Infinite Cafetaria

Chapter 117: counterattack

Chapter 117 Counterattack

“Falling in love and killing each other, this is really a standard sadomasochistic template.” Hou Yihan said with emotion.

“Not only that, the two of them seem to be in love for the first time, and the buffs are so stacked.”

Shen Yue said, "Oh, by the way, after they broke up, there were rumors in the school that Senior Sister Yu actually didn't like Senior Brother at all, and she was just playing tricks on him by dating him.

“Because Senior Sister Yu has a bad personality and average popularity, in previous encounters between the two, the Senior Brother basically had the upper hand. Even in the photography club, there were more people who supported Senior Brother than those who supported Senior Sister Yu.

"Senior Sister Yu couldn't swallow this breath, so she finally came up with such a vicious plan. She pretended to be in love with her senior brother, and then kicked her senior brother when their relationship was at its peak to complete the revenge. The whole operation lasted for a full year and a half. time."

"Ah, that's really vicious. No wonder the boss was so angry yesterday that he wouldn't even sell braised intestines to Miss Yu. But then again, there really are people who spend a year and a half playing lovers with their enemies just to get revenge on one person. ?"

"Others probably won't, but that woman Yu Yizhuo can't say for sure. She holds a grudge even more than her senior brother."

Shen Yue continued to eat melon seeds, "But she felt a big change when she came back from a trip abroad, um... Or is it true that work has such a great impact on a person that even the witch's character has changed for the better?"

As soon as Shen Yue finished speaking, a red Model S stopped on the side of the road.

  A young man in his twenties, wearing black-rimmed glasses and an Apple Watch, got out of the driver's seat and came to the front of the No. 1 snack stall in the universe.

 “Then do you have a place you want to live, besides my rental house?”

 “Huh? You want to live there.”

Model S started, slowly drove into the intersection, and merged into the traffic flow.

Meeting Yu Yizhu two days in a row made Ma Lu feel extremely unlucky. As expected, helping Zhen Ye move at night did not go well.

 Then the passenger window rolled down, revealing Yu Yizhu's delicate profile.

“Okay, do you want sesame cakes? 3 yuan each, you can eat them in between.”

Zhenye then opened a corner of the bed curtain and pointed to the road opposite.

Ma Lu found three apartments, but he didn't even go to see them in person. Just sending photos to Zhen Ye, the latter showed resistance.

Shen Yue raised her head and sighed with satisfaction, "Ah, the taste is finally right this time."

 “Boss, bring me a piece of braised large intestine.”

Ma Lu sneered, turned to Lao Wang and said, "You saw the license plate number? Go back and send me this video. I remember that parking is prohibited on this road."

"Hold on."


Ma Lu took out a plastic box and took out the large intestine, quickly packed it, then wrapped a sesame seed cake in oil paper and handed it over together.

Ma Lu thought for a while and simply asked Zhen Ye directly.

As he spoke, he took out his mobile phone to scan the QR code to pay.

Ma Lu looked in the direction of her finger and saw an Internet cafe.

Zhenye nodded.

Yu Yizhuo took the stewed large intestine from the man's hand, deliberately raised it and looked around, and then smiled brightly at the sullen Ma Lu outside the window.

 “Well, let’s have one too.”

The man took over and thanked him, then turned and returned to the car.

“It’s not good, there’s a lot of people in the Internet cafe, and it’s not safe for you as a girl.”

"Then...let' together, and I'll teach chicken."

"No, I still have work." Ma Lu said, "Let's play with you another day. I'll play with you another day."

 Zhen Ye is disappointed.

Ma Lu scratched his head, "Don't you have your own computer? Why do you have to live in an Internet cafe?"

"There are... a lot of people in the Internet cafe." Zhen Ye said, and then she pointed to the room in the photo, "There's only... me."

“Oh, you are afraid of living alone, but haven’t you always been alone?”

" home, even though dad...and mom...are...not here anymore." Malu felt it was a bit difficult, and thought for a while.

"You really must live in an Internet cafe. There is an Internet cafe in front of my house. At least it's close enough that I can get there in time if something happens. Do you think that's okay?"

Zhen Ye did not refuse this time.

Ma Lu put the two suitcases packed by Zhen Ye on the tricycle, and then Zhen Ye climbed up and sat next to him where Lao Wang usually sat.

As for Lao Wang, he ran behind the tricycle. No matter whether the speed of the tricycle was fast or slow, he always kept half a meter away from the rear of the tricycle.

 One step no more and one step less.

Although Lao Wang himself didn’t have any objections to walking, he looked as normal after running for ten kilometers and didn’t shed a drop of sweat.

 But Ma Lu still thinks it’s time to consider buying a car, especially now that their radius of activity is larger, having a car feels much more convenient.

 When it comes to cars, horses and land, I can’t help but think of the red Model S in front of the school gate in the afternoon.

Even though he had already reported the other party's violation on his mobile phone, he still felt a little unhappy.

Yu Yizhuo is really good at irritating people, and because they have been dating for a year and a half, she knows better than others how to make Ma Lu angry.

But this also shows from another perspective that her calmness and generosity that day were all fake.

Ma Lu was 100% sure that this guy had also broken through the defense, which was why he was so anxious to regain his position today.

 When he thought of this, he suddenly felt refreshed.

 When it comes to dealing damage, Malu is a professional no matter what plane he is on.


On the other hand, Yu Yizhuo was still rushing to report in front of his work station.

She put the braised large intestine on the table casually.

 She didn't like eating in other people's cars before, but when she came back, she was busy all the time and forgot about it. It hasn't been opened yet.

Yu Yitong finished typing the last word, checked it again, and then clicked send.

 Then he stretched out and moved his neck. Then he saw the lunch box next to him, and his face darkened.

 She bought this thing from Qi Malu, and now it has successfully completed its historical mission.

  It would be a bit of an eyesore if I put it here again.

When Yu Yitong saw this braised large intestine, he couldn't help but wonder why the food stall in Malu sold braised large intestine instead of something else.

 Is it because she liked to eat before? So after graduation, the guy set up a food stall in front of the school.

He was still imagining that she would go back one day... No, Yu Yizhu told himself that he could not think about it any more, otherwise he would fall into endless internal friction.

Moreover, the box of braised large intestine was also completely cold at this moment. Yu Yizhu picked up the box and prepared to throw it into the trash can.

 As a result, the man at the opposite station stood up first and said warmly.

“Serina, I’ve read the report. There’s nothing major wrong with it, but there are a few minor issues. You haven’t eaten yet, how about we go to the cafe downstairs and talk while we eat?”

The person who spoke was Yu Yizhuo’s team leader and the owner of the red Model S.

Yu Yitong raised the lunch box in his hand when he heard this.

“Thank you, Team Leader Mike, but I have something to eat, so you bought it for me.”

 “It’s already cold.”

“It doesn’t matter, I’ll just put it in the microwave and sting it.” Yu Yizhu walked to the microwave with the portion of braised large intestine.

“Well, you can eat quickly. I’ll go back and report to you tomorrow. I’ll tell you how to change it.”

Mike didn't force himself. Hearing this, he picked up his jacket and went to wait for the elevator.

 (End of this chapter)

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