The smile is very sunny, and it is a very flattering type at first glance.

However, the people mentioned here certainly do not include those who are doing business with them.

The beauty with short gray hair, rosy red eyes, pupils shaped like snake pupils, and a beauty mole on the corner of her left mouth looked at the teenager who was rated as "very weird" by her adoptive father and spoke.

The tone was cold, without any warmth.

Shiola, who has become nothing because of the Honkai, hates the Honkai very much, but what she wants most is to start a new life. The more important thing she wants to join the World Snake is to get the savings that will enable her to live a free and peaceful life. .

Obviously, for Siora, who pursues stability, she doesn't really want to contact some people who seem to be associated with the shocking conspiracy.

"Because there are some tasks within the world snake, the gray snake has no time to come, and I will contact you on his behalf."

"Give me the chips."

The woman who came in place of the gray snake rudely stretched out her hand and asked for something.

In this regard, the expression of the young man who did not receive any good looks was no different, and he still had a polite smile on his face.

Very briskly, he stretched his hand to the side, took out a USB flash drive, and threw it to the opposite side.

The woman on the opposite side took the USB flash drive, then quickly inserted it into the computer and checked it.

Before long, she raised her head and made a sound again.

"not enough."

The agreement between the young man and the world snake was to collect data and power for the world snake to use in the plan to rescue the Lord, and to obtain support from his own side, such as genetic modification and the right to use the key of the third god.

Obviously, the information thrown out by a certain guy is not enough to achieve the above goals.

"Your entrustment is to let me design a hypervariable factor implantation plan for you and prepare supporting facilities, but the bargaining chips you gave are not enough at all."

The raven estimated the value of the data that someone had collected from Thunder and Lightning Ryoma, and then gave an evaluation.

"Don't be too impatient, this is just a reward for me asking you to take action and help me convey the news to the Destiny Extreme East Branch."

"For the previous transaction, I will pay in addition."

The boy shrugged and said.

For Vishnu's genes, he had to contact Theresa.

Apparently, he didn't have Teresa's contact details.

Even Teresa can't make an appointment, so don't mention Vishnu's hypermutable genes.

The boy who had been holding the gem of conquest in his hand and still contacted the owner of the gem of tranquility opened his mouth, and then took out a stack of photos from the drawer on the side.

"Destiny Extreme East Branch?"

Hearing these words, Raven paused, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

As expected, he was judged as a very strange person by Grey Snake.

As soon as you come up, you have to contact the granddaughter of Bishop Tianming.

"There is the branch where the granddaughter of Bishop Tianming is located. If you contact her at will, it is easy for the Bishop of Tianming to notice."

As I said, if I don't look for Theresa, he won't notice me.

In this regard, Su Han rolled his eyes in his heart.

He beat Cocolia and tied Kiana. If Otto didn't feel anything, it could only prove that he played Kalian too much, and his mind was stupid.

"It's not a big problem."

The real thought was that there was a big problem, and the panicked boy smiled and shoved the photo in hand into the hands of the World Snake cadre who appeared in place of the gray snake.

"What is your message?"

Siora looked at the photo handed over with a confused expression.

"This is it."

The teenager pointed to the photo that was handed over, and Siora turned it over and looked around.

In that photo, the white-haired girl was bound by a rope and looked helpless.

Chapter 43 Theresa's heart is broken

On a small island in the far east, a building complex called St. Freya Academy is hidden among the mountains.

This is an organization affiliated with the destiny, and every year, a large number of artificial Valkyries walk out of it to eliminate the Honkai event.

There was a person who wanted to let the girls who are fighting against the collapse experience the life and happiness that a normal person should have, so that they would not leave too many shortcomings in their short lives.

However, before that person could realize his ideal, because Karen's fantasy score was higher than that of Bishop Otto, he was titled (bushi) by the furious Otto Physics.

A dwarf inherited the man's ideals and left the Destiny headquarters to establish the Far East Branch and St. Freya Academy, implementing a more humane management plan.

The granddaughter adopted by the protagonist Otto Apokalis - Teresa Apokalis.

And now, the guy who will inherit the bishop sooner or later is still sleeping soundly on the bed.

Outside the window, a ray of golden sunlight hit her peaceful face through the blinds, adding a little warmth to her delicate little face.

Probably because today is a holiday, this principal who doesn't really have a sense of dignity doesn't need to force a reliable appearance to be a mascot in the principal's office.

Therefore, even though it was time for the sun to bask in her ass, she still slept soundly.

If no one disturbed him, this guy, who was only a little dignified in the eyes of Youlan and Wendy, would have slept until he woke up hungry.


"Dong Dong Dong!"

