The little sand fox lowered his body and rested his little head on the broad back of the tattooed dragon beast, feeling a little melancholy.

It has long lost its impression of the place where it originally lived, leaving only a vague memory. Little Shahu even doubted whether he was on the right path.

The little sand fox suddenly felt itchy in its throat and scratched it a few times with its paws. Since the level was upgraded to level 30, the little sand fox has been itchy from time to time, but it only heals after a few scratches.

The two strange beasts walked from afternoon to dark. The little sand fox was a little sleepy, so he lay on the back of the dragon beast and slept for a while.

After an unknown amount of time, the tattooed dragon beast stopped. The little sand fox seemed to feel something and opened its eyes. In front of them there was a raised mound with holes everywhere.

Fox Hill is where foxes have lived for generations.

The little sand fox jumped off the back of the tattooed dragon beast and gestured to the tattooed dragon beast for a long time, indicating that the tattooed dragon beast was waiting for him here.

If he let the tattooed dragon beast follow him to Fox Hill, he would probably scare away all the sand foxes.

The tattooed dragon beast watched the little sand fox disappear in the direction of the fox hill, shook his head, and walked towards the rock wood forest.

Fox Hill is located on the edge of the prairie, only a stone forest away from the rock forest, which is very short. It has not been back to Yanmu Forest for a long time, and this time it happened to go to Yanmu Forest for a while.

Not long after the tattooed dragon beast disappeared, dozens of sand foxes were rushing towards Fox Hill.

The little sand fox looked at the familiar and unfamiliar fox hill in front of him, and walked over. When passing by a cave, a sand fox cub poked its head out of the cave curiously. It looked bigger than the largest sand fox here. The little sand foxes in a circle said in a sweet voice: "Big sister!"

The little sand fox gently patted the sand fox cub on the head with its tail. The sand fox cub in front of him was about the same age as when he was first caught.

Fox Hill is full of holes dug by sand foxes. Most of the holes are only a few dozen meters shallow and are fake holes used to hide people's eyes. There are only two or three cave entrances that go deep into the interior of Fox Hill.

Deep in the fox mound, the tunnels dug by the sand foxes are connected to each other. Densely packed, like a spider web.

The foxes dug a kingdom of their own underground.

The little sand fox found a hole that led directly to the ground of the fox hill and got in.

The fox group has a strict hierarchy. The lowest-level sand foxes will be driven to live outside the fox hill. If a strong enemy attacks the fox hill, these sand foxes will be the bait, responsible for attracting the enemy's attention.

Those who can live inside the fox hill are the strongest sand foxes in the fox group.

The sand foxes that usually live outside the fox mound are not allowed to enter the fox mound. Once discovered, they will be bitten by the sand fox guards guarding the interior of the fox mound.

These days are an exception. Almost all the sand foxes living in Fox Hill gathered in the space inside Fox Hill to witness the birth of the new sand fox clan leader.

The little sand fox got into the fox hill and followed the passages extending in all directions to the inside of the fox hill. If the little sand fox could not smell the scent of other sand foxes and find the right direction, it would definitely get lost in the cobweb-like passage.

More than a hundred sand foxes gathered inside the fox hill, forming a circle and the atmosphere was heavy.

The luminous pearls embedded on the wall are emitting soft light, illuminating the space inside Fox Hill.

"I plan to let him be the next clan leader." The old and frail leader of the Sha Hu clan pushed the young Sha Hu next to him, pushed the sand fox into the middle of the circle, and asked, "Do you have any objections? "

The sand foxes were silent, eerily quiet.

"Since there are no objections, then he will be the next clan leader." The old Shahu clan leader asked again.

"I have objections!"

A strong sand fox emerged from the group of sand foxes. This sand fox was much larger than the one pushed out by the old clan leader.

There was a burst of whispering among the sand foxes, but it quickly subsided, and it didn't seem surprising.

"I can lead the fox group to survive better." The young sand fox said calmly.

"You? Why?" The strong sand fox sneered and said, "Because of your fragile body? Or because you can escape faster than anyone else?"

The young sand fox shook his head and said: "Our tribe is naturally weak and relies only on brute force. Sooner or later we will become extinct."

"We have been surviving like this for hundreds of thousands of years, what's wrong?" The strong sand fox sneered: "The position of clan leader will only perish if it is handed over to you!"

"I knew that reasoning with you wouldn't work. Since you advocate force, then use your force to defeat me." The young Shahu looked calm.

The strong sand fox let out a sharp laugh, as if he heard the best joke in the world: "You can't even defeat a newly grown sand fox, how dare you challenge me?"

The young sand fox ignored the strong sand fox, looked in the direction of the entrance, and said softly: "Count the time, it's almost there."

"It's your time to die!" The strong sand fox jumped in front of the young sand fox and knocked the young sand fox to the ground. The ferocious strong sand fox lowered its head and bit the young sand fox's throat, thinking The young sand fox will be bitten to death.


A cry of surprise sounded behind many sand foxes. The strong sand fox that was about to bite the young sand fox to death paused and looked at the place where the sound came from vigilantly.

I saw the little sand fox rolling from the channel into the fox hill like a ball. Seeing this, the sand foxes immediately separated a path, fearing that they would be knocked down by the sudden appearance of the little sand fox.

Just like that, the little fox rolled towards the strong fox and the young fox without any hindrance. With a bang, the strong fox was knocked away.

The strong sand fox let out a scream and flew several meters in mid-air before landing. After crawling over, the strong sand fox looked at the young sand fox with gritted teeth and said, "How dare you contact foreigners!?"

The young Shahu was also startled, he did not expect this to be the case.

The little sand fox stood up from the ground in a daze. Who would have thought that when walking along the passage, it turned into a slope, causing the little sand fox to accidentally step on it and roll down.

"Looking for death!" The strong sand fox's hair exploded, and he shouted, trying to kill the little sand fox.

The little sand fox heard the cry of the strong sand fox and looked over blankly. The dizzy little sand fox has not come back to his senses yet.

The body of the strong sand fox flew forward and became limp in the middle of the flight. It fell down and rolled several times on the ground, stopping just in front of the little sand fox.

"You. You. Me." The strong sand fox stammered and couldn't speak. It never expected that such a beautiful sand fox would sneak up on it.

The little sand fox was even stronger than the strong sand fox. He looked puzzledly at the strong sand fox that fell in front of him, stammering and unable to speak.

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