Infinite Doomsday Start Draws Luodu Mechanic

Chapter 503 [Continue with the old story

Yes, the spacecraft in geosynchronous orbit is also another trump card of Noah.

However, now that its ability to hide in the shadow of the moon has been exposed, it is not so useful when facing the Angel Legion that can also fly in outer space.

After all, this place, this base, cannot be lost casually.

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He really couldn't bear it.

"Really, you don't want to die together?" Ruger's annoying voice sounded again, and the more Noah listened, the more he felt his brain roaring.

"Don't say I didn't give you a chance. If I gave you a chance, you'd be useless!"

While speaking, Luger once again threw several super-heavy aerial bombs behind him, that is, below.

However, this time, they did not explode after falling to the ground. Instead, they exploded directly dozens of meters above Ainoa's ground command center area.

However, the vast majority of them seemed to be dumb bombs, just one black metal ball after another.

They were thrown out of the shells like shrapnel shells and fell densely towards the electronic equipment area of ​​the Mechanical City Command Center where the Noah AI body was installed.

If this was the case, they wouldn't even be able to pass through the steel plates on the surface that were loosened by previous bombs.

However, the last super-heavy aircraft bomb exploded.

It exploded into a ball of translucent magic light.

This is actually a magic bomb.

The magic contained in it is actually a large-scale composite magic based on telekinesis-long-range object-moving magic.

As soon as these translucent magic lights were released, they stuck to those black balls like transparent spider threads.

Soon, it was woven into a translucent spider web. At the end of the web and at each node, there was a small black metal ball.

And above the explosion center of the last aerial bomb, there was a faint magical light of transparent color, distantly connected to the giant Andariel who was about to fly into the clouds.

Just listen to Luger in the giant Andariel shout: "Gather!"

Those small black balls immediately gathered towards the center under the pull of the spider web.

Moreover, their speeds are also different. The closer they are to the center, the slower they are, and the farther away they are, the faster they are.

But no matter how slow it is, it is actually extremely fast.

After less than 1 millisecond, the balls came together almost simultaneously.



A blast of energy far exceeding the sum of all previous explosive explosions was violently released in a short period of time.

The energy of the detonation wave is so strong and the coverage area is so large that it can even blow up the entire mechanical city into the sky.

Well, no, it should be said that it evaporates instantly.

This is a typical nuclear explosion.

Moreover, the equivalent equivalent of TNT is at least one hundred thousand tons, and probably has reached one million tons.

Megaton level, early hydrogen bombs were only of this level.

But Luger only used a large-scale compound magic to move objects remotely, coupled with the fine control of his telekinesis ability, and those black balls, he did it.


Because those little balls are uranium.

To be precise, highly concentrated uranium-235.

Uranium is a silver-white dense metal at room temperature, but it will gradually form a black oxide film in room temperature air.

Luger once obtained the nuclear fuel when killing the cyber dragon in the enchanted dungeon.

This means that he has unlocked the right to purchase related items in the logistics space store.

However, the fuel rods of nuclear reactors use uranium dioxide, and the enrichment of uranium 235, an isotope that can undergo chain fission reactions, is not high.

On the other hand, everyone in the world knows that the first huge obstacle to developing nuclear weapons is uranium enrichment, or the enrichment of nuclear fission raw materials.

To directly purchase enriched uranium and enriched uranium, the points required are astronomical.

But, but, after leaving Luoge City, Luge confiscated countless mechanical behemoth manufacturing factories along the way.

Those large-scale automated industrial equipment have all become the raw materials for Luge to industrialize Luoge City.

They eventually became tank production lines, self-propelled artillery production lines, ammunition production lines, etc.

A considerable number of them were turned into large centrifuges by Ruger.

The uranium enrichment centrifuge is a piece of equipment that is very basic to the industrial level, but technically does not rely on high-precision technology.

This means that any country or force with a complete range of industrial categories can do it as long as they have enough time.

However, such equipment can enrich and refine natural uranium at a rate of several years.

So Ruger cheated again.

His cheating device is called magic.

To be precise, it is a telekinetic superpower.

He had already seen the way he remotely controlled those uranium-235 metal balls with black outer oxide films just now.

Telekinetic teleportation, under his precise control, can bring thousands of discrete balls together almost instantly.

This ability was developed when he used the same method to help the centrifuge enrich uranium.

This shows the wide range of uses of the superpower of telekinesis.

Although he cheated, he still produced nearly 100 kilograms of enriched uranium for himself.

The enrichment degree is above 95%.

In other words, as long as they come together and reach instantaneous supercriticality, a self-sustaining violent chain fission reaction can occur.

That is, a nuclear explosion.

About nuclear explosions, many people have a misunderstanding, that is, they think that nuclear explosions are also happening in the core of commercial nuclear reactors.

Because the introduction to nuclear physics in high school physics textbooks is that when nuclear fission materials reach critical mass, chain fission reactions can occur.

So everyone equates chain fission reactions with nuclear explosions.

In fact, it is not.

The materials involved in nuclear reactions in nuclear reactors are called nuclear fuels.

Let's take a look at the word nuclear fuel.

In fact, the self-sustaining chain fission reaction in commercial nuclear reactors is equivalent to combustion, not explosion.

There is a new concept in astronomy called nuclear combustion, which is used to describe the nuclear reactions of stars such as the sun.

This word describes the real appearance of the reactor very well.

In fact, most of the energy released by the chain fission reaction in the reactor core is converted into heat energy.

Then, this heat energy will be taken away from the core by cooling water, turning the water into steam, which in turn drives the impeller to rotate and convert heat energy into mechanical energy.

This part is the principle of the traditional steam engine.

Nuclear energy-heat energy-mechanical energy, then mechanical energy drives the generator to rotate and converts into electrical energy.

This reaction process will never explode from beginning to end.

The most serious consequence is that once the heat energy of the core is not discharged in time, the high heat will melt the core fuel and its structure.

This is the biggest danger of modern commercial nuclear reactors.

Well, if there are no special disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, and meteorites hitting power stations.

Otherwise, if there is an earthquake and a hole is made in the containment shell that seals the reactor, the high-energy radiation in the molten core will escape from the containment shell.

Not to mention the pollution of the surrounding environment by the melted high-radioactive nuclear waste.


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