Infinite Heavens: Start by getting Steve's panel

Chapter 141 The one wearing the robe is Loki!

Asgard is so lively now

Loki, carrying the Box of Ice, appeared again and led the Asgardians in a strong counterattack.

Because Li Ye absorbed most of the undead, Hela's troops were insufficiently replenished and retreated steadily.

And Laufey, the King of Ice Giants, also found a way to open the secret passage to Jotunheim again.

Countless ice giants also joined the battlefield

And Thor gained the power of his father, calling Heldam's name and came to Asgard again.

"Hey! This is fun"

Li Ye, on the other hand, occupied the commanding heights, eating melon and watching the show at the same time.

On the Rainbow Bridge, Thor, the God of Thunder, walked down from the top with golden eyes.

"Heldam! Tell me! What happened!"

Haildam looked at Thor and sighed

In the original book, Heldam should have been frozen by Loki at this time, but now because of the protagonist's early arrival, this guy is still here fine.

Heimdall's eyes can see everything in the nine realms, which is outrageous. Of course, even if he is allowed to look at some bosses' territories, he would not dare to look at them.

And Heimdall's sword is the key to opening the Rainbow Bridge

This has to mention the setting of the Rainbow Bridge. This thing is not only an interstellar elevator, it can also release huge energy and destroy a planet.

Heimdall sighed: "Prince Thor, your sister, Hela broke through the seal and returned to Asgard"

Heimdall and Odin never mentioned anything about Li Ye. They knew there was no need for a guy who could kill even Odin, let alone the reckless Thor in front of them.

Sol didn't understand: "My sister! What on earth is that!"

Heimdall told him about Hela's setting: "Before you were born..."

On the other side of the Rainbow Bridge, a guy walked out again. It was Captain America with Captain Shadow written on his back.

"Hey! Is this the heaven? I won't go here after I die."

"Probably not. According to mythology, Nordic mythology will go to the dimension of death after death."

Jane Foster's figure also appeared behind,

That's right, when Thor came out this time, he brought his wife and children with him. This move truly reflects his reckless nature.

Why did you bring your wife here when you have nothing to do? This is just adding another burden to yourself.


At this time, three guys wearing armor and covered with scars rushed over from the entrance of the Rainbow Bridge behind them. They were the three members of the Thor team who sneaked in to rescue Thor in the original book.

One woman and two men. The woman stepped forward directly and looked at Thor lovingly with her eyes.

"Thor! You're back"

At this time, Thor also listened to Heimdall's words and immediately stepped forward and stood in front of the woman.

"Sif! I'm back"

Sif also nodded vigorously. They originally went to the Rainbow Bridge to find Thor in the lower world. Unexpectedly, they saw him directly after arriving.

"Thor! Go and have a look! Even Queen Frigga was captured by that vicious woman!"

Thor nodded vigorously and stretched out his right hand: "Mjolnir!"

Mjolnir is the name of Thor's hammer, but after calling for a long time, Mjolnir did not come. He sighed and remembered his father's words.

"No hammer! I am still the God of Thunder! I will lead you to victory!"

He raised his arms and rushed towards the smoke-filled battlefield ahead.

Jane Foster was a little speechless: "He just forgot about us?"

Captain America shook his head: "It's you! Not us"

So Captain America paused and spoke in an old American tone: "Balala energy! Five karaka! The whole body of the Little Demon Fairy changes!"

The black fog rose in front of him. He reached in with both hands and took out a round shield and an energy pistol.

"I have to say, the magician's stuff is really useful."

Then he took these two things and rushed forward.

This trick was taught to him by Li Ye. The theory is to use the shadow energy to mark his body, and then let a shadow ninja look at him, wait for him to tell the correct "password" and then open the door for him.

And the shield was indeed genuine. Li Ye had someone steal it. When he stole it, he didn't forget to make a replica for them.

The gun is something developed by Hoe, a black shadow energy pistol. Li Ye once suggested to arrange a cannon with the highest caliber for him. After all, firepower is the highest standard of war, but he refused because it would affect the action.

I really don’t understand these superheroes. Just guys like the Avengers can wipe out the ground with a set of missiles. How many are left?

Just like Warframe Gundam, if you spend two large-yield nuclear missiles and build them, everything can be solved.

On the battlefield, Loki held up the box of ice in his hand: "Asgard! Eternal life! Warriors of Asgard! Charge! Enter the hall and take the head of Hela!"

"King! King! King!"

At this time, the warriors of Asgard recognized Loki's identity and no longer only liked Thor.

Only the one who leads them in charge is the king

Loki rushed to the forefront with the Ice Treasure Box. The undead soldier ran towards him and would be frozen into an ice lump before he reached him. The ice giant's bloodline allowed him to maximize the ability of this thing.

Hela, who was high up in the temple, looked at Loki's behavior and smiled: "The clown"

The giant wolf Fenrir jumped out from the side: "Ouch!!!!"

Fenrir only took Loki's head from all his troops. It was not afraid of the severe cold.

"Oh! no!"

As the king of Asgard, how could Loki escape like this? Then he was hit by Fenrir and flew away.

Then Loki used illusion and tried to launch a sneak attack.

So he was shot down again. Fenrir saw through the illusion.

Fenrir said he was not afraid at all. This level of illusion could not threaten him at all.

So the following plot is

Fenrir used normal attacks.

Loki did not dodge. Fenrir caused tons of damage. Loki got the effects of "broken ribs" and "severely injured".

The battle was over.

Loki looked at Fenrir who was not afraid of him at all, and ran away without armor.

The battlefield was filled with black smoke and dust, and Li Ye's figure appeared again.

"The one wearing the green robe is Loki!"

Loki threw away his robe directly.

Li Ye spoke again: "The one with long hair is Loki."

Loki quickly used magic to cover his hair.

Li Ye still kept talking, "The one wearing pants is Loki."

But the one wearing the green robe on the scene There were too many pants, who knew which one was which, Fenrir was a bit confused,

Loki looked back, wow, this is the mortal, Loki's eyes turned cold, just when he was about to do something

Li Ye yelled: "Loki, run! I'll help you attract this guy's attention! Why don't you run away quickly"

Loki also had a face full of doubts, isn't this guy the opposite

But he couldn't care so much, escaping now was the most important thing

His little illusion was basically useless for a big shot like Fenrir

Countless Asgard soldiers helped Loki stop Fenrir: "Run! We'll block it for you!!"

At this time, Loki felt the feeling of being truly recognized by the Asgardians

"Okay! I will definitely play my greatest role! Protect Asgard!"

He was determined, and with the Ice Box, he was still very strong in clearing small monsters, but facing something like Fenrir, it was useless,

Then he turned around and ran

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