Don't look at Sarah, Tiya and Andariel dealing with each other vigorously. Google search reading

And before, he could keep up with the pace there while driving a modified Little Leopard.

But that’s because the modified Xiaohuabao has a modern engine with 1080+ horsepower.


In addition, he has modernized the tank from its transmission system to its action system, such as gearbox, suspension and other components.

Therefore, the maneuverability of that little Leopard is even stronger than that of the Leopard 2A4.

But the poor No. 2 tank chassis only has a 130-horsepower Maybach HL57TR gasoline engine.

In addition, the total weight of the gun, vehicle, automatic device and ammunition is at least six to seven tons...

Just calculate the power-to-weight ratio, 130 horsepower ratios 7 tons, which is about 6.

When counting the Leopard 2A4 before, it also had 1,500 horsepower compared to 55 tons, so it was 27.

The difference between 1080 and 30 is even greater.

Therefore, for Ruger, even if he continues to use the Pak40, he has to replace the chassis.

What's more, he didn't want to use that anti-tank gun.

After this short but complicated battle, Luger was reminded of another thing by the endless fighting methods on Shaladiya's side.

Rocket launcher.

Although he has basically never used the rocket launcher, he and his two ladies have used the power device of the rocket launcher a lot.

The rocket engine booster was originally made by him based on the structural modification of rockets.

Compared with rockets, the warhead is completely eliminated and replaced with more fuel.

So the engine operating time of these boosters is longer than the few seconds that rockets generally have.

Although it hasn't grown much yet.

The reason why I would rather change the rocket into a booster than use it on the battlefield is mainly because it consumes too much ammunition, and in comparison, its power against high-level monsters is not particularly obvious.

Fully loaded with dozens or even dozens of rockets, it can be fired in a salvo of a few seconds or even tens of seconds.

If you want to reload, the cost of ammunition is extremely high, and the process is quite laborious.

However, due to the low speed of these gadgets, the warheads can only choose from limited types such as high-explosive bombs and armor-piercing bombs, but cannot use various armor-piercing bombs, so their damage effect on high-level monsters is limited.

Therefore, for Rogge's troops, this thing is a typical weapon with extremely low cost performance.

In the words of Sarah when she rejected Ruger, "You just give me this for free and I don't want it. Even if you don't charge me for the ammunition, I still think it's a waste of my manpower!"

But, but!

Just now, Tia showed Luger a way to effectively injure Andariel even with the "Big Explosive" ammunition.

Armor-breaking bullets!

This kind of warhead, which was naturally eliminated when tanks and armored vehicles from various countries entered the era of composite armor, hit the poisonous demon king Andariel. Although it is not as effective as the tail-stabilized discarding sabot armor-piercing projectiles, the effect is still still high.

Just now, Tiya used an armor-breaking bullet to smear Du An's face, and she beat the guy until he was disgraced and furious.

The big guy was almost unable to control himself, endured the excessive poison cloud/mana consumption, and forced his attack on Tiya.

Even if the armor-breaking bullet cannot directly kill Andariel, as long as it can cause such a big reaction from her, it will be considered effective, right?

Moreover, the armor-breaking bullets used by Tia were just fired from a 105mm rifled cannon. The total weight of the warhead was less than 12 kilograms. It used less than two kilograms of military explosive RDX, converted into equivalent TNT equivalent. It's about three kilograms.

Based on the above information, Ruger began to formulate "what if" hypotheses.

What if he uses a rocket launcher and replaces the warheads of the rockets with armor-breaking bombs?

Then hitting Andariel would be enough to give her a drink, right?

What? Rockets not accurate enough? Precision-guided rockets and magical radiation will damage electronic components?

Well, this is indeed a problem.

However, this problem is that when calculating based on the rocket's original range of several kilometers, ten kilometers or even tens of kilometers, the accuracy is not enough.

If this is a face-to-face output, such as firing a gun from three to five hundred meters away, there won't be a landing error of one or two meters, right?

Even if there is one or two meters, with Andariel's height of five meters, it seems that he is not afraid of missing.

That's great. Wouldn't it be nice to reload more ammunition and blast her a few more times?

As long as Ruger is guarding the rocket launcher, is he still worried about running out of ammunition?

I'm afraid that before the ammunition is finished, the launcher itself is almost overheated by the engine exhaust flame and cannot work.

But that doesn’t matter, Ruger will directly replace the launcher with a new one.

Gee, think about it this way, weapons like rockets are obviously more suitable for him who has logistics space and a system store.

I didn't use it before. It was really because I had no money (no points) and no suitable warheads, so the price/performance ratio was not high.

The most important thing is that Luger actually seized the zoo's World War II rocket launcher from the arsenal in the Charming Dungeon.

It is the famous Panzerwerfer42 150mm self-propelled rocket launcher.

However, Ruger will not use it directly.

Its chassis is an armored SdKfz3 "Maultier" half-track vehicle.

This armored half-track vehicle was given a new number SdKfz4/1.

SdKfz is also a German abbreviation. Its original name is Sonder-Fraftfahrzeug, which is translated as special motor vehicle. Because it is translated as special-purpose vehicle in a certain language, it is also translated as special-purpose vehicle.

However, there are many vehicles in this number sequence of the zoo family, not just those eye-catching half-tracks.

It was the official number given to military equipment vehicles by the military supply unit (Army Weapons Office) at that time.

Even the tanks from No. 1 to No. 6 have their own SdKfz numbers.

For example, the No. 4 tank has the corresponding number 161.

And the No. 4 tank destroyer has the number 162.

There is also the No. 5 Leopard tank, which corresponds to 171.

The Cheetah tank destroyer with the same chassis as the Leopard is 173.

What? There is a missing 172 in the middle? Well, it is said that they want to make an assault gun with the Leopard chassis.

But, there are not enough resources to share, and the anti-tank pressure is high.


Let's talk about those half-tracks.

These half-track vehicles actually look quite strange.

Mainly because they no longer appear in daily life during the era when Ruger lived.

But he would not dislike their appearance.

What he disliked was still their poor mobility.

The chassis horsepower of this 42-type rocket launcher is only 68 horsepower, and with its total weight of 1 ton, the power-to-weight ratio is only a pitiful 6 horsepower per ton.

It is even far worse than the simple Weasel (that is, Sable) tank destroyer with a power-to-weight ratio of 6 that Ruger made for Rogge.

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