"Who are you? How did you get in?" the young Shahu asked with a frown.

When the little sand fox was about to answer, the strong sand fox stood in front of the little sand fox and made a good call.

The little sand fox tilted his head and looked at the strong sand fox, unable to understand what the strong sand fox meant.

The old Shahu clan leader pushed aside the strong Shahu and walked out. He carefully observed the little Shahu and asked, "Same clan?"

The body features and body parts of the little sand fox are exactly the same as those of the fox from Fox Hill, except that the body is one head taller than the average sand fox.

The surrounding sand foxes made a noise, and they all looked at the little sand fox that suddenly broke into the fox hill.

How could the little Shahu know this? He said crisply: "I am here to be the leader of the clan."

The old Shahu clan leader frowned. As an outsider, he dared to claim to be the clan leader without knowing the details? The old Shahu clan leader looked at the little Shahu who had a slightly immature teeth and said: "Nonsense! This is a house for children. It is a major event that affects the lives of more than a hundred clan members. You don't know whether you are an enemy or a friend. Shahu, how dare you say such arrogant words? Dare you?"

Before the old Shahu clan leader could finish speaking, he was squeezed away by Strong Shahu, who said with a flattering look on his face: "Dang, Dang! From now on, you are the leader of Shahu."

Discussions among the Shahu who were watching suddenly erupted, and the sound waves spread in waves, creating a commotion.

"Has your brain been eaten? How dare you say such a thing?!" the young Shahu said angrily.

How dare you say such stupid things about a major matter that concerns the survival of the ethnic group?

"You should also know that even if the sand fox in other places can find Fox Hill, it is impossible to find it here. Since it can find it here, it means that it must have lived here. Look, its ears and the plum blossom spots on its waist , are all characteristics unique to the body of our Huqiu lineage." Strong Shahu said to the old Shahu Clan Chief: "Old Clan Chief, you know, I have always respected the strong as the king. This is because in the face of absolute power, Even many tricks won’t work.”

The old Shahu clan leader rudely interrupted the strong Shahu and scolded: "What the hell, let a Shahu who doesn't know the details become the clan leader? Do you think death will be slow?"

"Those who are blinded by beauty, do you know the consequences of saying such words?" The young Shahu also cursed.

Most of the watching Shahus agreed with the old Shahu Clan Chief's views and stood on the Old Shahu Clan Chief's side.

The strong sand fox choked and stopped talking. He lowered his head and walked to the side, secretly looking at the little sand fox with his eyes.

"How did you find this place?" The old Shahu clan leader asked the little Shahu when there was no one in the way.

Just as the little sand fox was about to reply, a series of screams rang out from the entrance to the fox mound, and one big fox after another rolled out of the entrance.

These foxes are different from the sand foxes, which have tawny fur. They have light blue fur and are larger than the sand foxes.

These jujube-patterned foxes appeared in the same way as the little foxes. The foxes were so frightened that the foxes wandered around, and the whole fox hill suddenly became a mess.

"Where did you come from?" The old Shahu tribe had a head as big as a bucket. Looking at the large group of foxes swaying in the middle of the fox hill, he almost thought that some strange beast had been beaten in.

The jujube-striped fox that was the first to lie down glanced around the fox mound, and immediately locked its eyes on the young sand fox. It strode forward and said, "I must help you win the position of clan leader today!"

The strong sand fox's face suddenly turned ugly, and he gritted his teeth and said: "No wonder you dared to provoke me before, but you turned to other foxes to support you? What? Is the sand fox going to change its name today to Zaowen Fox?"

The old Shahu clan leader obviously didn't know about this either. He looked at the young Shahu and then at the Zao Wenhu, and he was so angry that he couldn't speak.

"Is this what you call helping the tribe live a better life?" The strong sand fox asked: "By joining other foxes?"

"That's right." The young sand fox said indifferently: "We are already weak, and our only advantage is that we are a hundred times smarter than those bulky beasts. As long as our strength can make up for it, we can definitely occupy a territory on the prairie!"

"What about you?! Do you think the same as it does?" The strong sand fox was furious and suddenly looked at the surrounding kin.

Many sand foxes began to hesitate. A small group of sand foxes who knew about this in advance silently walked to the young sand foxes and stood together with Zao Wenhu.

Driven by these sand foxes, many sand foxes followed. After a while, most of the sand foxes came to the side of the young sand foxes, and only a small half of the sand foxes remained where they were.

Little Shahu shrank his head and reported everything about Huqiu to Chu Yuanwu through mental contact.

Chu Yuanwu, who was far away in the forest, was hiding under the roots of a big tree, relying on the night to hide his figure.

After receiving Chu Yuanwu's instructions, Xiao Shahu suddenly spoke with shocking words.

"Are these jujube foxes very strong? Is it worth putting down your dignity to join them?" The little sand fox's voice was cold and clear to the ears of every fox. Suddenly, the whole scene fell silent.

"What would happen if we sand foxes and jujube foxes merged into one group? I don't think you don't know, right?" The little sand fox looked directly into the young sand fox's eyes.

The young sand fox took a step forward and said loudly: "What will happen? We sand foxes will get more food, more living space, and we will become stronger! So strong that those strange beasts will not dare to hunt us at will!"

"On the contrary, not only will the sand fox not become stronger, but it will gradually integrate into the group of jujube foxes. The sand fox will eventually disappear completely and become the jujube fox." The little sand fox's voice rose a little and said: "You... Instead of helping the clan, I want to destroy the Sand Fox clan with my own hands!”

"You!" The young sand fox was about to retort, but was stopped by the jujube pattern fox on the side.

The Zao Wenhu looked the little sand fox up and down and asked, "Why do you think the sand fox race will disappear?"

"Strong people have more rights to spouses. Think about it for yourselves. Even if it's one-on-one, can you beat the jujube-striped fox? In a few years, all the children born by the sand fox will be jujube-striped foxes!" Xiao Sha Fox said righteously.

"How is it possible? Zao Wenhu will not compete with Sha Hu for his mate. You can rest assured on this." Zao Wenhu explained.

"What you say has no basis and no guarantee at all, how can it count? When it comes to your territory, you can come wherever you want?" Little Shahu said.

"For example? Forcing you to give birth to a little fox for us? Hahahaha."

The Zao Wenhu's words caused the surrounding Zao Wenhu to burst into laughter and boos.

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