Su Chen looked at the two people in front of him with a headache, Asuna and Elesis.

""Su Chen, that's it, don't be late." Asuna smiled and turned around, leaving Su Chen's office.

Elesis stood aside, hugging her chest, and sneered at Asuna as she left.

"Ellie, can you stop laughing? You won’t be afraid of cramps anymore."Looking at the sneering Elesis, Su Chen complained feebly.

"Su Chen, tell me, what's going on with her? Just send an email for such a trivial matter. Do you need to come here in person?"Seeing that Asuna had indeed left, Elesis began to complain.

"Hey, I don’t know either, don’t ask me!"Su Chen laughed dryly.

It's really just a small matter. It's just the time and place for the next strategy meeting of the strategy team. In the past, it was usually enough to send an email to notify the members of the strategy team, and there was no need to come in person to notify them. , but today Asuna went to Su Chen's guild in person

"You two aren't hiding anything from me, are you?"Elesis stared at Su Chen again and again suspiciously.

"You are thinking too much!"Su Chen obviously felt guilty. Is this a woman's intuition?

"Haven't I been leveling up in the maze these past two days? You know that." Su Chen laughed twice, but he was a little lacking in confidence.

"Well! That's right! Elesis retracted her scrutinizing gaze and smiled.

Su Chen breathed a sigh of relief. Although he had been leveling up in the maze for the past two days, he was not alone, but in a team with Asuna.

If Elesis knew about this, she would definitely complain about it.

Because Su Chen rarely teamed up with other people in the past, even those in his own guild, unless it was necessary, he rarely teamed up. Most of the time, he was alone in the wild leveling up. Even the number of times he teamed up with Elesis was limited.

However, recently he teamed up with people from other guilds every day. If it was someone else, the situation might be better.

But it happened to be Asuna. If Elesis knew about it, it would definitely be a pill.

Asuna and Elesis don't get along.

Although when the two meet, they don't quarrel or make a fuss, let alone fight. In fact, in the eyes of outsiders, the two have a good relationship. Every time they meet, they can chat harmoniously.

However, only Su Chen can feel the undercurrent between the two. It's just a soft confrontation!

Although there was no conflict in the words, the eyes were about to spark.

When I watched anime before, the harems of those protagonists were so harmonious, but here I have only two, I should be thankful that they didn't fight.

Su Chen scratched his hair with a headache, and didn't think about it anymore, he went to kill monsters!......

This time, the attack was on the 73rd floor. All the necessary information was already in hand. As long as the routine attack meeting was held, we could go to the boss room to conduct the attack.

Although Su Chen already knew where the boss' room was, he did not plan to attack it this time. After all, the attack team had spent a lot of effort to find it.

If he really attacked the boss directly, Elesis would definitely face some pressure. Although nothing would happen in the end, she would definitely complain about him when she got home.

This woman would nag endlessly, and Su Chen did not want to cause trouble for himself.

"So now it’s very boring to go and kill monsters!"Su Chen touched the hilt of the sword behind his back and said.

Walking in the silent forest, apart from the sounds of some birds, animals and insects, there was only the rustle of Su Chen's walking.

It was very dark in this forest, and only the sunlight came through. The leaves fell through the gaps.

Walking slowly on the path in the forest, Su Chen thought about where to go now.

Suddenly, a snow-white figure ran through the trees in front of him, and Su Chen stopped.

"Is that a rabbit? Su Chen asked doubtfully,"Or chowder rabbit?""

Su Chen quickly stepped forward to check, but the rabbit was nowhere to be seen."It ran away!"

Su Chen was stunned. He didn't expect that after just walking away for a while, this super S-level rare ingredient escaped from his hands.

"Forget it, I don't know if Kirito will get it in the future!"After a little regret, Su Chen decided to kill Kirito.

However, it seems that in the original work, Kirito killed the mixed rabbit on the 74th floor. I didn't expect that there would be one on the 73rd floor......

He could only hope that Kirito would catch the chowder rabbit as before, and then he could get it from him. At that time, he can just give him some points and send him away. Anyway, besides himself and Asuna, he can't find any high-level chef professional players.


For those who don’t have an outline, many of the plots they previously thought about have been forgotten. Write this chapter first.

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