But, no matter what, modern nuclear power plants will not explode. Google search reading

Note that it is a nuclear explosion, not that nuclear power plants will never explode.

Taking a bomb and putting it in a power plant to detonate it will not be subject to any causal constraints, there is no rewriting of the basic rules of physics, and the explosives will not become unable to explode.

It will explode.

So the former Soviet power plant that used graphite as a neutron moderator and was a bit stupid and did not build a containment for the reactor exploded.

It was the graphite and other combustibles that exploded.

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Not a nuclear explosion.

In fact, the conditions for making nuclear fission materials explode are very harsh.

Critical mass has been taught in middle school. It is defined as the mass of nuclear material that can undergo a self-sustaining chain fission reaction.

The nuclear material used for nuclear fission reaction will fission and release neutrons by itself.

Once neutrons are added, the nuclear material will be more likely to fission.

Fission will produce new neutrons to continue to supply the next fission.

The higher the quality of the material, the more neutrons are spontaneously formed.

When the quality reaches a certain level, the first nuclear fission caused by the spontaneously formed neutrons releases neutrons equal to the number of neutrons that triggered this fission.

At this time, the neutrons participating in the reaction are equal to the neutrons released at the end of the reaction, and the fission reaction can continue forever until all the raw materials are consumed.

This mass is called the critical mass.

However, as mentioned above, the critical mass is only the criticality and limit of the self-sustaining chain fission reaction, not the nuclear explosion.

For a nuclear explosion to occur, the prerequisite is instantaneous supercriticality.

That is, the mass of the nuclear material in an extreme time must be much higher than its critical mass.

At this time, if the neutrons produced by the decay of the raw material are defined as one part, then the neutrons released after the first batch of fissions must be five, ten or even more.

So the second batch of fissions will be five, ten or even more than the first batch of fissions.

The rapid expansion of the reaction number in a short period of time and the rapid release of energy will form an explosion.

This is a nuclear explosion.

As we all know, there are two configurations of early atomic bombs, gun type and implosion type.

The principle of gun type is relatively simple.

It is to divide the nuclear fissionable material that can reach supercritical mass into two parts.

One of the pieces is fired in a similar way to firing a bullet, so that it can instantly contact another piece or several pieces at the same time.

In this way, supercriticality is achieved in a short time, and this premise is met, so the nuclear material explodes.

Uranium bombs made of uranium 235 can use this configuration.

The basic principle of implosion type is the same, which meets instant supercriticality.

But the implementation method is implosion.

The so-called implosion is to arrange the raw materials into a structure like an ellipsoidal shell.

Then, ordinary explosives are detonated outside the shell, so that the various parts of the shell are instantly squeezed inward, so that they quickly gather together.

Instant supercriticality.

Does it sound like a shaped charge warhead?

This is easy to say, but it is difficult to implement in engineering.

It is far more complicated than the gun type.

So, since the gun type can be used, why was the implosion type invented?

Because, first, the gun-type structure is easy to waste raw materials.

It is said that the only two Little Boys used in actual combat had a mass of 60 kilograms of enriched uranium, but only 1 kilogram of it exploded.

This one uses a gun-type.

It can be seen how serious the waste of raw materials is.

Second, although the technical threshold for uranium enrichment is not high, the industrial threshold is very high.

To reach the critical mass of uranium 235, the concentration requirement is too high.

But plutonium 239 is different.

Plutonium 239 can also undergo a chain fission reaction, but its critical mass is much smaller.

The raw materials are easy to obtain and it is not difficult to extract.

But it also has a fatal problem, that is, its radioactive isotope plutonium

This nuclide has a high probability of spontaneous fission, but it is difficult to separate it from plutonium 239.

So there is a problem. Although plutonium 239 can reach the critical mass with only a few kilograms, as long as it accumulates to a certain extent, far below the critical mass, because there are enough neutrons produced by spontaneous fission, it will ignite and consume the plutonium 239 in advance.

I just mentioned the difference between combustion and explosion.

The plutonium 239 here is actually ignited in advance by the spontaneous fission of plutonium 240.

After ignition and consumption, the mass of the plutonium 239 raw materials that were originally gathered together to reach instant supercriticality is actually lower than the critical value, so naturally it cannot explode.

In order to solve this problem, the mass of each small piece of plutonium 239 cannot be too high.

However, if the mass of a single piece is not high, it means that the number of pieces required to reach the critical mass will increase sharply.

The premise of a nuclear explosion is instant supercriticality.

It takes too long to continuously shoot small pieces of plutonium 239 with a machine gun or something.

The time it takes for fission to occur is calculated in microseconds, or even far less than microseconds.

What if several machine guns are used to shoot at the same time?

Well, the principle of implosion is very similar to this.

Using explosives to blow up many pieces of raw materials at the same time is actually the same as using several guns to shoot at the same time.

The former is easier to achieve.

Because of the speed at which the explosives are detonated, the time required is also very short.

But if you control the guns and fire at the same time, the probability of coordination misalignment will be much greater.

Therefore, plutonium bombs, fission bombs using plutonium 239 as nuclear explosive materials, can only use the implosion configuration.

Of course, after a period of development, the atomic bombs formed by nuclear powers actually use a configuration that combines the advantages of both.

As for how to combine.

It is very similar to what Ruger just did, using some means to make dozens of nuclear materials far below the critical mass gather together in an instant and reach instant supercriticality.

However, Ruger did not use explosives or any other methods, but directly used the most cheating magic, or telekinesis.


After talking about a lot of nuclear bomb principles, why does it feel like he should have used the classic nuclear bomb configuration at the beginning? Why use magic?

Isn't this taking off your pants to fart?

Well, judging from the results, it seems to be true.

But when he made these things, he didn't expect enemies like Noah to watch them.

In his rehearsal, he used aerial bombs to deliver nuclear bombs, which would be easily intercepted by local artillery fire.

If it was an ordinary gun-type implosion-type nuclear bomb, it would be destroyed by Noah's laser cannons.

The conditions for a nuclear explosion are very harsh.

But with magic, there is no problem of being intercepted.

Even if the opponent intercepted, it would just make the uranium balls disperse earlier.

At most, it would detonate his magic bomb in advance.

At that time, he only needed to control the giant Andariel to replenish magic remotely.

Although that would require a higher mental attribute for him, he would be under greater pressure, and Andariel could not fly too fast.

However, there was no problem in using magic.


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