Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1315: Take back Westinghouse

Yang Cheng thought that Matthew was really relieved, but went around, the topic turned back to the thing that made him heartache for a lifetime, and even had crazy conjectures about it.

"Matthew, I think you need to rest, then we won't bother you, goodbye~"

After all, I took Zhao Anqi out. To be honest, Zhao Anqi was also surprised by Matthew's crazy thoughts. What the **** is this? Talking about the sky well, you just remember your bitterness and sweetness, and even imagine that you can restore the family glory by selling your daughter. This peculiar idea is comparable to Donald.

"Hold on, I haven't finished yet~" Matthew shouted behind him.

Yang Cheng kept walking, what joke, this person is already crazy, because he still talked to him for so long, what if he is infected if he doesn't leave? By the way, mental illness is contagious, right?

"Stop, don't you have any thoughts about the Mellon Consortium?"

Yang Cheng's footsteps slammed. This is what he said. The Mellon consortium is in decline, and the lean camel is bigger than the horse. It has countless coveted resources. If you can get the strength of the Yang family Will swell more than doubled.

But the premise is not to make a joke. Yes, he thinks that Matthew’s idea is just a joke, not to mention that he already has a marriage contract. The family union of China will inevitably cause a fierce response from the upper class. This society has a very low tolerance for heterogeneity. Everyone looks ugly. Only you are beautiful. If you don't die, who will die?

Like cross talk, everyone’s level is about the same. Don’t eat too much and don’t eat less when you eat together. Suddenly a Guo Degang pops up, throwing away the big group and eating alone. Those who can’t eat can be spared. you?

So no matter from which angle, Yang Cheng and Mindy couldn't come together, Matthew was whimsical.

However, out of ambition for the Mellon consortium, Yang Cheng still stood still and turned around to see what Matthew said.

I saw Matthew got up from the ground and returned to the wheelchair, smiling wickedly, "Look, you are really interested in the Mellon family."

Yang Cheng did not deny this in the slightest, "Nonsense, fools know that once they obtain the resources of the Mellon family, their strength will expand wildly. This is a shortcut. You know that a shortcut is not easy to take, but you always have to try it, right? "

Matthew smiled and nodded, "My boy, I like your frankness. There are too many hypocritical people in this world. You are the young man I have ever seen to speak the truth. Yes, very good.

The world thinks that the Mellon family is over, and even the core assets are handed over. There is only one name left, but they have no power, but they seem to forget that my grandfather is not only an excellent businessman, but also an excellent The zheng guest. "

Yang Cheng frowned, "What do you mean?"

Matthew smiled and shook his head, and said to himself, "In the first half a century since the birth of the Mellon family, members of the family are really only keen on doing business and are not very interested in ZZ.

But this situation changed in the 1910s.

That year, through the introduction of a friend, his grandfather sent a $150,000 ZZ donation to Zhengke Penrose.

Originally, my grandfather did not have much hope for the return on this investment. Unexpectedly, Penrose successfully passed the behind-the-scenes activities of the parliament to set Mellon’s depreciated assets as undeveloped assets, so that the company can continue to deduct development costs. It was also this incident that made grandfather aware of the importance of ZZ power.

After that, the Mellon family got closer and closer to Bai Gong through continuous donations of ZZ, and also used Bai Gong's power, and the business empire of the Mellon Consortium gradually took shape.

Later, my grandfather realized that ZZ cannot rely on outsiders alone, he must put his hand in to truly grasp the right to speak, so when his grandfather was over 60 years old, he reached an agreement with Bai Gong and served as the treasurer. ~ Long.

In the following 12 years, his grandfather assumed the power of wealth in the cabinet of the three generals. At that time, he was jokingly called "the three generals worked for Mellon." That was also Mellon's most glorious time.

During his tenure as finance minister, my grandfather kept doing one thing: cut taxes, cut taxes, and cut taxes again.

In the tax reform plan that was later called the Mellon Plan, the personal income tax in the United States dropped from 65% to a staggering 20%.

The most real purpose of this approach is to protect the interests of large business owners like Mellon. Of course, while the Mellon family is profiting, other families also get a lot of benefits, which stimulates the production of various industries and creates The unprecedented prosperity of the American economy.

It is also based on this situation that although news of occasional money transactions spread from time to time, before the outbreak of the economic crisis, Americans still had the upper hand in their grandfather's favor, and everyone kindly called him "Uncle Andy." "

Speaking of this, a proud look appeared unconsciously on Matthew's face.

"After the economic crisis broke out, my grandfather cleverly used charitable donations to divert his attention and save the society's trust crisis in him. He donated pianos to music school students and provided funds for deaf-mute asylums.

