Infinite Evolution of Devouring System

Chapter 19 Devouring the Crystal Pillar

Chu Yuanwu looked at the Black Black Spotted Beast's eyes, and there were already signs of degradation. If the Black Black Spotted Beast had been living in the cave, its eyes would have completely degraded in ten years at most.

After the Black Black Spotted Beast had completely adapted to the sunlight, Chu Yuanwu took the Black Black Spotted Beast out of the cave.

Colorful fountains, neat animal pens, green grass, snakes intertwined and resting in the animal pens, hyenas and little sand foxes lying in the sun not far away, this is Chu Yuanwu's territory.

The black black spot beast was not as happy as Chu Yuanwu imagined. Instead, it acted very cowardly, huddled at Chu Yuanwu's feet and looked at the world it had never seen before.

Chu Yuanwu let the Black Black Spotted Beast ride on him and led the Black Black Spotted Beast into the sunshine.

"They are all my pets. If you feel bored, you can be friends with them." Chu Yuanwu walked around the animal pen with the Black Black Spotted Beast on his back.

The little sand fox and hyena curiously looked at the black black spot beast on Chu Yuanwu's back, seeming to be very curious about this black guy who just came out of the ground.

The black black-spotted beast lay on Chu Yuanwu's back. All kinds of new things impacted the black black-spotted beast's nerves. Gradually, the black black-spotted beast began to get used to the surrounding environment.

Chu Yuanwu took the Black Black Spotted Beast to an animal pen surrounded by stones. The animals here were all used to raise snake babies.

Three rock frogs and one antelope.

"Try it and see. It should be much more delicious than stones." Chu Yuanwu put the Black Black Spotted Beast down and let the Black Black Spotted Beast eat whatever it liked.

"No, they are friends too." The Black Black Spotted Beast shook its head repeatedly. Maybe in its view, all alien beasts are friends.

Chu Yuanwu spent a long time and patiently taught the black black spotted beast some common sense, such as what kind of strange beasts can be friends with and what kind of strange beasts are used to fill its stomach.

The Black Black Spotted Beast was confused when he heard it. He only felt that Chu Yuanwu was buzzing like a big fly. Chu Yuanwu didn't know how much he heard.

Chu Yuanwu sighed helplessly, and personally demonstrated how to hunt a rock-bone frog. He held the killed rock-bone frog in his mouth and placed it in front of the black black spotted beast, and said, "Eat and see."

The Black Black Spotted Beast screamed in surprise, trying to stop Chu Yuanwu from killing the Rock Bone Frog, but it was too late. He could only watch the Rock Bone Frog die in Chu Yuanwu's mouth.

Chu Yuanwu could clearly feel that the Black Black Spotted Beast suddenly became depressed and seemed unhappy.

Then he dragged the body of the rock-bone frog to a place far away from Chu Yuanwu, dug a hole, and buried the rock-bone frog in it.

The strange beasts that accidentally entered the cave and died were all buried by the Black Black Spotted Beast in this way.

Chu Yuanwu stopped the black-spotted beast from wasting food, bit one of the rock-bone frog's hind legs, and pulled hard. The rock-bone frog's entire body was torn in half, with blood and internal organs scattered all over the floor.

The black black spot beast opened its mouth wide with an incredulous expression on its face. It couldn't figure out why Chu Yuanwu did this.

Chu Yuanwu bit into half of the rock-bone frog in several bites, swallowed it, and then pointed at the remaining half of the rock-bone frog for the black black spotted beast to eat.

"tasty food!"

The Black Black Spotted Beast hesitated for a long time before stepping forward and taking a bite of the Rock Bone Frog.

The tender and smooth frog meat brought strong stimulation to the Black Black Spotted Beast, directly awakening the eating instinct deep in the Black Black Spotted Beast's body. A rock-bone frog that was half the size of the Black Black Spotted Beast was killed by the Black Black Spotted Beast. Eat it all.

The black black-spotted beast's belly was rounded with food, and it lay on the grass contentedly. It stretched out its tongue and licked off the remaining meat foam on its lips, looking like it was still full of content.

"How is it? Is it delicious?" Chu Yuanwu asked tentatively: "If you think it tastes good, I can catch you some more so that you can eat full every day."

The black black spotted beast patted his belly and grinned: "It's delicious! Good friends!"

Chu Yuanwu also laughed. If he could change the black black spotted beast's food from crystal pillars to exotic beasts, then all the crystal pillars in the cave would be his own.

In the next few days, Chu Yuanwu took the black black spotted beast to get familiar with his territory and told it that those are friends and those are food.

Chu Yuanwu's territory was very large, covering three-twentieths of the grassland. Although it sounded small, this grassland was a very vast prairie.

Not much else, there are more than 40,000 strange beasts living in Chu Yuanwu's territory, and each beast can occupy more than 300 meters of land on average.

This place used to be the territory of the hyena family. When the hyena group was still there, no large carnivorous animals dared to hunt on this land. After the hyena group was wiped out by Chu Yuanwu, there began to be more carnivorous animals on this land.

When Chu Yuanwu went out hunting, he would kill any carnivorous beasts he encountered on the road and throw their bodies on the border of his territory as a warning to other carnivorous beasts who wanted to break into Chu Yuanwu's territory.

When the tame snake babies in the animal pen grow up, Chu Yuanwu will conduct a general cleaning of his territory and drive away all carnivorous animals that do not belong to his territory.

In the past few days, the black black spotted beast gradually became accustomed to living in the sun, and its temper began to become lively. It soon became involved with several hyenas in the territory, and its food also changed from crystal pillars to exotic animal meat.

Now it can be said that the happiest thing about Black Black Spotted Beast every day is eating.

During this period, Chu Yuanwu mentioned the cave intentionally or unintentionally, and asked the black black spot beast if he wanted to return to the cave to continue living. The black black spotted beast shook its head like a rattle and refused to return to the cave life no matter what.

Chu Yuanwu asked again, does the black black spot beast still want the crystal pillars in the cave?

The Black Black Spotted Beast hesitated for a long time before saying: "Stones are not delicious, but meat is delicious."

Chu Yuanwu nodded and said, "I understand."

A few days later, Chu Yuanwu told the black black spot beast the general scope of his territory, allowing it to play as long as it stayed within its territory, and then entered the cave alone.

The task of exploring the cave has not yet been completed, and the underground cave is still as bright as day.

Chu Yuanwu found the secret passage, got in, and came to the cave filled with crystal pillars.

Energy points +650000

Energy points +587500

Energy points +518000

Chu Yuanwu's level rose rapidly, 35, 36, 37, .40.

"Ding! The host level reaches level 40, and the animal pen task is activated."

"Beast Stable Mission: Tame 150 exotic beasts. Reward: You can raise the level of any tamed exotic beast to level 30."

"Ding! The animal pen task has been completed. Do you want to submit the task?"

The sound of the system echoed on Chu Yuanwu's alarm clock. Chu Yuanwu paused in swallowing the crystal pillar and refused to submit the task immediately.

Among the 150 exotic beasts currently tamed, none are worthy of Chu Yuanwu's vigorous cultivation.

Continue to devour.

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