Infinite Cafetaria

Chapter 118: Stop eating

Chapter 118 Don’t eat anymore

Although Mike has left, there are still many other employees in the company.

Especially the woman named Cindy on Yu Yizhuo's right hand is very gossipy.

Just now, when Mike invited her to eat and talk about work in the cafe downstairs, although Cindy was still pretending to type on the keyboard, her ears had already been perked up and a bewildered smile appeared on her face.

Yu Yizhu just joined the company and didn't want to get into trouble, so he poured the box of braised large intestine into the lunch box and heated it with the sesame cakes.

 After opening the microwave oven, a scent of aroma immediately hits your face.

Not only Yu Yizhuo, but also several colleagues who were close to the workstation and the tea room smelled it.

Someone asked, "Serina, what are you heating? It smells so good."

“Braised large intestine,” Yu Yizhuo said, “I bought it on the roadside in the afternoon.”

 “Hey, it looks delicious.” Someone came over curiously.

Yu Yizhu was very generous and put the lunch box there for those who wanted to taste it.

 Soon, three female colleagues, including Cindy, came over and each took a piece of cake, while the men were generally more restrained.

 As soon as she took the first bite, a female colleague’s eyes lit up.

 “It’s delicious! And the large intestine is so clean and doesn’t have any peculiar smell.”

 “That’s boring. If the large intestine doesn’t stink, it won’t be authentic.”

A male colleague’s words made a lot of people laugh.

The female colleague who spoke first couldn't help but take another bite. Seeing how enthusiastic she was eating, the remaining two people also became interested, and they were also shocked after one taste.

 “Oh my gosh, it’s so delicious?! Oh my god, this is the most delicious braised large intestine I’ve ever tasted.”

Yu Yizhuo frowned, "Do you want to be so exaggerated?"

“We are not exaggerating. You haven’t tried it since you bought it, right?”

The female colleague who spoke first felt like she couldn't stop her mouth, but she just heard Yu Yizhuo say that this was her dinner, and she had already picked up two chopsticks, and she couldn't pick up any more, so she took back her hand without saying anything. .

On the other side, Cindy couldn't wait to take out her mobile phone, "Quick, where did you buy it? What's the name of that store?"

"I bought it in front of our doesn't have a name, it's just a street stall." Yu Yitong said calmly.

 “Street stall? Wow, what kind of street stall owner is so good at his craftsmanship?”

"Uh..." Yu Yitong opened his mouth, "I don't know, I just bought it casually and the boss doesn't recognize it, but he looks quite young."

Cindy suddenly thought of something at this time and slapped her thigh, "Wait a minute, is your alma mater the Hangzhou University?"

"That's right," Yu Yizhuo was curious, "How do you know? Did you find out from the Human Resources Department?"

“No, no, no, because there is a street stall that is very popular on short video platforms recently. It’s called the No. 1 Food Stall in the Universe. It’s located at the west gate of Hangzhou University. I thought I’d go there to eat some time, but I haven’t been free recently.”

 “Are you planning to go specifically to eat at a street stall?” Yu Yizhu felt a little hard to understand.

“Please, we are a food review website, and it is our duty to discover delicious food. It is a pity that the number one food stall in the universe does not have a storefront and cannot be rated. It is a pity.

“But this reminds me that I plan to do a street stall project to explore potential street stall snacks in City B. I feel there should be a lot of clicks.”

Cindy snapped her fingers, becoming more and more excited as she spoke.

Yu Yizhuo poured cold water on her, “Although the clicks may be good for snack planning, it doesn’t feel useful to our app.

“After all, what we do is ranking restaurants. Maybe someone will go to a short video website because of your article, causing the loss of users.”

“Your worries seem to be justified, then I’ll think about it again.”

 Although Cindy was a little reluctant, she could only give up the new idea she had just thought of temporarily. A group of colleagues chatted for a few more words, then dispersed and returned to their workstations.

Yu Yizhuo also took the lunch box and sat back on the chair.

However, she was not in a hurry to eat. Instead, she dragged the mouse to open Douyin and started searching for the number one food stall in the universe. Sure enough, she found a lot of related videos.

In addition to checking in and visiting various stores, Yu Yizhuo also noticed an account called Street Dance.

 Click in and see that it is the young girl to whom Ma Lu had given braised intestines in front of her before.

 There are all screen recordings of her live broadcast. She looks quite good-looking, mainly because she looks very innocent.

Yu Yizhuo sneered, set up a stall to sell snacks, and then found a beautiful girl to dance to attract traffic, create topics, and stir up popularity. This despicable method is someone's masterpiece at first glance.

And this way, I can make a lot of money selling snacks, and my girlfriend can make a lot more money by hosting a live broadcast.

 Very good! Some people were unhappy with her finding a boyfriend. Didn’t she already have a new love in private?

Yu Yizhen originally liked braised large intestine, but when he thought about a woman eating braised large intestine for free, and her bowl was paid, he immediately lost his appetite, and the joy of his previous successful revenge also disappeared without a trace. .

 She closed the lunch box again.

 I don’t want to eat, I’m angry!

Reason told Yu Yizhu that she should put things aside with Malu. This was indeed the first thought that arose in her mind after seeing Malu.

 As a child who grew up in a single-parent family, she was taught by her mother to be independent and self-reliant since she was a child.

"When you live in this world, all you can rely on is yourself. As for other people, they are either your competitors or your pedals!" This is what my mother often says.

“Strong people are lonely, and only losers will stick together for warmth. Don’t be soft-hearted. All unhappiness is only temporary. As long as you can keep winning, you will naturally be able to let go of the past when you look back."

Yu Yizhuo once firmly believed in these principles, until she met that person, which made her shaken for the first time in her life.

 And her mother seemed to have noticed the changes in her, so she signed up for a two-week tour group during the vacation.

This way, mother and daughter can sleep in the same room every night and have long conversations.

Her mother warned her earnestly not to deviate from her life plan, which would bring misfortune and be the beginning of slipping into the endless abyss.

“Those who don’t have clear goals and don’t know what they want to do in the future cannot walk side by side with you. Even if your lives intersect, they will be left behind by you sooner or later.

“All they can bring you is chaos and despair. Believe me, mom, she is the only one in the world who won’t harm you. Ending this relationship as soon as possible is a good thing for him and you. Otherwise, the longer it drags on, the more painful it will be for you.”

Yu Yizhuo couldn't refuse his mother, because she might still have Malu, but her mother only had her.

More importantly, Yu Yizhuo later asked Ma Lu in a subtle way if he had thought about what he planned to do in the future.

Ma Lu was busy playing football at the time, so he casually replied no. This answer also made Yu Yizhuo's heart shiver.

Her mother's words came to mind again, "...Even if your lives intersect, he will be left behind by you sooner or later...The longer this drags on, the more painful it will be for you."

 Seeing Malu again seemed to confirm her mother's prediction and that her choice was correct.

Yu Yizhuo felt that he was finally relieved, so he stepped forward, acknowledged his former lover graciously, and bid an elegant farewell to the past.

 Then...she was outputted by Ma Lu.

Yu Yizhuo didn’t hold back in the end, and made up a fictional boyfriend to fight back, and today he even dragged Mike around in front of Ma Lu...

This is actually quite boring. The most important thing is that Yu Yizhu found that this kind of mutual attack, damage, and counter-injury is inexplicably familiar.

  Can't go on like this, it's too dangerous.

Yu Yizhuo was really determined to change the story, but because of Cindy’s words, she couldn’t help but study the number one food stall in the universe.

 (End of this chapter)

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