"Adult Mazu Elephant, Level: 55"

"Combat strength: 367500"

"Young Mazu Elephant, Level: 41"

"Combat strength: 237800"

Four Mazu elephants, nearly 20 meters long, ran wildly on the grassland, roaring in fright and fury from time to time.

The ground shook and weeds flew everywhere. All the disturbed beasts quickly moved away from the Mazu elephant, for fear of being trampled to death by the mad Mazu elephant.

Seen from a distance, the four tall Mazu elephants look like four moving hills.

Just when Chu Yuanwu was wondering why the group of Mazu elephants went crazy at night, a long wolf howl echoed on the grassland, followed by another wolf howl after another, all in one continuous sound.

Kuiyou wolves.

Kuiyou Wolf King rushed to the front, followed by seven or eight smaller Kuiyou wolves, and behind him, there were nearly 60 Kuiyou wolves.

Chu Yuanwu looked at Kuiyou Wolf King who was leading the pack of wolves and chasing Mazu Elephant. This was not the first time they had met.

A few months have passed, and the Kuiyou Wolf King seems to have become stronger again, and its level has also risen from 48 to 50.

Chu Yuanwu couldn't help but sigh, he is indeed the overlord of the grassland.

Kuiyou Wolf King is extremely fast, far exceeding the running speed of Zuma Elephant, and twice as fast as other ordinary Kuiyou wolves.

Just to cooperate with his companions, King Kuiyou Wolf slowed down and led other Kuiyou wolves to chase Zuma Elephant.

While running, Kuiyou Wolf King began to accelerate, and he rushed to the front alone.

Kui Youlang behind him followed behind King Kui You Wolf, lining up in a "human" shape, and the overall speed suddenly accelerated a lot.

Ten minutes later, Kuiyou Wolf King had already reached a place five or six meters behind Mazu Elephant.

Kuiyou Wolf King raised his right paw and swung it towards the Zuma Elephant. Several wind blades that Chu Yuanwu was very familiar with flew out from under the wolf's claws and landed on the Zuma Elephant.

The wind blade cut three large cuts in the Mazu elephant's abdomen, and blood immediately poured out from the wounds. The painful Mazu elephant stretched out its trunk and screamed. Instead of stopping to attack Kuiyou Wolf King, it panicked and squeezed away a Mazu elephant next to it, trying to hide among the elephants.

Kuiyou Wolf King hung about five meters behind the Mazu elephant, and kept swinging the wind blade towards one of the Mazu elephants.

The wind blade was so powerful that it could easily cut through the thick skin of the Mazu elephant. After dozens of wind blades passed by, the two hind legs of the Mazu elephant became dripping with blood. Large chunks of flesh and blood were cut away by the wind blade, revealing dense white bones.

The Mazu elephant let out a scream, and its hind legs, which had exposed bones, could no longer support the Mazu elephant's body, and it fell to its knees heavily.

Kuiyou Wolf King bypassed the kneeling Mazu Elephant and continued to attack the three Mazu Elephants in front of him with his wind blade.

The seven Kuiyou wolves following Kuiyou Wolf King separated four of them and pounced on the Mazu elephant that was kneeling on the ground. The remaining three continued to follow Kuiyou Wolf King in pursuit of the Mazu elephant.

The wolves behind him were like a tide, drowning the Mazu elephant.

The strong male wolf pounced on the Mazu elephant head-on, while the petite female wolf circled around the back of the Mazu elephant and launched an attack.

The kneeling Mazu elephant tried desperately to stand up, and the hind leg bones made a clicking sound. Several female wolves bit the injured hind leg of the Mazu elephant, and their sharp teeth gnawed at the joints of the hind legs.

Matsu elephant struggled several times to no avail and began to go crazy. The elephant's trunk was like an iron whip, swinging wildly and flying away the two male wolves in front of it.

The place where the male wolf was hit by the elephant's trunk made a crisp sound of bones breaking, and flew backwards several meters away.

Immediately, a male wolf filled the vacancy, fearlessly pounced on the Mazu elephant, and bit the Mazu elephant's trunk. No matter how hard the Mazu elephant tried to shake him off, he just couldn't get rid of the male wolf biting his nose.

Matsu roared low, pressed his slightly immature tusks against the male wolf's body, and pressed the male wolf against the grass like crazy.

The other male wolves took the opportunity to jump on the back of the Mazu elephant and bit it firmly.

Until he died, the Mazu elephant still pressed its tusks against the male wolf with no intention of letting go.

The male wolf whose body was pierced by the ivory had already lost his breath, and both died together with the Mazu elephant.

The wolves killed the Mazu elephant at the cost of three male wolves being seriously injured and one male wolf dying.

Not far ahead, two Mazu elephants fell in a pool of blood.

Kuiyou Wolf King used the same method and left two Mazu elephants behind, leaving only the strongest male Mazu elephant to escape.

Among the wolves, four died and seven were seriously injured and on the verge of death.

Kuiyou Wolf King looked up to the sky and let out a wolf howl. The wolves dragged the body of the dead Kuiyou wolf to one place and began to walk in circles around their dead companions.

After five rounds, the wolves returned to the place where they lived, taking the bodies of their dead companions and tonight's trophies.

The seven injured Kuiyou wolves followed the wolves, walking slower and slower, and finally separated themselves from the wolves by a long distance.

Just when Chu Yuanwu thought that the wolves would abandon these seriously injured Kuiyou wolves, several female wolves ran out from the wolf pack, half-biting and half-pushing them with the injured Kuiyou wolves, chasing the wolves.

Chu Yuanwu stared at the wolves for a long time before looking away.

Chu Yuanwu, who returned to his lair, recalled the way Kuiyou Wolf King sent out the wind blade, raised his short claws, and imitated Kuiyou Wolf King's gesture and swung forward.

Of course, Chu Yuanwu is not Kuiyou Wolf King, so he cannot use the wind blade at all.

It seems that other wolves in the wolf pack also don't know how to use wind blades. The only one in the entire wolf pack who can use wind blades is Kuiyou Wolf King.

Chu Yuanwu was lying at the bottom of the nest, somewhat envious.

Early the next morning, Chu Yuanwu emerged from the nest and prepared to continue hunting hyenas.

Three days later, the number of hyenas dropped from 110 to 90.

Seven days later, the number of hyenas dropped by more than half. Some died and some fled. Now there are only about 40 hyenas left.

Chu Yuanwu lowered his head and ate the hyena carcass. Nearly half of the remaining hyenas were young hyenas, with levels ranging from 14 to 16, and basically posed no threat to Chu Yuanwu.

Give Chu Yuanwu three more days to almost completely wipe out the hyena group.

Energy points +6780

Chu Yuanwu swallowed a hyena corpse whole, and the hyena corpse was quickly decomposed into energy points in Chu Yuanwu's stomach.

There are still 10,000 energy points left to upgrade.

Chu Yuanwu looked at the two hyena corpses not far away. After eating these two hyena corpses, he would probably be able to level up.

Energy points +7150

Energy points +5488

After eating two hyena carcasses, the level was successfully upgraded to level 25.


"It is detected that the host level reaches level 25, start the mission system"

"Current main mission: Defeat Kuiyou Wolf King"

"Current optional tasks: 1. Drive away the hyenas and occupy the territory of the hyenas. 2. Kill the crocodiles in the pond (0/10). 3. Challenge the lions and kill five male lions (0/5). 4 , kill 1 adult white-nosed rhinoceros looking for its eggs on the grassland (0/1). 5, look for the Seven Sun Flower."

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