Puff, puff, puff, four smoke bombs exploded in the air like they were launched by a grenade launcher, pouring down billowing smoke, instantly dyeing the place black.

Seeing that the place was completely blocked by smoke, Ruger hurriedly called Minerva back and took the opportunity to teach her how to use single-shot ammunition without a launcher.

However, when he saw Minerva's miserable appearance at close range, he realized how badly the female warrior had been beaten before.

The steel external armor that was at least 12mm thick had been beaten to pieces.

The big pit in the chest armor seemed to be able to be used as a frying pan after being removed.

The intersection of her armor hit by bullets was even worse, with pieces of blood stains that had already dyed the backing dark red.

Ruger took a quick look and found that there were still many bullets in the flesh, clamped by her strong muscles, and did not hit the internal organs.

And because of the powerful effect of the life potion, the scars on that part were solid, and Ruger could not easily remove them.

"Don't worry about it." Seeing that Ruger seemed to want to dig out the warhead for her immediately, Minerva waved her hand.

"There's plenty of time to do this kind of thing after we win."

"But what's the point if we lose now?"

"You'd better hurry up and think about how to deal with that big guy. I really can't do anything with it."

Ruger not only has a way, but also more than one.

It's just that the one that doesn't take time is too expensive, and the one that doesn't take money is too time-consuming.

Ruger is still struggling about which way to go.

But just as he was about to force a choice here, the Tyrannosaurus in the smoke over there actually spoke again.

"You, are indeed the remnant of a sinner!"

"You are still using this evil weapon, you really deserve to die!"

Hearing it roaring there, the female warrior couldn't help but frown and asked, "What is it saying?"

The guy still used the local language of the Lost World, one of the most troublesome representatives of the Germanic language family.

Fortunately, Ruger has long passed the stage of feeling sorry for 5 language pack points and has mastered this language.

But he could understand what the other party was saying, but Minerva couldn't.

"It said that all Lost Ones were sinners, and that I was a remnant of the Lost Ones, and that I deserved to die for still using Lost One weapons."

"What?" The female warrior was very surprised to hear that, "Isn't it also using Lost One weapons? Why doesn't it just die?"

"Hey, did you find out?"

Ruger casually fired a bunch of smoke bombs again to prevent the other party from suddenly attacking, but threw out a portable loudspeaker and shouted at the guy.

"Hey, big guy, aren't you also using sinner weapons? Why are you saying that about me?"

Bang bang bang~

A string of ammunition flew out of the smoke and directly blew the loudspeaker to pieces.

"In order to eliminate you sinner remnants, I had no choice, and God will forgive me."

Seeing that it spoke so high-soundingly, but the gun was fired so impolitely, the female warrior was also stunned.

On the other hand, Luger casually threw out another loud speaker, this time even further, as if he had known it would happen, and pulled the female warrior to hide further away.

After that, he shouted through the loud speaker, "I see you are still having fun playing with these weapons."

"How is it, did you think you killed me just now and felt very comfortable?"

Bang bang bang, another series of cannon shots answered him.

However, he soon took out a new loud speaker and shouted.

"Damn, a sinner is a sinner, still as despicable, shameless, cunning and insidious as before!"

Luger rolled his eyes and thought to himself, are all villains in the world so hypocritical?

Wow, it sneak attacks just to fulfill God's will and will be forgiven by God.

Others predicted its sneak attack, which is despicable and shameless, and is evidence of their crimes as sinners.

This is...

too familiar.

"What is it saying?" The female warrior asked curiously again.

But this time, Ruger didn't answer her, but asked her to take a bunch of smoke bombs and loudspeakers and run in another direction.

He scattered the loudspeakers on the ground while running.

He really didn't want to translate those nonsense, fearing that the female warrior would speak her mind, no, she would be quick to speak, and would immediately raise her knife to kill her as soon as she heard it.

Ruger continued to release smoke bombs, and soon covered the entire space.

He didn't drive the small tank, but directly recovered it into the space, while using the loudspeaker with wireless receiving function to talk back to the guy, while making an upgraded version of protective clothing for himself.

There are also various equipment for counterattack.

"Hey, everyone, you are so hypocritical, does your god know?"

"You are allowed to sneak attack, but I am not allowed to guard against your sneak attack? Is your god mentally ill?"

"Shut up, damn sinner, don't be disrespectful to God!"

"Then, let your god come out to fight me?" Ruger hid in the logistics space, leaving only a signal transmitter outside to send signals to the loudspeaker, naturally fearless.

"You can ask him to send down divine thunder to strike me."

"Oh, your god, can't be the atomic god? Then you can ask him to nuclear me, come on."

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!" The metal Tyrannosaurus over there was rampaging in the cave, shooting at the loudspeakers.

However, the entire space was filled with smoke, and no matter where it went, it could not see the surroundings clearly.

Three cannons, one large and two small, kept firing, and although they also knocked down many loudspeakers, Ruger kept sending new ones to Minerva with the terminal block.

Minerva hid from the Tyrannosaurus by the wall of the space, throwing out the trumpet and a few smoke bombs from time to time.

The Tyrannosaurus vented his anger and found that it had little effect, so he was furious.

"Assholes, you sinners are the greatest evil in this world!"

"God, may the prophet, son of God, savior, Noah, Messiah, give me strength to eradicate the remnants of sinners and purify our planet!"

What the hell?

Son of God? Savior? Messiah?

These guys actually borrowed from the monotheism of the Middle East?

Sure enough, that thing is too easy to use.

No wonder the double standards were so familiar before.

Messiah, this word is similar to the name Joshua mentioned before, both of which were transliterated in translation, and the latter became more popular.

Joshua was translated into the sound at the beginning of coconut, and Messiah corresponds to the word Christ, or x Christ.

I often hear people shouting "Coconut Kix" from there, which should be translated as Joshua Messiah.

Well, not really. Joshua is a transliteration of ancient Greek, while Messiah is Hebrew.

The reason why Messiah was changed to Kidu is mainly because it was changed to a sound close to "Christo" by ancient Greek.

As for why the Chinese translation does not sound like this, it is because it was originally pronounced as "Kilisidu" in Cantonese, and then simplified.

This word, literally translated as the anointed, really means the savior.

Anointing can be simply understood as a ritual of recognition of the head of the country or even the nation.

Later, because the country was destroyed, people who wanted to restore the country gradually turned this noun, which should have been the head of the country, into the savior.

It is the Lord who saved them from the sea of ​​suffering.

Then because of the sect of the prophet Joshua, this religion was extended and extended, claiming to be the savior who saved everyone.

Now, hearing these words from the mouth, or perhaps the chest, of this metal Tyrannosaurus, Ruger was filled with emotion.

However, he soon noticed the most important and core one in this string of entries.

The name that replaced Joshua:

Noah! ?

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