted to regain his strength and kill him.

Hela immediately took action after hearing this, and the long sword struck directly.


Although she admitted that Li Ye had strength comparable to Odin, the Odin she spoke of was the previous Odin.

She herself didn't know how strong Odin was now. She had always thought that although Odin's strength had increased, it was just like that.

As long as you set foot in Asgard, she will be no weaker than her.

Coupled with the illusion brought about by her current strength, this girl started to go crazy, thinking that she could beat Li Ye

Li Ye put his hands together, and the cold sword energy scattered around him. This is an advanced use of mirror space, which can control the distance in the space at will.

Of course, it still depends on the strength of the space.

"You are too weak, Hela,"

The surrounding stones directly formed a cage, trapping her tightly inside.

Hela wanted to cut this thing open with a sword, but it was obviously useless.

"You! Take the move!"

Hela continues to absorb the power of Asgard and wants to break through the shackles, but it is obvious that it is simply impossible

This is a new gameplay developed by Li Ye. Use the Tiger Talisman to strengthen one's own abilities in one aspect, at the cost of using other abilities together to reduce some of the intensity.

Now it is strengthening the ability of the earth

Li Ye looked at her with a playful expression: "My senses tell me that something interesting happened in Asgard."

He raised his hand and shattered Hela's cage

"Then! I want to see this matter continue, go ahead! Hela! Use your behavior to please me!"

Li Ye raised his hand, and countless golden rays of light shone down.

"If you win, then I will never interfere with Asgard. If you lose! Then Asgard will come into my hands!"

Hela looked at Li Ye and knew that she was definitely not this guy's opponent in a short time. If she continued to fight, she would only die.


Then she slowly moved outward. Outside the hall, she could see the entire Asgard landscape.

A huge ice giant stood up from the ground and roared: "Asgard! I will destroy you! Revenge for my hometown!"

This was Laufey who had obtained the Ice Box.

Hela turned around and saw that the man was already sitting on the throne with a spear in his hand, looking at her with interest.

Her eyes turned cold.

What she was thinking about was to delay time and use her ability to infinitely improve her strength as long as she stepped on Asgard to improve herself and defeat Li Ye.

Because she hadn't set foot in this place for a long time, Asgard had become much stronger when he sealed it. Now her strength was not slow. According to her calculation, she could break the cage just now in two days.

Anyway, as long as Asgard was not destroyed, she could live forever.

Li Ye looked at her and smiled. Let the tiger go back to the mountain? Just kidding, he never bothered to do it,

He opened and closed his hands, and the dimension of the shadow descended on this land

A huge shadow soldier stood up


Li Ye was speechless: "Forget it, listen to my orders! Kill through this place!"

"Yes! My Lord! I will help you with your glory! Kill through the whole world!"

Li Ye no longer looked at him, but turned around and looked at the smoke outside and laughed,

This wave of points will definitely not be less!

As for Hela's immortality, it was no different from a joke in his eyes. As long as he had the strength to penetrate Asgard, there were many ways to deal with the immortality, not to mention that Li Ye was the master of the dimension

As long as Odin looked carefully, there were many ways. With the two infinite gems, there were many ways

God knows why Odin, that old lamp head, didn't let her kill him

But Li Ye didn't have the good intentions of Odin

"Asgard is destined to fall, Odin, you made a stupid move"

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