The water black bird folded its wings and landed outside the cave.

The water black bird with a wingspan of fifteen meters is more than three meters tall when standing on the ground. A pair of beautiful eyes are looking at the cave.

In the cave, a group of strange beasts, led by the black black spotted beast, hid towards the cave.

There was no light in the depths of the cave. The alien beasts were stumbling along the way. In addition, they were carrying a few wounded people, so their progress was extremely slow. If the Black Black Spotted Beast hadn't led the way with its cry, this group of strange beasts would have been trapped and died in the darkness.

The water blackbird walked into the cave and made a shrill cry.

The cry echoed in the cave and fell on the ears of many strange beasts, as terrifying as a reminder.

The alien beasts were huddled together in a chaotic mess. Most of this group of alien beasts have never experienced hardships from birth to adulthood. Faced with the attack of high-level alien beasts, they were completely in disarray and their morale was low.

The water black bird kept making harsh calls, tilting its head and carefully distinguishing the echoes.

In the dark, the water black bird can't see anything either, so it can only rely on this stupid method to determine what is roughly around it.

The little sand fox hid in the herd and walked to the cave together to report the situation of the territory to Chu Yuanwu.

The anxious Chu Yuanwu wished he could grow four more legs.

It was still half an hour before Chu Yuanwu arrived at the animal pen.

The water black bird moves clumsily, and from time to time it gets caught on stones on the ground and stumbles.

Even so, the water black bird moved much faster than the alien beasts.

Listening to the cry of the water blackbird behind him getting closer and closer, the little water blackbird at the end of the team quickened his pace, but accidentally tripped over a raised stone and fell to the ground.

The frightened little water blackbird involuntarily let out a short cry.

The cry was not loud, but it was soon drowned in the chaotic sounds of the strange beasts. The little water bird that fell on the ground flapped its wings, stood up again, and followed the big team in a hurry.

Perhaps the cry of the little water blackbird is very rare and ordinary to other strange beasts, but to the water blackbird, it is no less than a thunderclap in the ears.

Ga! ! ! !

The water black bird erupted with a huge, piercing cry, and the sound was rolling, shaking the cave, and a lot of gravel fell down.

Many weak strange beasts, such as crows, twin snake cats, and other strange beasts, were so frightened that their bodies became weak and they squatted on the spot shivering.

The sense of oppression brought by the high-level alien beasts made them tremble instinctively.

The water black bird seemed to be going crazy, running wildly towards the depths of the cave. The obstacles encountered along the way were directly smashed by the water black bird and passed through.

Little Shahu quickly reported the situation to Chu Yuanwu. Chu Yuanwu, who was far away in the horizon, felt his heart sink, and his running speed began to slow down a little.

That's too late.

Chu Yuanwu asked the little sand fox to bite off the legs of a small water black bird, and then scratched the wings of the small water black bird with its claws. He left the injured little water black bird where it was and separated it from other strange animals.

The injured little water bird stayed where it was and let out a miserable cry, while the adult water bird that was charging all the way was like an angry lion.

When approaching the position of the young water blackbird, the adult water blackbird slowed down for fear of accidentally trampling the young water blackbird to death in the dark.

The adult water bird carefully approached the little water bird and put its head on the little water bird, and could clearly feel the blood connection between the little water bird and itself.

It's his own child.

The furious water black bird made an astonishing bird call, and wanted to spread it deep into the cave and kill all the strange beasts hiding in the cave, but was stopped by the weak cry of the little water black bird.

Blood drops dripped onto the ground along the feathers of the young water bird, and the smell of blood made the adult water bird feel distressed.

The adult water blackbird gently picked up the young water blackbird, walked out of the cave, and flew back to the forest with fluttering wings.

By the time Chu Yuanwu rushed back to his territory, the water black bird had disappeared.

The little sand fox found herbs and applied them to the wounds of the golden-clawed eagle. The sand fox group was surrounding the striped dragon beast and the leader of the maned horse, helping the two most seriously injured beasts to treat their wounds.

Although Chihuxiao was covered in blood, he could still walk around on his own, lying on the grass and licking the wounds with his tongue to heal himself.

The surviving baby red-toothed crocodile surfaced and swam to the shore, dragging the body of its dead counterpart.

Chu Yuanwu walked to the mane horse leader who had all his bones broken. Until now, the mane horse leader was still unconscious and Chu Yuanwu was helpless.

The tattooed dragon beast's body suffered multiple wounds. Large chunks of flesh and blood were missing from many places, and a big hole was torn open in its belly.

The sand fox pushed the intestines of the dragon beast into the belly of the dragon beast and pushed the wound with its claws to prevent it from opening.

The extremely weak tattooed dragon beast opened its eyes, glanced at Chu Yuanwu, and quickly closed them again. It didn't even have the strength to open its eyes.

Chu Yuanwu was silent. He didn't know why the tattooed dragon beast, which was timid and fearful of death, did not escape this time. Instead, he stayed and persisted until the end.

"Wait for me, I will save you." Chu Yuanwu roared, turned around and ran into the forest. At the same time, an order was issued to let the smart frogs train the Guhou beasts with all their strength and let these Guhou beasts form combat power as soon as possible.

The little water black bird was taken away by the adult water black bird. As long as the little water black bird is not dead, Chu Yuanwu can be provided with the adult water black bird's location at any time.

Chu Yuanwu who rushed into the forest was not looking for trouble with the adult water black bird, but looking for plant elixirs containing abundant energy. He wanted to save the dragon beast and the leader of the maned horse.

In the quiet forest, there are dangers and opportunities.

Chu Yuanwu looked around, and based on years of experience, there would be plants and elixirs growing in places where strange beasts often hang out.

Not long after entering the forest, Chu Yuanwu quickly found his target.

A purple flower with three petals is swaying in the wind, and waves of comfortable fragrance are emitted.

Chu Yuanwu, who was ready to fight, walked over and plucked the purple flowers without encountering any strange beasts.

Two small and exquisite weaver birds were hovering above Chu Yuanwu's head. One of the weaver birds flew down, picked up a purple flower in its mouth, and flew to its territory.

These two weaver birds were the two weaver birds that Chu Yuanwu had left at the Elephant Tomb before. The small and fast weaver birds were the most useful scouts, and now they also acted as temporary transporters.

The Weaver Bird hovering at high altitude has a wider field of vision than Chu Yuanwu. While responsible for early warning, it can also look for traces of vegetation and elixirs.

With the help of the Weaver Bird, Chu Yuanwu soon discovered the second plant elixir.

This herbaceous elixir has seven palm-sized leaves, with a small red fruit like a berry at the top. A strange beast with bone spurs on its back is lying near this herbaceous elixir, guarding it.

Chu Yuanwu roared and rushed towards the strange beast.

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