Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1314: Prodigal dignity

"Okay, let him pass the past, talk about your purpose, kid~"

Matthew sorted out his thoughts and looked at Yang Cheng again, with some inexplicable emotions in his eyes.

Yang Cheng hesitated for a moment, not knowing whether to say it directly, after all, people had just recollected the pain, and they were going to dig a corner, which seemed a bit unnatural.

Mindy still helped open the mouth, "Jason wants to invest in Alcoa."

A stern look flashed in Matthew's eyes, and he said something meaningfully, "A lot of people have been eyeing Alcoa recently, and they are all Z people~"

Yang Cheng was stunned, "Sorry, I only made a temporary motive. Even coming to Baltimore was made on a temporary basis, not deliberately."

Matthew waved his hand, "These are not important, what is important is what do you plan to do after you buy Alcoa?"

After changing someone else, Yang Cheng may have a high-sounding reason, but to Matthew, any reason is nothing. Whether the shares in his hand are sold or not depends on his mood. If you want to sell, you will sell, and no one will ever want to sell. use.

"Investment, I am optimistic about Alcoa's stock price correction after the business reorganization. Now it is buying the bottom, and it will have several times in the future."

The frank answer was approved by Matthew, "This is a real idea, I believe it, but I will not sell it."

Yang Cheng was not in a hurry, "Can you tell me the reason?"

Matthew motioned to Mindy to pick himself up. In fact, he was not too immobile. His body was weak and it would be uncomfortable to walk for a long time. "Do you know Alcoa's shareholding structure?"

Yang Cheng nodded slightly, "I deliberately learned about it, most of which are still in the hands of the Mellon Consortium."

Matthew affirmed, "Yes, and my words have no influence on the Mellon Consortium. In their ears, my words are not as good as a fart."

"You know, my goal is not the shares in the consortium, but the shares in the Mellon Family Foundation. So far, I found about 2.3%."

"It's very accurate. This is the exact proportion of the shares held by the foundation, but you don't know that the Mellon Consortium has priority repurchase rights. In other words, unless you can come up with a number that far exceeds the expectations of the Mellon Consortium, Otherwise, as long as they match your bid, you won't even get 0.1%."

Yang Cheng sighed. If this is the case, he will have nothing to do. If he wants to make money, he can only buy some loose stocks from the secondary market and make a small profit.

Matthew added, "Alcoa is the logo and symbol of the Mellon consortium. They will not allow the company to fall into the hands of outsiders."

Yang Cheng frowned slightly, not understanding why Matthew deliberately emphasized this point. He had no intention of controlling it, and he heard a hint of anger hidden in Matthew's words.

"Motherfker, when will Alcoa's fate be decided by a group of outsiders? Compared to outside investors, the group of garbage that **** blood on Alcoa all the year round is the real outsider!"

Matthew's sudden rage scared the two ladies, and Zhao Anqi was even pale with fright. After Mindy panicked, he quickly calmed his father's emotions. Now Matthew can't stand the rush.

But what did Yang Cheng understand, and Matthew was unwilling to let Alcoa fall into the hands of others? Although Alcoa is still in the hands of the Mellon Consortium in name, who owns the Mellon Consortium now? It's not Mellon's anyway.

Alcoa can be said to be an important symbol of the glorious era of Mellon's family. Now that his children are in the hands of outsiders, can Matthew not be sad?

Feeling mad and free from his daughter’s support, Matthew suddenly fell to his knees on the grass, his eyes were hollow, and a person said, "My grandfather, when he was less than 10 years old, he knew how to beat the fresh grass on the lawn in front of his house. In bundles, sold to passing carriage drivers;

At the age of 17, his great-grandfather asked him to inspect a piece of land. He proposed to leave only one piece of land as a roadbed and sell the rest. Afterwards, this piece of land left behind became a necessary place for building a railway, and the amount of compensation. Surprised the great-grandfather.

Just taking over the family business, Ikonomi near Pittsburgh discovered an oil field.

For a time, adventurers and speculators of all kinds came to look for black gold.

At this time, my grandfather had quietly built an oil tanker port on the Marcus Hook coast in North Chester, laying oil pipelines, and when everyone dug out the oil and began to consider transportation issues, Andrew's tanker port and oil pipelines It became a hot commodity. In the 19th century, it was a tacit understanding that the crude oil sent out through Mellon accounted for one-tenth of the total U.S. exports.

At the same time, several distressed young men found his grandfather and showed him a piece of silver and wax-colored metal, hoping that he could provide an investment. That piece of metal is now aluminum.

Several young chemists have researched the extraction method of aluminum, and believe that this metal with many excellent properties will become a star in the future, but they cannot find investment, just like the current investment in new materials.

Before meeting Andrew, they lobbied many entrepreneurs, but none of them succeeded.

However, after hearing their introduction, my grandfather decided to help them repay their debts and fund the establishment of the Pittsburgh Electrolytic Aluminum Company at a price of 60% of the shares.

My grandfather’s vision was once again proved that in only two years, the company controlled the entire North American aluminum production.

Later, Pittsburgh Electrolytic Aluminum Company was renamed Alcoa, and the stock value reached US$150 million.

From that moment on, Mellon's power was established, and outsiders said: The eyes of the Mellon family can always find opportunities to make money.

What's ridiculous is that now, Alcoa has become the plaything of others. A person surnamed Mellon has no right to intervene. Isn't this the most ridiculous thing in the world? "

When Matthew said the last sentence, he suddenly looked at Yang Cheng, her eyes flashed with a dazzling light, and her heart trembled, "I suddenly want to understand, don't you want Alcoa? I'll give it to you. , But you have to promise me a condition to drive away the **** group of vampires and let Mindy be the sole agent of Alcoa!"

Yang Cheng smiled bitterly, "Mr. Mellon~"

"No, I don't deserve this last name, call me Matthew."

Yang Cheng opened her mouth. Is this the last dignity of the prodigal son?

Immediately satisfied him, "Well, Matthew, you made a mistake. I did not want to control Alcoa from beginning to end. This is not in line with my investment philosophy. Of course, I respect Alcoa’s past achievements and prefer Reading Mr. Andrew Mellon's experience as a bible, but that doesn't mean that I will be sensible.

You know, the most suitable sentence for American national conditions is always the sentence: businessisbusiness (business is business)! "

How could Matthew give up easily. He is worthy of being the strongest prodigal ever. He was really speechless. He only listened to his voice and pointed to Mindy and said, "How about my daughter? Your age difference is not too much. Marry With her, you are qualified to intervene in the Mellon family!"

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