Infinite Evolution of Devouring System

Chapter 7 Eating the white-nosed rhinoceros

After Chu Yuanwu killed two more hyenas, the remaining four hyenas finally became afraid and turned around and ran away.

Chu Yuanwu did not chase the escaped hyenas. Instead, he checked the wounds on his body and began to devour all the hyenas he killed.

"A total of 260,000 energy points were obtained."

After eating the last hyena, the sky began to darken.

Chu Yuanwu walked to the place where the white-nosed rhinoceros was buried and stepped hard on the soil. He didn't know how long it would take for the tenacious beast to die after being buried alive.

After walking a few times around the place where the white-nosed rhino was buried alive, and making sure everything was safe, Chu Yuanwu started hunting before it was completely dark.

Energy points +7800

Energy points +2155

Level increased to level 20

After restoring his level to level 20, Chu Yuanwu returned to his lair to rest.

Let the system repair the body once, and the level will be reduced by one level.

Fortunately, there are only more than 300,000 energy points at one level. If I reach the level of the Iron-spine Thunder Bear, how terrifying will the energy points required to repair my body be? I'm afraid it will cost tens of millions of energy points to repair it once, right?

The current Chu Yuanwu panel.

"Juvenile body, level: 20 (300/305781)"

"Combat strength: 59810"

After dawn, Chu Yuanwu climbed out of his nest and began to patrol his territory.

Yes, Chu Yuanwu’s territory.

In these days, Chu Yuanwu hunted nearly forty hyenas, causing the number of hyenas to drop by one-fifth, and the territory originally occupied by the hyenas also shrank by one-fifth.

Now one-fifth of the territory is occupied by Chu Yuanwu.

The territory occupied by the hyenas is rich in water and grass. Even though the place Chu Yuanwu occupies now is not the best territory, it is still much better than the previous hunting place.

Time flies, and another twenty days have passed.

In the past twenty days, Chu Yuanwu killed more than a dozen hyenas that intruded into his territory, and drove away the carnivorous beasts that strayed into his territory, completely announcing to the surroundings who the owner of this territory was.

During this period of time, Chu Yuanwu captured the strange beasts in his territory by digging traps, sneak attacks, hunting, etc., and reached level 22.

"It's been twenty days, it's impossible to be alive, right?" Chu Yuanwu stood where the white-nosed rhinoceros was buried, muttered, and started digging in the soil.

Twenty days have passed, and this land has been extremely trampled by the strange beasts living on the grassland. Chu Yuanwu didn't believe that the white-nosed rhinoceros could still breathe oxygen under such circumstances, even if Chu Yuanwu was beaten to death.

As the amount of soil decreased, Chu Yuanwu began to become nervous, and the speed of digging began to slow down.

Finally, the last handful of soil covering the white-nosed rhino was dug away.

Looking at the white-nosed rhinoceros buried underground with its eyes closed and motionless, Chu Yuanwu couldn't wait to bite it.

Chu Yuanwu bit the long horn on the nose of the white-nosed rhinoceros. He tried hard several times, but only a thin layer of skin was rubbed off.

Suddenly, Chu Yuanwu saw the white-nosed rhino's eyes move, and then the white-nosed rhino opened its eyes and looked at Chu Yuanwu weakly.

Chu Yuanwu was startled by the white-nosed rhinoceros that suddenly opened its eyes. He immediately stepped back a few meters and stood in the distance watching the white-nosed rhino vigilantly.

After waiting for a long time, I found that there was no other movement from the white-nosed rhinoceros.

Chu Yuanwu was stunned for a moment and cursed secretly, did his brain fail to keep up with the evolution of his body?

Even if the white-nosed rhinoceros survived being buried alive for twenty days, what threat could the white-nosed rhino, which was now extremely weak and unable to move, pose to itself?

Chu Yuanwu cautiously came to the white-nosed rhinoceros. He was about to bite off the horn on the white-nosed rhino's nose first, but he caught a glimpse of the white-nosed rhino's angry eyes.

Chu Yuanwu thought it was scary, so he blinded the white-nosed rhinoceros.

First, he bit off the white-nosed rhino's horn bit by bit, then bit off the white-nose rhinoceros's nose in one bite, mixed it with dirt, and swallowed it together in the abdomen.

Although the skin of the white-nosed rhinoceros is tough, it cannot stop Chu Yuanwu's teeth that can bite through iron blocks.

Even the hardest rhino horn of the white-nosed rhinoceros was bitten off and eaten by Chu Yuanwu. What else could Chu Yuanwu keep biting off?

Chu Yuanwu hugged the white-nosed rhinoceros' head and chewed it for more than half an hour before eating only half of it. It was only then that the white-nosed rhinoceros truly died, which gave Chu Yuanwu a new understanding of the tenacious vitality of the strange beast.

Just to eat this six-meter-long white-nosed rhinoceros, Chu Yuanwu spent a whole day, gnawing from afternoon to dusk, and from dusk to midnight, before eating all the white-nosed rhinoceros.

After eating this white-nosed rhinoceros, the energy points gained allowed Chu Yuanwu to directly upgrade two levels.

Satisfied, Chu Yuanwu returned to his lair and didn't come out until dawn.

After checking the trap as usual, Chu Yuanwu harvested a fawn.

After Chu Yuanwu ate the deer that fell into a trap and broke its leg, he set his sights in the direction of the hyena base camp.

Now it's time to take action against the hyenas.

Chu Yuanwu spent the next few days to find out the activity time, scope, location and general strength of the hyena group.

In the evening one day, Chu Yuanwu stared at a small group of hyenas returning to the base camp.

There are seventeen hyenas in this small group, dragging two wild boar legs and preparing to feed them to the cubs in the group.

Like a bow and arrow, Chu Yuanwu rammed straight into this small group of hyenas, aiming directly at the hyenas dragging two wild boar legs.

The hyenas were frightened by the sudden appearance of Chu Yuanwu and scattered. The hyenas dragging the wild boar legs were not so lucky. One of the hyenas had its sternum smashed directly by Chu Yuanwu and died. The other hyena, which was dragging the boar leg, wanted to drop the boar leg and escape, but it was too late.

Chu Yuanwu pounced forward, bit off the hyena's head in one bite, and swallowed it whole.

The headless hyena carcass fell to the ground. This group of hyenas who had returned from hunting were so frightened that they abandoned their companions and scattered away from Chu Yuanwu.

Chu Yuanwu stepped on the body of the headless hyena, looked coldly at the hyenas fleeing in all directions, and chased the slowest hyenas among them.

After a chase, Chu Yuanwu successfully killed two hyenas.

After eating all four hyenas and two wild boar legs, Chu Yuanwu gained more than 20,000 energy points. If it hadn't been dark, Chu Yuanwu would have left at least two hyenas behind.

Chu Yuanwu glanced at the direction in which the hyena was escaping with some regret, returned to the den, and waited for dawn.

In the middle of the night, a violent vibration came.


Chu Yuanwu subconsciously ran out of the nest. If an earthquake really happened, Chu Yuanwu who was hiding underground might be buried alive like a white-nosed rhinoceros.

The roar of the elephants reached Chu Yuanwu's ears. Chu Yuanwu turned his head and looked around. With the bright moonlight, he could clearly see the herd of elephants running ahead.

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