Infinite Evolution of Devouring System

Chapter 190 Killing the Xi Lai Insect Beast

Ramchar Caves.

The Wuting beast herd stood outside Lanchar Cave early, welcoming the arrival of Chu Yuanwu.

Chu Yuanwu raised his head and glanced at the cave of the Xi Lai Insect Beast, which was still unaware of the imminent disaster, and asked the Wu Cao Beast to get in and drag the adult Xi Lai Insect Beast out.

The young Xi Lai insect beasts here have long been domesticated by Chu Yuanwu, and there is no need for these adult Xi Lai insect beasts to stay.

Soon, a bunch of fat meat worms were dragged out of the cave by the Black Crying Beast and thrown into the open space in front of Lanchar Cave.

"What are you doing? How dare you do this to me!" Youxilai Chongshou yelled at Wushou Beast, completely confused as to why Wushou Beast, which had always listened to him, would suddenly betray him?

"Is it you?" Xi Lai Chong Beast, who had done business with Chu Yuanwu several times, was startled and looked at Chu Yuanwu, who was much larger than before, with a very uncertain look.

Chu Yuanwu ignored these Xi Lai Insect Beasts and said lightly to the Crow Crying Beast: "Do it."

The Wuting Beast pounced on the Xi Lai Insect Beast, and with quick movements, it simply killed its original master.

With Chu Yuanwu's current level, low-quality energy stones can no longer give Chu Yuanwu many energy points, and the same is true for low-quality luminous stones.

So now the low-quality energy stones collected will be piled up in the cave, and then distributed to the beasts under his command to upgrade their levels.

As for the low-quality luminous stones, they will be sent to the young Xi Lai insect beasts, who will convert them into energy stones and then distribute them to other alien beasts.

You must know that the underground world has existed for a long time, and too many energy stones that can be swallowed have been consumed. There are too many luminous stones that cannot be eaten and digested, and the number far exceeds the energy stones.

If there were no Xi Lai Insect Beasts, these luminous stones would be just a pile of stones that could only glow.

A dozen Wuting beasts above level 100 were left to protect the young Xilai insect beasts. The rest of the Wuting beasts were driven to various places in the underground world to collect the bodies of the alien beasts killed by Demon Nose.

If you encounter a strange beast on the road that can be beaten to death, kill it.

After explaining the matter, the Crow Crying Beast dispersed, and Chu Yuanwu turned his attention to the round body of the Xilai Insect Beast.

This group of Xi Lai insect beasts have no level, but they do not have the strength to match the level.

Chu Yuanwu shook his head, stopped thinking, and began to devour the corpse of the Xi Lai Insect Beast.


With just one bite, Chu Yuanwu bit off half of the Xilai Insect Beast's body, adding more than two million energy points to Chu Yuanwu.

After eating a whole Xilai insect beast, Chu Yuanwu gained more than five million energy points.

There are more than 40 adult Xilai insect beast corpses here, and it is estimated that the total energy points added to Chu Yuanwu will exceed 200 million.

Chu Yuanwu was a little surprised. The Xilai Insect Beast, which in his eyes was of no use, had brought him a moderate surprise.

After eating all the corpses of Xi Lai insect beasts here, Chu Yuanwu's level was successfully upgraded to one level. He still has more than 10 million experience points before he can advance to another level. The current level is 245. After leveling up five levels, it will reach level 250.

If nothing else happens, you can choose to strengthen your body once at level 250.

Chu Yuanwu suddenly stood up and looked in the direction of the cave. Hundreds of hyenas entered the underground world.

At first, there were only a few hyenas following Chu Yuanwu. Later, Chu Yuanwu became stronger and stronger, and his territory gradually expanded. The hyena group also absorbed the scattered hyena groups on the savanna. Now, the number of hyena groups has exceeded 2,000.

This group of hyenas that came to the underground world numbered around 500. Once they entered the underground, they were cursed and it would be difficult for them to return to the surface again in this life.

The entire underground world is twice the size of the prairie, and its complexity is a thousand times that of the grassland. It is very time-consuming to drive out all the strange beasts in the underground world.

It is almost impossible to clean up the underground world in a short time.

"If we had more time, when the bee swarm reached a large scale, and hundreds of thousands of amethyst bees came down, the entire underground world would be wiped out in a few days." Chu Yuanwu sighed, and then asked the Crow Crying Beast on the side Leader: "Having lived here for so long, you will know the locations of some strange beasts' lairs, right? Tell me."

The leader of the Wuting Beast thought about it carefully and said: "We Wuting Beast can only be regarded as a vassal population of the Xi Lai Insect Beast. We know some of the territories of the alien beasts, but not many."

"take me."

Chu Yuanwu asked the Wucrying Beast to lead the way, and the remaining Wucrying Beasts above level 100 stayed in Lanchar Cave.

Chu Yuanwu's purpose was very clear. He would personally clean up the alien beasts above level 100 in the entire underground world. Those under level 100 would be cleared by his subordinates.

When the amethyst swarm invaded the underground world, the Purple Blue Rat brought together all the monsters above level 100 in the underground world, which also saved Chu Yuanwu a lot of time. It is expected that in ten days and a half, all the alien beasts above level 100 will be cleared.

Chu Yuanwu came to a quiet cave entrance. A few minutes later, a scream came from the cave, and then Chu Yuanwu walked out with some blood on his body.

Then the next place, and the next place.

I went to more than 20 places in a row. Except for more than half of the alien beasts that were not in their lair, the rest of the alien beasts that were left in their lair were all eaten by Chu Yuanwu.

Next up, the Market Place.

Twenty-four days later.

Chu Yuanwu shook off the remaining blood beads on his claws. In front of him was the corpse of the alien beast that was broken into several pieces of flesh.

"That's almost it. Except for some deep-hiding level 100 alien beasts, all the level 100 alien beasts on the surface are dead." Chu Yuanwu suddenly asked: "System, from the time I started to clear out the level 100 alien beasts to now How many days have passed?”

"24 days." The system replied.

Chu Yuanwu nodded, and beside him stood several adult shadow rats. After the death of this hundred-level alien beast, they immediately began to take action to find the lair of this hundred-level alien beast.

It took a lot more time to clear out the level 100 alien beasts than Chu Yuanwu imagined, but now that the clearing is complete, there is no need to rush around in such a hurry.

The scattered alien beasts at level 100 and those below level 100 were all left to the Six-Armed Demon Nose to deal with. After the Hemo Beast Group had finished dealing with the matters outside the forest, they rushed back to the underground world to help the Six-Armed Demon Nose. Let’s eliminate the strange beasts together.

They were just shadow rats following Chu Yuanwu. Now the entire group of shadow rats has surrendered to Chu Yuanwu. There are quite a few of them, more than 700 of them.

The shadow rats cooperated with the hyena group, the weaver bird, not to mention the nests where the alien beasts lived were dug out, even the old abandoned nests of the alien beasts were found.

In the past few days, the number of level 100 beasts killed by Chu Yuanwu has reached more than 600. The final fate of each level 100 beast was no surprise, as they all ended up in Chu Yuanwu's belly.

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