Infinite Doomsday Start Draws Luodu Mechanic

Chapter 103 Prophet, Savior, Son of God

Noah, the savior.

A messy biochemical mechanical beast.

Claiming that humans are sinners and should be eliminated for the sake of the earth.

These elements together are basically the settings of the old game "Metal Gundam".

Although Ruger only had a brief contact with the later generations, he had more or less heard of the original plot.

It's just that because his memory was not deep, he never thought about it.

Now think about it, isn't it this.

In his computer that was inexplicably occupied by the system, there are actually emulators of various old consoles, including this game.

"So that's it!" He couldn't help laughing after realizing it.

"Your prophet Messiah is called Noah, right?"

"Where is it? Has it been launched into space?"

Noah is also a famous name in that monotheistic religion, and is considered the first generation of savior.

Legend has it that one day God was dissatisfied with the people on earth and wanted to destroy the world, but he thought Noah was a good person and could get along with him, so he secretly told him.

God also told Noah that he would use a flood to wipe out those humans he disliked.

Noah was worthy of being favored by God. He immediately built a boat and took his family, chickens, ducks, cattle, sheep, and so on.

When others asked, he didn't say anything.

He lived not far from the two rivers in the Mesopotamian River Basin in later generations before they entered the Persian Gulf.

Looking at the satellite map today, you can see that there is a desert there, with only a little green near the two rivers.

However, a few thousand years is a drop in the ocean for the earth, and the climate change is not big, so it was also a dry and rainy place at that time.

He built a boat in a dry and rainy place and didn't explain it to others, so of course others mocked him as a madman.

Even so, people still refused to explain.

In the end, there was a flood, and his family survived, but everyone else died.

It's hard to say whether others really deserved to die, but Noah's family really deserved to live.

Later, some people always used the Old Testament to say that Adam and Eve were the ancestors of mankind, right? The monotheism itself is actually based on Noah as its ancestor.

Because the real founder of monotheism is the tenth or eleventh generation descendant of Noah, at least they claim to be so.

In short, from then on, there was a special term in the world - Noah's Ark.

Later, people often said that the difference between the Chinese and them was that when they encountered a flood, they loved to build ships and escape without caring about the lives of others, while the Chinese people controlled the floods in various ways, and man conquered nature.

This is what Ruger meant by "was he launched into space?"

It was a joke about whether Noah was also a spaceship or something like that.

According to the setting of the original game, Noah, who led those strange things to slaughter humans, was a supercomputer dedicated to restoring the earth's ecology.

But Ruger always felt that this setting was a bit unreasonable.

A supercomputer that does this kind of thing should be named after the goddess of the earth, such as Gaia.

Noah is more suitable for the main control AI of a spaceship escaping into space.

So he said that.

But he regretted it after saying it. It took him a long time to explain all these twists and turns. Who could understand what he said to a metal Tyrannosaurus?

Unexpectedly, the Tyrannosaurus on the other side snorted and shouted, "The prophet Noah went to heaven to see more clearly and guide us to purify the earth."

"With his guidance, you will have nowhere to hide!"

Yeah, I guessed it right? It's really in the sky?

Ruger muttered to himself, but retorted casually, "Haha, his guidance doesn't look good, am I still here?"

"You keep saying he is a prophet, but he doesn't even know this. If you don't ask him, is he presbyopic?"

"Shut up! Despicable sinner!" The Tyrannosaurus shouted.

"What do you know? This is God's test for me!"

"Fifty years ago, a meteorite fell from the sky, cutting off my connection with the prophet. I was once slack."

"But I never dared to forget my mission and kept accumulating strength."

"Sure enough, God and the prophet saw my efforts and sent angels to give me an oracle."

"Since then, I have never been lost again!"

"I, E52695V418, swear to purify all the sinners I see!"

Well, this name doesn't sound like a biological name, but more like an electronic biological name like AI.

Or, is it simply the serial number of some device?

"Hey, E or something, you keep saying sinners, what on earth did humans do to make you so angry?" Ruger continued to talk nonsense to delay time.

"Haven't you done enough? This planet has been polluted by you. The environment has been destroyed, and countless species have disappeared because of you."

"Your sins are simply innumerable!"

"Tsk tsk, I can't understand what you said." Ruger said sarcastically:

"You said countless species disappeared because of humans, right? But if there were no humans, would there be no species disappeared on this planet?"

"What's more, many species have thrived because of humans!"

"If you really want to calculate it carefully, maybe the number of species on the earth is decreasing, but if you say the number of species, maybe it's not decreasing but increasing!"

"Nonsense!" Tyrannosaurus said angrily, "No matter how you talk nonsense, you can't change the facts."

"And those species that help the evil and act as accomplices to the tiger, we will definitely clean them up."

"Wow, so which species should live and which species should die, it turns out that it is according to your will!" Ruger sneered.

"As for destroying the environment, I want to ask you, for the prototype species of the body you are using now, do they live in the same environment as now?"

"If all the species of their era were moved here, no, here 50 years ago, or if the species here 50 years ago were moved to that era, I am afraid that 80% of the species would not survive?"

"Is the change of human beings to the environment as big as the difference between the environments of these two eras?"

"You said that human beings destroyed the environment? Are they destroying the environment where dinosaurs lived, or the environment where humans live?"

"Think about it carefully, you are exterminating humans in the name of the change of the environment that humans adapt to!"

"In order to protect the environment that humans like most, they became extinct. Humans?"

"What are you doing here?"

"Shut up!" The metal Tyrannosaurus over there obviously didn't think about what Ruger said, and roared angrily:

"You sinners are the best at talking nonsense!"

"You are really sinful, and you deserve God's punishment!"

"And we are the species chosen by God, the true sons of God, and the unique and worthy masters of this planet!"

Ruger couldn't help clapping his hands and laughing when he heard it, "It's rare that you tell the truth!"

"After all, aren't you still doing this for profit?"

"You just want to grab the benefits from humans and use them for yourself, so you find a reason to exterminate humans!"

"Look through your own database, humans should not be too familiar with this method."

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