The level increases rapidly. Each level requires two to three million energy points, which are quickly filled up in just a few minutes.

41, 42, 4347!

After swallowing all the crystal pillars in the cave, the level finally stopped at level 47. The huge span made Chu Yuanwu a little dazed. According to the original plan, it would take Chu Yuanwu two to six years to reach the current level. .

"Current status: Growth stage"

"Level: 47, next level evolution energy points (17650/5150000)"

"Combat strength: 309800"

After devouring the crystal pillars in the cave, Chu Yuanwu dug through the wall and found no new crystal pillars. Instead, he found a cave entrance blocked by huge rocks.

Could it be blocked by the Black Black Spotted Beast?

Chu Yuanwu looked at the boulder in front of him. Even for Chu Yuanwu now, it was not easy to move the boulder.

The task of exploring the cave has not yet been completed, and most of the clues are behind this huge rock.

Chu Yuanwu began to eat the boulders, trying to enter the cave entrance blocked by the boulders.

A huge black eagle was hovering over Chu Yuanwu's territory. Looking from the ground, the black eagle thousands of meters away could only be vaguely seen as a small black dot.

The black black-spotted beast took the female hyena and the little sand fox who stayed in the territory, wandering around like a mountain king patrolling the mountains.

The tadpoles in the pond have given birth to four short legs and a shortened tail.

After eating and drinking, the little snake lay lazily in the animal pen, basking in the sun. Outside the animal pen, there was a little hedgehog drooling at the little snake in the animal pen.

hold head high----

The black hawk burst out with a high-pitched cry, and like a sharp arrow, it swooped down from high altitude, aiming at the little snake in the animal pen.

The wings cut through the airflow, and the black hawk drew a graceful arc in the air and landed in the animal pen.

With sharp claws that were as hard as iron and stone, it cut a dozen small snakes in half effortlessly.

The frightened little snakes around them quickly fled from the black hawk. Facing their natural enemies, these little snakes couldn't even think of resisting.

The black hawk did not chase down the fleeing snakes in a hurry, but swallowed the killed snakes first, one after another.

The system alarm sounded in Chu Yuanwu's mind while he was chewing on the boulder.

"Warning! The animal pen is under attack, the current number of domesticated beasts dead: 13"

Territory under attack?

Chu Yuanwu tensed up and immediately checked the status of the sand fox and hyena. After discovering that the hyena responsible for guarding the animal pen was not injured, he somewhat understood what was going on.

It was probably the black-spotted beast that was playing with the hyena in its territory again.

"The animal pen is under attack! Return to the animal pen!"

A sound like thunder exploded in the heads of the hyena and the little sand fox. The two strange beasts staying in the territory seemed to have been electrocuted, and they did not dare to move.

After a few seconds, the two strange beasts reacted and began to run towards the animal pen.

"What's wrong with you?" The black black spotted beast started running after the little sand fox and asked in confusion.

Black black-spotted beasts that are not tamed by Chu Yuanwu cannot receive orders from Chu Yuanwu.

"The little snakes were attacked by bad beasts. Please take me back to protect the little snakes." Little Shahu said anxiously.

However, the little sand fox had short legs and was quickly thrown away by the hyena.

In desperation, the little sand fox jumped on the back of the Black Black Spotted Beast and let the Black Black Spotted Beast take him back to the animal pen.

The black black-spotted beast thought it was some new game, and happily ran towards the animal pen carrying the little sand fox on its back.

Number of domesticated beast deaths: 21

Chu Yuanwu stopped chewing on the boulder and waited for news about the little Shahu with an ugly expression. Chu Yuanwu was deep in the cave, and it would take at least an hour to rush back to the animal pen, so there was no time at all.

Now we can only place our hopes on the little sand fox and the black black spotted beast.

Finally, the little sand fox sent news to Chu Yuanwu: the one who attacked the animal pen was a black eagle, about level 24.

Chu Yuanwu breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the level was not very high. Even the current level 23 female hyena could drive away this black hawk.

The black hawk's attack continued. The little sand fox saw the black hawk from a distance and hurriedly said: "That's it! Bad beast! Eat it quickly!"

The Black Black Spotted Beast smelled the smell of blood in the air very quickly, and instantly understood what had happened.

"Bad alien beast! Die!" The Black Black Spotted Beast angrily faced the Black Eagle in the distance, grinning and barking, intimidating the Black Eagle.

Black Eagle heard the cry of the Black Black Spotted Beast in his ears, and he turned his head. Black Eagle, with his excellent eyesight, immediately saw the Black Black Spotted Beast running towards him in the distance.

The black eagle flapped its wings and made a flying motion, but not long after, the black eagle stopped, tilted its head, and looked at the black black spotted beast in the distance.

The black black spotted beast is still a long way away from the black eagle. Instead of running away, the black eagle attacks the little snakes wantonly. The corpses of the little snakes killed by the black eagle can be seen everywhere. The black eagle will not eat it. If it kills one, it will go Chase the next one.

Number of domesticated beast deaths: 37

In the blink of an eye, more than half of the little snakes died, and the animal pens were full of broken corpses.

To make matters worse, the system sent another very bad news to Chu Yuanwu.

"Warning! The animal pen has been damaged. The current damaged animal pen is ×1"

Chu Yuanwu asked about the situation of the little sand fox's animal pen.

"When Black Eagle saw the Black Black Spotted Beast, he not only did not run away, but instead attacked the little snake with all his life. During the fight between the Black Black Spotted Beast and the Black Eagle, one of the animal pens was knocked down by the Black Black Spotted Beast."

Although Chu Yuanwu was anxious, he had nothing to do. Fortunately, the Black Black Spotted Beast rushed to the animal pen. There may be further losses, but they won't be that big.

The little snakes have been cultivated for more than ten days. The highest level snake is only level 10. Even if it dies, Chu Yuanwu will feel distressed, but it will not be too uncomfortable.

Chu Yuanwu's current level has reached level 47. There are only a handful of exotic beasts on the entire prairie that are higher than Chu Yuanwu.

After completing the task of exploring the cave, Chu Yuanwu began to expand his territory. Then he would capture a group of exotic beasts and tame them.

The fight between Black Black Spotted Beast and Black Eagle is still going on, but Black Eagle is obviously defeated by Black Black Spotted Beast. The most fatal thing is that one of the wings of Black Eagle was scratched by Black Black Spotted Beast and it can no longer fly. .

Death is a matter of time.

The little sand fox, who was only level 12, was also bluffing on the sidelines, making moves to kill the black hawk from time to time, and cheering the black black spotted beast on the sidelines.

Soon, the black eagle, which was too greedy and injured its wings, died in the mouth of the black black spotted beast. It was only then that the hyena appeared in the distance.

At the end of the war, the black eagle was eaten by three strange beasts, and the little snake was buried by the black black spotted beast.

Number of domesticated beast deaths: 42

Damage to animal pen ×1

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