After a while, there was a very rapid knock on the door.

The momentum was as if it was about to smash the door.

what happened? !

Could it be that the students came to find themselves?

Just like hearing a knock on the door while peeking at a cartoon at work, the head of the student aid suddenly woke up from his sleep.

The student assistant who was extremely concerned about his image in front of the students jumped out of bed and rushed to the hanger with bare feet, grabbing the speed of light to change clothes.

In just a breath or two, the white-haired ball with its dull hair turned into a neatly dressed pious nun.

"Excuse me, who is it?"

In front of her students, the nun, who would try her best to keep her image, opened the door and smiled.

Then, she saw a certain red-haired royal sister.

Was it just Jizi?

The look on Teresa's delicate little face instantly collapsed.

The person who came was Wuliang Takizi, a good friend of mine who knew him well, not a student who had not yet seen the true nature of his abandoned house.

In front of Miss Wuliang Takizi, who is also the aunt of the abandoned house, Theresa does not need to disguise herself. Compared with pretending to be reliable in front of good friends, she is far less attractive than sleeping in the dormitory.

"It's Jizi, I'll talk about it later, I'll go back first—"

"We have received a special letter."

Before he could finish speaking, Wuliang Takizi's words interrupted him.

"Just now, the system of the Hyperion was hacked, and the intruder left a letter."

"At the beginning of the letter, it said directly, to Theresa Apocalis."

special letter?

Like a mint and then a sprite, Teresa suddenly woke up.

She looked at her friend carefully, and suddenly found that she was not wearing ordinary casual clothes at the moment, but a military dress.

She wore glasses and looked more serious than ever.

Although Immeasurable Tajiko likes to drink, she has always been very strict in what she does. Therefore, Teresa has given her a lot of autonomy. Many things in the Far East Branch and St. Freya Academy are handled by her. processed.

If it's just an ordinary letter, then she can handle it by herself instead of looking for herself.


Infinite Tajizi chose to report to herself...

Her face, which had never been serious, gradually became calm.

It looks like it's an amazing thing.

"What's inside?"

Theresa reached out and took the laptop that her friend handed over.

As the person in charge of the Destiny Extreme East Branch, she has a strong heart and a calm attitude. No matter what happens, she can maintain a good attitude and make plans.

The school principal named Theresa watched quietly as the email was opened.


The expression on her face froze.

On that computer, a girl with a face that was 70% similar to Cecilia was being restrained and looked helpless.

========Dividing Line========

Far away in Changkong City, the black-haired boy was sitting on the roof of the ME Club building, looking into the distance.

Beside him, the girl with white hair and blue eyes tore off the hemp rope on her body, and then threw the rope directly aside.

"It's so good, are you a pervert?"

Just now, the girl who was forced to take several sets of bundled photos looked at the camera next to her with disgust, and then spoke to the boy sitting on the rooftop.

Not long ago, she was beaten hard by the teenager next to her, and she was beaten calmly, and then accepted the deal he proposed.

The content of the transaction is simple.

1. Follow some of his orders next

2. If you want to die someday, come to him

In exchange, he will entrust the anti-entropy executor Raiden Ryoma to contact the other branches of anti-entropy, so that he can see the **** father.

To be honest, Kiana thinks Su Han is a little wrong.

Inexplicably, on the premise of being like death, he made a request, and the order he issued was to take a bundled photo of himself...

What a weirdo.

Such a beautiful face was blinded in vain.

The girl looked at the side face of the boy Junxiu, inexplicably felt that this scene seemed familiar.

You... have seen this guy?

The girl, who had no such impression at all, thought hard and shook her head.

No such memory at all.

Forget it, don't think about those things, the most important thing next is to wait for Dad to come and settle accounts with him.

It has been learned that Siegfried Kaslana, who was recovering from the anti-entropy injury, began to gear up.

That guy didn't even say hello, he left himself in Northern Europe and slipped away, he couldn't let the **** go.

"It's a bit strange to tie up girls, but it's still pretty eye-catching."

The boy who was looking forward to Theresa's appearance turned back to the girl next to him, shrugged his shoulders, and said in Kiana's disgusting eyes.

Theresa is Cecilia's best friend.

Because of the love of Wu and Wu, even if she and Qiana are not very familiar, she will still care about Qiana.

Suddenly seeing Cecilia's daughter bound and imprisoned was absolutely unbearable for her.

So, let yourself wait here for that furious S-rank Valkyrie.

In the letter, the teenager who asked Teresa to negotiate with him looked at the shadow under his feet and smiled slightly.

"Next, I have to prepare for the worst, and then I'm ready to pick things up."

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