The power-to-weight ratio is only a pitiful 6 horsepower per ton, so you can imagine how much Ruger dislikes it.

As for the chassis, in Ruger's new design, these SdKfz half-track series will definitely not be used.

However, the significance of the chassis is to be used in conjunction with rockets, so before determining the chassis, Ruger needs to make rockets first.

The chassis of the Type 42 rocket launcher cannot be used, but the set of ten-barrel rocket launchers can be used.

At most, the sighting and remote control can be improved.

But compared with the chassis, the launcher is basically unchanged.

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Then there is the missile body itself.

The work of Walter Domberg, the "Alchemist Master", the 150mm caliber Do38 rocket, has no tail fins to save costs. It relies on the inclined nozzle to make the shell spin, thereby obtaining sufficient stability in flight and maintaining sufficient accuracy.

This thing was originally installed in a frame-shaped cage launch tube.

It is similar to the rectangular frame cage on both sides of the vehicle body used by the SdKfz251 half-track rocket launcher, that is, the Type 40 launcher.

The accuracy is not extremely poor, but it is quite poor.

When it reaches the maximum range of about five or six kilometers, the error can be more than two hundred meters.

Even if it is converted proportionally, it can be off by twenty meters even if it is shot at five hundred meters.

Andariel is only five meters high, not fifty meters high. With such a large error, it is really unusable.

So let alone Ruger, it seems that the Zoo didn't use it much either. They put 280mm and 320mm rockets with larger diameters, more explosives, and wider effective range in the same cage on the SdKfz251.

How does that saying go? Even if the target is off by one kilometer, as long as the explosion can cover a radius of two kilometers, there is no problem.

After that, the 150mm rocket was changed to the barrel launch tube, which is the 41-type "Nbow Spiegel".

This is to allow the projectile to obtain a relatively high spin speed in the closed launch tube first, thereby improving accuracy.

By the way, the 41-type Nebelwerfer also has versions that can launch the 280 or even 320mm rockets mentioned earlier, but they still use an open frame cage launcher, which does not require this spin.

It can be seen that a large effective killing range means that you can be willful.

After the 150mm was changed to the barrel, the accuracy was greatly improved, at least it is relatively easy to use in large-scale coverage shooting.

So later, they just designed a ten-link frame and put it on the tank as a self-propelled rocket launcher.

That is the Type 42.

However, that thing was enough for the zoo family in World War II, but it was still not enough for Ruger.

Fortunately, he has accumulated enough now, and he has a large family and a lot of options.

The rocket is not accurate enough, right? It doesn’t matter. You can refer to the design of the large-caliber anti-tank missiles next door.

For combat vehicles, armed helicopters, etc., the anti-tank missiles launched by tubes are also used. Although the guidance system cannot be moved to rockets, there is one thing that can definitely be used.

That is the folding wings of those tube-launched missiles.

If the rocket is not accurate enough, it is equivalent to an arrow without feathers, flying unsteadily and shooting inaccurately.

Then, just add feathers to them.

Whether it is the HOT anti-tank missile developed by the Zoo family and the neighboring company, or the AT-6 "Spiral" anti-tank missile on the Big Dog helicopter (Jaguar attack helicopter), they all have "feathers".

And the structures of these two missiles are similar.

Both have a diameter of about 130mm, a length of about 3 meters, and a total weight of between 2 and 30 kilograms.

It is quite comparable to the rocket with a length of about 1 meter, a diameter of 150mm, and a total weight of more than 30 but less than 40 kilograms.

With this similarity, as long as the aerodynamic shape is slightly changed in the direction of the anti-tank missile, the folding wings can be ejected or even copied.

With the direction of the flight power part, the missile body can be trial-produced, and Ruger is busy with the warhead.

The original high-explosive TNT charge of the 150mm rocket is only about two or three kilograms, which seems to be less than the nearly three kilograms of Tia's 105mm tank gun armor-piercing shell.

However, that is because the two types of bullets are different, and the killing mechanism is also different.

High-explosive bombs rely on explosives to blast out a large number of fragments, making high-speed fragments kill the enemy like dense bullets.

Armor-fragmenting shells rely solely on the explosion shock wave of explosives. Hitting armor will collapse the inner armor, hitting bunkers will collapse building materials, and shock waves will vibrate.

Therefore, the amount of explosives in armor-fragmenting shells of the same caliber and launcher is naturally higher than that of high-explosive shells, and the former is about three times that of the latter.

This means that if the original 150mm rocket is used as a benchmark for calculation, its warhead is changed to an armor-fragmenting shell, and its TNT equivalent can be increased to about 9 kilograms.

At this level, it is always much stronger than Tia's armor-fragmenting shells, right?

It hurts to think about Andariel when it hits her.

But will Ruger stop here?

Obviously not.

His rockets are not really meant to be fired five or six kilometers away.

On the contrary, as long as this kind of shell can fly five hundred meters, it is enough for him.

However, in order to avoid being intercepted by Andariel, this thing must have good acceleration performance.

It is best to accelerate to subsonic speed soon after leaving the launch tube, and maintain this speed to fly directly to 500 meters away.

After that, even if it runs out of fuel and loses power immediately and can only glide, it is not a problem at all.

Is this difficult?

Not difficult, not difficult at all.

The speed of sound is 340 meters per second. If it flies at subsonic speed, even if it is 300 meters per second, the rocket engine only needs to work for less than two seconds to fly 500 meters at this speed.

Whether it is the rocket mentioned above or the anti-tank missile, the working time of the rocket engine cannot reach more than 10 seconds, but at least it is much better than two seconds.

In short, after adding, subtracting and redesigning according to the needs, the rocket that Ruger finally finalized was made into a shape close to the HOT-3 anti-tank missile.

That is, 150mm diameter, 1300mm (one meter three) length, fat warhead, four pop-up folding wings are arranged from the middle to the rear third of the body, and the diameter becomes 310mm after the wings are unfolded.

The TNT equivalent of its armor-piercing warhead has been increased to a terrifying 16 kilograms, while the weight of the warhead itself is just less than 40 kilograms...

This is a special weapon that is definitely not cheap to manufacture, and is extremely biased. It can only be used as a firework or a performance art prop on the modern battlefield.

However, after Ruger tested it in the logistics space, he was very satisfied with its combat performance.

Today, after several expansions, the logistics space is more than ten times larger than it was at the beginning.

In addition to being able to accommodate more tanks, what Ruger is most satisfied with is the shooting range that has reached a length of nearly a kilometer.

Although that place is a dedicated space for the shooting range, it can only be used for shooting tests and cannot accommodate other items.

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