When'Uncle Andy' passed away, the people in Pittsburgh wrote a eulogy for him with the following sentence: He was a financial genius, a benevolent person that no one really knew, he was a rare Philanthropist, ideal public servant, gentle and loyal parents, sincere and trustworthy friends and the most outstanding entrepreneur. "

Yang Cheng interrupted, "Do you want to remind me that the Mellon family still has ZZ resources?"

Matthew still did not answer, "But I think the smartest thing about grandfather lies in his wise decision on the distribution of property. Grandfather divided his estate into two halves, donated half to charity, and left the other half. Gave it to his own child.

It sounds nothing special, does it?

But the mystery is that the half of the property left to the child is mostly stocks. When his property was valued, when the stock market was in a downturn, the number of those stocks was not amazing. However, when the stock market resumed its prosperity, people I found out Andrew's shrewdness: the stocks he left for future generations have appreciated nearly 10 times.

People were once again confused by the illusion created by their grandfather. Everyone thought these stocks were the protagonist of the inheritance, but ignored the flow of the half of the wealth donated in the name of charity. "

Yang Cheng faintly felt that Matthew was about to reveal a great secret, although he was very puzzled, why would Matthew tell him such an important secret to an outsider?

You must know that you denied the idea of ​​marrying Mindy from the beginning.

His appetite was completely adjusted, but Matthew's words did not follow. I saw him staring at himself with a playful smile, seeming to say: Want to know? Please, promise me, you will know!

This expression was so irritating and irritating, Yang Cheng almost couldn't hold back a close contact with his face with his fist.

"Trust me, outsiders can't imagine the heritage of the Mellon family, don't let those idiots control your mind." Matthew said meaningfully.

Yang Cheng took a deep breath, "Are you finished? If there is nothing else to say, I will leave."

Matthew asked unexpectedly, "You don't want to know what grandfather left behind?"

Yang Cheng said sincerely, "I want to know, but what's the use of knowing? You can't give it to me anyway, it's better not to know."

Matthew smiled, "You are really surprised me more and more, but you are right. I can't easily tell you Mellon's most important hole cards. If you want to know, you have to meet my needs. It's fair. ?"

Yang Cheng shrugged slightly, "Yes, it's fair, so I have repeatedly emphasized that I can't meet your conditions. As for your hole cards, you should leave it to someone who is predestined. Maybe he will help Mellon regain its glory?"

"What about the deal?"

Yang Cheng was startled, "How to deal?"

Matthew changed his posture. "The idea of ​​marrying Mindy is just like I haven't said before. I know it's unrealistic, so let's change our mindset and make a deal."

Yang Cheng finally heard what he wanted to hear, "Of course, I like trading the most. This is the fairest thing."

"First, invest in mindy's laboratory." Matthew said simply.

Yang Cheng nodded without hesitation. This investment was purely pounding money into it. He didn't expect too much return, "No problem~"

"Second, help me take back Westinghouse Electric~"

Westinghouse? This requirement is more troublesome. Westinghouse Electric's predecessor was Westinghouse Electric, which was founded in the late 19th century and was originally a manufacturing company, and undoubtedly, it was also an industry of Mellon's family.

At the end of the 20th century, Westinghouse could not support its huge debts, so it could only split the company and sold its ordinary power station business to Siemens, and sold its nuclear power business to the British Nuclear Fuel Co., Ltd. for US$1.1 billion. This business is the most familiar business. Westinghouse Electric.

Later, the British did not manage this business Within a few years, they decided to sell it. After several rounds of competition, RB’s Dongzhi signed an agreement with the British Nuclear Fuel Company. To acquire Westinghouse Electric at a price of US$5.4 billion, Dongzhi invested US$4.16 billion to become the controlling shareholder, an American investment group from Louisiana invested US$1.08 billion, holding 20% ​​of the shares, and a Japanese investment company invested US$162 million. Holding 3%.

Afterwards, Dongzhi achieved a wholly-owned holding of Westinghouse Electric through two subsequent acquisitions.

Now Matthew asks Yang Cheng to take the Westinghouse Electric back from the small RB. This difficulty is conceivable. Although Westinghouse is about to toss Dongzhi, it does not mean that the other party will easily let go.

Holding their shoulders and pacing in place, the three people followed his figure with six eyes.

Suddenly he stagnated and asked, "Westinghouse Electric is mainly engaged in nuclear power business. Under the competition of its counterparts in other countries such as Country Z, Westinghouse’s market share has been severely impacted. Revenue is deteriorating. I don’t understand that you want to get back Westinghouse’s What is ownership for?

Just for the glory of the family? Restore the name Westinghouse? "

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