By the time the strange beast reacted, the distance between Chu Yuanwu and it was already very close. It was almost impossible to avoid Chu Yuanwu's attack at this distance.

After just a few brief exchanges, the strange beast with bone spurs on its back was bitten by Chu Yuanwu's throat.

Chu Yuanwu, who was about to bite him to death, suddenly stopped, squeezed out a voice from deep in his throat, and said, "Submit to me, and I will spare your life."

The alien beast with bone spurs on its back was pinned down by Chu Yuanwu and could not move. But even so, he had no intention of surrendering to Chu Yuanwu.

Chu Yuanwu, who was in an agitated mood, took one bite and completely ended the life of this strange beast.

The weaver bird hovering overhead swooped down, took the grass elixir in its mouth, and flew towards the animal pen.

animal pen.

The weaver bird with purple flowers had flown to the animal pen, stood on top of the little sand fox, threw the purple flowers to the little sand fox, spread its wings, and returned to Chu Yuanwu.

The wise frog rode the neck bone beast and rushed to the animal pen with a batch of immature living grass.

The little sand fox picked up the purple flowers from the ground, put them together with the immature living grass, mashed them with stones, divided them into two parts and fed them to the striped dragon beast and the maned horse leader.

The black black spotted beast roughly opened the mouth of the tattooed dragon beast and stuffed the mashed plant elixir into the tattooed dragon beast's mouth.

The groggy tattooed dragon beast's throat squirmed and he instinctively swallowed the herbal juice.

The little sand fox took another plant elixir and wanted to feed it to the mane horse leader.

But the comatose mane horse leader didn't even have the ability to swallow.

The herbal juice flowed out from the mouth of the mane horse leader. No matter how much the little sand fox was fed, the herbal juice flowed out. Even a little bit of the herbal juice was not swallowed.

The little sand fox looked at the mane horse leader anxiously. It could clearly feel that the mane horse leader's aura was rapidly declining.

Even a beast with tenacious vitality cannot survive injuries such as broken bones and massive internal bleeding.

It's already a miracle that the mane horse leader can survive until now.

The old Shahu chief sighed, stopped the little Shahu who wanted to feed the mane horse leader herbal juice again and again, and said softly: "It is almost impossible to save such a serious injury. It’s better to give up treating the mane horse leader and give all the medicine to the tattooed dragon beast, at least to ensure that one of them can survive.”

It's a simple multiple-choice question, save one, or die all.

The little sand fox hesitated for a moment, then shook its head. It would rather give all the medicine to the mane horse leader than give up the last glimmer of hope.

When the old Shahu clan leader saw the little Shahu being so persistent, he didn't say anything more.

The strong sand fox looked at the little sand fox's frowning eyebrows, and his heart seemed to be clenched together. He said distressedly: "Old patriarch, why don't you take out the sacred stone and try it?"

The sacred stone mentioned by the strong sand fox is a three-color stone the size of a millstone. In the past, a sand fox suffered serious trauma, and most of it could be healed by rubbing it on the three-color stone. If someone suffers serious internal injuries, he will scrape some powder from the tricolor stone and swallow it. The probability of recovery is 50-50.

The old Shahu clan leader glared at Strong Shahu, wishing he could sew Strongy Shahu's mouth shut.

The little Shahu cast a doubtful look, and the old Shahu clan leader knew he couldn't escape, so he had to say truthfully: "There is indeed such a sacred stone. This sacred stone can not only heal most of the injuries of the clan members, but also has a more special meaning. Whenever a sand fox cub is born, it will be put on the sacred stone for screening. Qualified cubs will receive the gift of the sacred stone, and their spiritual intelligence will be greatly improved, which is of great significance. Not to mention that the mane horse leader is so seriously injured. Even if there is a divine stone, it may not be able to save him."

"Bring it here!" Little Shahu sternly interrupted the old Shahu clan leader and ordered the fox group to go to Fox Hill to get the sacred stone.

The strong sand fox immediately led a dozen sand foxes and rushed towards the fox hill.

"Just break off a small piece and bring it back!" Old Shahu Clan Leader shouted from behind.

The little Shahu glared at the old Shahu Clan leader fiercely, and then the old Shahu Clan leader closed his mouth angrily.

There are currently no mature living grasses in Lizard Valley, and all of them are fed by the wise frogs to the Guhowler beasts.

There are more than 20 mature living grass parasites on the two living grass parasites that Chu Yuanwu used as seeds. However, the selfish intelligent frog did not act on the living grass parasites as seeds. In its view, Resources should not be wasted on the seriously injured mane horse leader and tattooed dragon beast.

The wise frog glanced coldly at the two seriously injured beasts, and returned to the Lizard Valley with the Neckbone Beast, preparing to follow Chu Yuanwu's instructions to train the Guhou Beast with all its strength.

The purpose of its birth is to serve Chu Yuanwu. As for all the other beasts under Chu Yuanwu, including itself, it doesn't matter if they are all dead, as long as Chu Yuanwu is still alive.

Chu Yuanwu looked up and saw a huge beehive hanging on a thick tree branch. Countless fist-sized purple bees were entering and exiting the hive.

The alluring fragrance of honey wafts around, and even if you look at it from a distance, you can feel the amazing energy contained in the honey.

Chu Yuanwu hesitated for a moment and did not provoke the beehive. The top priority now was to find the elixir of plants and trees that could save lives.

The weaver bird that had previously brought purple flowers to the animal pen returned to Chu Yuanwu and circled above Chu Yuanwu's head, looking for the elixir of plants and trees.

At a place where neither Chu Yuanwu nor Zhi Niangniao noticed.

A python as thick as a bucket hid in the darkness and swallowed the snake letter, seeming to be catching the lingering breath of Chu Yuanwu in the air.

Chirp! Tweet! !

The Weaver Bird flew to a mound and signaled to Chu Yuanwu that he had found the medicinal herbs.

Chu Yuanwu hurried over and looked at the small raised mound in front of him. He patted it with his paw. The mound cracked and the soil fell down.

The round yellow herbal elixir suddenly appeared in front of Chu Yuanwu's eyes. Chu Yuanwu stretched out his claws and made a cut on the skin of the round herbal elixir.

Suddenly, milky white juice containing the breath of life flowed out, making Chu Yuanwu swallow subconsciously.

This round herbal elixir is one meter long and can give Chu Yuanwu at least millions of energy points.

But Chu Yuanwu didn't hesitate at all. After digging out the round grass elixir, he was ready to return to the animal pen to use it to restore the injuries of the tattooed dragon beast and the maned horse leader.

A fishy wind blew up from behind Chu Yuanwu, who was lowering his head to dig up the herbs. The big python as thick as a bucket opened its bloody mouth and bit at Chu Yuanwu.

Chu Yuanwu's back felt cold, and he gave up on the elixir he was about to dig out, and quickly fled the place.

The python's bite was empty, and the snake's head hit the ground hard with a loud bang, creating a large crater several meters deep.

The round ball-like plant elixir was smashed into thousands of pieces, scattered on the ground, and completely destroyed.

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