Almost a strange beast can provide Chu Yuanwu with six or seven hundred thousand energy points. Now Chu Yuanwu's level has reached level 249, which is still more than 30 million energy points short of level 250.

"It's time to go to the Exchange Square." Chu Yuanwu turned around and walked towards the Exchange Square.

Since the Exchange Square was cleaned up by Chu Yuanwu more than half a month ago, the vacant platform has become a place for Chu Yuanwu to accumulate stolen goods.

A large number of energy stones plucked from the alien beasts' lairs are all piled up here, as are the bodies of alien beasts killed by the Six-Armed Demon Nose and others.

Chu Yuanwu has never been to the Exchange Square these days, and he doesn't know how many things are piled up in the Exchange Square?

More or less, it shouldn't be difficult to add 30 million energy points to Chu Yuanwu.

Thinking of this, Chu Yuanwu had more expectations.

When Chu Yuanwu arrived at the trading square, what caught his eye was the corpses of strange beasts piled up into a hill.

The bottom layer already smells bad.

However, the bodies of alien beasts are tough and take a long time to naturally decay. It is more likely that they were eaten by other alien beasts before their bodies naturally decayed.

The levels of these alien beast corpses were not high during their lifetimes. Most were in their thirties or forties, with a small number of over fifty levels, and even lower than ten levels of alien beasts.

If you look at it too much, the energy points you can provide yourself with are very limited.

Chu Yuanwu shook his head, used his claws to pull off the corpses of several strange beasts, threw them into his bloody mouth, and ate them in one bite.


Walking around the hill of corpses, Chu Yuanwu looked towards the trading square.

On the countertop of the trading square, there are a large number of energy stones and luminous stones piled up in a mess, and there are also ordinary gems that need to be mixed in among them.

The quality is also uneven, with both low-quality energy stones and high-quality energy stones.

Among them, high-quality energy stones account for a very small proportion, and the vast majority are low-quality energy stones.

Chu Yuanwu jumped onto the trading square, picked up a few high-quality energy stones and threw them into his mouth. He looked at the energy stones on the table with some sadness.

I don’t know if the energy stones here are enough for me to reach level 250.

Then Chu Yuanwu began to swallow the energy stones on the table. All high-quality energy stones, as well as medium-quality energy stones and luminous stones, were swallowed by Chu Yuanwu.




In the distance, the buzzing of wings sounded, and a bee cloud composed of thousands of amethyst bees flew over and landed on the Exchange Square.

The Amethyst Bees either picked up an energy stone that they could carry, or several of them picked up a large energy stone together and flew towards the cave.

Low-quality energy stones can no longer provide Chu Yuanwu with many energy points. These energy stones will be transported to the cave for storage, and some of them will be distributed to other beasts every once in a while.

As for the low-quality luminous stones, they were brought to the Lanchar Cave by the Amethyst Bees and thrown to the young Xi Lai Insect Beasts so that they could be transformed into energy stones that could be absorbed by the alien beasts.

After eating all the medium-quality energy stones and high-quality energy stones on the table, Chu Yuanwu ate all the corpses of the alien beasts under the table, and finally obtained more than 30 million energy points that were enough to upgrade.


Level increased to level 250!

"Congratulations on raising the host level to level 250. You will be rewarded with a strengthening opportunity. The currently available strengthening parts are the torso and tail."

"Torso!" Chu Yuanwu said without hesitation.

Immediately, a burst of white light burst out from Chu Yuanwu's back, and it returned to calm after a few seconds.

Chu Yuanwu tried to move his body, and he could clearly feel that his strength had been significantly improved. His strength was at least twice as strong as before!

The trunk is the core of the body, and explosive power relies heavily on the body. Therefore, strengthening the trunk will bring the greatest improvement to Chu Yuanwu!

"Now that I'm running with all my strength, can I keep up with the speed of the Purple Blue Rat who uses magical powers?" Chu Yuanwu confidently asked the system, but was poured cold water on it.


The crisp answer made Chu Yuanwu shut his mouth.

As if not wanting to hit Chu Yuanwu too hard, the system added: "If the Puran Rat doesn't use its magical powers, your speed can beat the Puran Rat's speed. Even if the Puran Rat uses its magical powers, its speed is only faster than yours. Just a little. Not much, just a little."

After hearing these words, Chu Yuanwu felt much better.

Suddenly, a voice sounded in Chu Yuanwu's mind.

"Master, the newly cultivated Amethyst Bee has begun to take shape. Do you want to send it over?"

"How many are there?" Chu Yuanwu asked.

"Three thousand."

"There are still more than 10,000 amethyst bees in the underground world. We don't need so many amethyst bees for the time being. Let's raise them bigger." Chu Yuanwu said: "Bring some honey over, this group of amethyst bees I've been hungry for two or three days, and I won't have the strength to fly unless I bring some honey."

"Okay, Master."

The Amethyst Queen Bee can lay thousands of eggs every day, and will rest for five days every twenty days. During the rest time, she will not lay any eggs at all. On average, the Amethyst Queen Bee can lay six to seven hundred eggs every day.

After all, the resources provided to the Amethyst Queen Bee are sufficient, and there is no threat. She eats, sleeps, and lays eggs every day. She can even lay eggs in her sleep.

Under such high-intensity egg laying, hundreds of thousands of Amethyst Bees are hatched every day. If this rate continues, it will only take a few years for the Amethyst Bee Swarm to return to its original spectacular scene.

In the past half month, the hatched Amethyst Bees have been sent to the underground world, and there are almost 20,000 of them.

The level of each Amethyst Bee is not high, only level 20 or 30. It is still in a semi-grown state. It will take a long time to grow into a mature body.

But for now, these level 20 or 30 Amethyst Bees are enough.


The six-armed Demon Nose walked towards Chu Yuanwu, and beside it stood a level 100 strange beast.

Chu Yuanwu looked at this level 100 beast that was more than three meters tall. It seemed to be one of the seven original races.

"It wants to seek refuge with the king. What does the king mean?" Six-armed Demon Nose explained.


This level 100 beast crawled on the ground, exposing its fragile neck to express its loyalty to Chu Yuanwu.

Chu Yuanwu glanced at him casually, but he really couldn't show any interest, and said: "You can just handle it. It's up to you to decide whether to kill him or not."

During this period of time, there were many strange beasts, as many as thousands, who sought refuge with Chu Yuanwu in order to survive.

These strange beasts have long been accustomed to being ruled. Now they are just changing from one king to another, so there is nothing unacceptable.

If Chu Yuanwu hadn't killed the alien beasts too quickly, the number of alien beasts that took refuge in Chu Yuanwu would have increased several times at least.

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