"magnetic magnetic magnetic....."

The slender sword blade made a somewhat harsh but rhythmic sound against the rotating grindstone,"Grind the sword first, and then strengthen it. Is that all? Any other requirements?" Lizbeth supported the sword with both hands, and carefully slid the sword from the front of the hilt. Orange-red sparks flew around with sharp metallic sounds. After a long while

, there was no response, and Lizbeth turned her head in surprise.

Asuna the assassin sat on the forging table beside her, her hands slightly supporting both sides, her legs swinging playfully, but her eyes were erratic, and her thoughts drifted to who knows where.

"Asuna!"Lisbeth put down what she was doing, quietly approached Asuna, and suddenly shouted

"ah!"Shocked by the sudden cry, Asuna screamed in fright, her whole body tilted slightly and almost fell off the forging platform.

"Asuna, what are you thinking about?"

"Liz, why are you scaring me?"Asuna patted her chest and said with a bit of complaint.

"I just want to know if you have any other requirements besides polishing and strengthening?"

"Any other requirements? Asuna thought for a while,"If possible, can you polish it to make it shiny?""

"That's okay, but why would you think about this?"Lisbeth looked at Asuna with curious eyes.

"Is it necessary to be more beautiful if it is shiny? Don't you think so? And I know others call me"sparkly". Of course, the weapon should be more shiny."Asuna explained in a panic.

"Oh - is that so?"Lisbeth was obviously very doubtful.

"Well, Liz, congratulations, you found someone you love."

"Thanks."Liz was very happy. Not only did she find her lover, but she also received the blessings of her best friend later.

"Liz, tell me about your story.

" Asuna was very curious.

Although several people had pursued Lizbeth before, they were all rejected without exception.

However, she is now with Kirito.

If I remember correctly, the two of them didn't know each other before.

It was Liz who asked me to help promote her weapon shop and introduced Kirito.

It was no more than three days.

Could it be that the two of them knew each other before? Lizbeth has always liked Kirito.

The reason why she didn't say a word to other suitors was because she had someone she liked, and she didn't confess until today?

"Him......"Lisbeth thought of the first time she and Kirito met in the weapons store, and showed a little helplessness, but more of a happy and warm smile,"I tell you, that guy was very cool when he first came here. He was disgusted. He said he wanted to make weapons from me, but he broke the best weapon in my shop as soon as he came. I was so angry. At that time, I even suspected that he was here to provoke me......

Then I told him that if I had the materials, I could forge a weapon that was as good as the interpreter in his hand.

So we went to the snow-capped mountains on the fifty-fifth floor to look for rare metals.

He is really a gentle person.....

At that time, he told me to hide aside and not come out when I met Long, but I didn't listen."

Lisbeth was a little embarrassed when she said this,"I saw how powerful he was, so I thought there was no danger, so I came out from the side and urged him to deal with it quickly, but I didn't expect that Long came in my direction.

At that time, Longclaw was already in front of me.

" Lisbeth patted the ferocious chest with a little fear,"At that time, I thought I was going to die, but he rushed over to save me without hesitation, and the two of us I fell into the dragon's nest like this.

Instead of blaming me, he comforted me and gave me his medicine and sleeping bag.

We slept there for one night.

At that time, I felt that I fell in love with him.


"Liz, it's so romantic, a hero saving a beautiful girl!" Asuna said with a little envy and a little teasing

"Well, I thought he was my hero at that time. We also found the materials in the Long Cave. After we came back, I couldn't wait to start forging weapons. Finally, I made it for me, which is the Dark Chaser. I also I finally have the confidence to confess to him"

"And then he agreed?"

"It's not quite an agreement, but he has agreed to let me be his exclusive blacksmith. But that's almost the same. I believe he will really agree in no time."Lizbeth smiled confidently.

"Well, congratulations. Just by looking at Kirito's look, I knew Liz that you wouldn't fail.!"

"I'm here to give you my blessing. Let's not talk about me. How about you, Asuna?"

"How am I doing? How am I doing?"

"It's you and Su Chen. What's going on with you two?"Lisbeth said in a tone that was a little bit hateful. She had found her own happiness, so of course she had to start caring about her friends' situation.

"The two of us......"Asuna smiled bitterly,"It's almost the same as before."

"It’s almost the same as before, which means there’s no progress at all, right??——"Lisbeth was also a little helpless about her friend's situation. They had obviously known each other for more than a year and liked each other, but they just didn't develop into a couple. Liz was a little anxious......

"Asuna, you can't go on like this, I heard that the vice president of Su Chen's guild has always liked Su Chen, and there's also his sister named Xing.

Recently, there's also a little girl who joined the strategy group, and I heard that she's very attached to Su Chen.

With so many people, if you continue to be passive, someone else will get there first.

" Lisbeth began to persuade earnestly,"I think Su Chen's personality should be similar to Kirito's, and he will never wake up if you don't say it first, so, Asuna, confess your feelings like me!


"surface.....Confess your love!"Asuna was shocked, and then waved her hands in panic,"No, I can't, I'm too embarrassed!"

"Asuna, tell me, is temporary embarrassment or lifelong happiness more important?"Lisbeth looked at Asuna seriously and asked this question.

"happiness!!"Asuna said without thinking.

"That'll be fine," Lisbeth nodded with satisfaction,"I'll tell you.........."

The two chatted in whispers for a long time, with Lisbeth doing most of the talking while Asuna listened attentively like a student, occasionally shaking her head in panic and blushing.

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