"Are you sure... the prophecy of the group leader is real."

The girl stared at the boy with her burgundy eyes, smiling reluctantly.

"pretty close."

"Through that ability, I seem to be able to see some of the life trajectories of the group members when they don't join the group chat. Well, at least I have seen some of the life trajectories of the group members so far."

Su Han opened his mouth and gave the answer that Tokisaki Kurumi didn't want to hear.

Explaining his ability to predict as the privilege of the group leader is the explanation that Su Han thought of.

Although he also wants to learn the so-called showdown flow, he will pass on the games he has played and the anime he has watched, and introduce the situation.

After all, that's pretty fun.

I believe that when the time comes, whether it's the young master who sees himself competing for God's heart in front of Zhong Li, or the doctor who sees that he has been ranking No. 1 for Mei Liangxin, at that time, the scene will definitely be very happy.

Su Han could even imagine the scene at that time.

As soon as Romani logged in to the group chat, all the group members looked at him and laughed, and some shouted, "Romani, you've topped Merlin's list again!" He didn't answer, but said to the store, "Buy two train stations. Tickets, and another high-speed rail ticket." Then he gave out nine points.

The group members shouted deliberately again, "You must be ready to carry the train and run away!" Romani opened his eyes and said, "How can you be so innocent..."

"What innocence? I saw you playing fgo with my own eyes the day before yesterday, and I fainted from anger when I saw that you were making the list for Merlin."

Romani blushed, and the blue veins on his forehead burst out, arguing, "Calling an idol can't be called... smashing the list!...The matter of the crown magician can be counted as a smashing list?" Incomprehensible words, such as "I'm not the first in the championship list" and "When will the train arrive?" caused everyone to laugh: there was a happy atmosphere inside and outside the group.


Su Han himself is also a transmigrator.

He crossed over before joining the group. He just wanted to show off, but he couldn't upload Yuanshen. FGO also has a big battle to show the group friends...

Not to mention the condescending feeling of referring to the characters in the comics that others have only read by oneself, which may be discouraging. Just saying that you have read your stories, but you can't upload the plot, this is already Very embarrassing.

Therefore, he can only explain it with the power of prophecy.

"The essence is that Takamiya Mio, an artificial life form created by magicians who have absorbed the power of the earth for hundreds or even thousands of years, is very strong, or it is ridiculously strong."

Probably because he is a drama party, a young man who knows many things very well opened his mouth and said a fact that Tokisaki Kurumi is absolutely unwilling to accept.

"The original elf Tsonomiya Mio has three angels, and one of the second angel - AinSoph's subsidiary ability is the angel who reclaims other elves."

The words that made Tokisaki Kurumi's face pale all of a sudden rang out.

"As soon as you meet her, as long as she uses the second angel, you will be armed by her in an instant, and then killed."

"No, no, it should be said that even if she doesn't use angels, she has the power to crush all other elves."

This is a fact.

In the official dating battle, the strength of an elf will be measured by the ability value. Tokisaki Kurumi's total ability value is 713, while the total ability data of Takamiya Mio is 4995.

Obviously, this intensity is not a horizontal line at all.

Tokisaki Kurumi's delicate face was slightly distorted from the mouth of the boy beside him who received absolutely despairing data.

Of course she knew that her chance of defeating Takamiya Mio was very slim.

After all, her power comes from the spiritual crystallization gifted by Takamiya Mio.

Takamiya Mio himself definitely possesses a more powerful spiritual crystal.

However, she really never imagined that she had no chance of winning at all...

So, what have you done so far?

In order to save time, the expression of the girl who has killed 10,000 people is as if she has met a ghost, and there is despair in panic.

No, not right! !

own victory.

As if looking for a life-saving straw, she suddenly remembered Su Han's definition of Chong Gong Mio.

——Artificial life forms created by magicians who have gathered the power of the earth for hundreds or even thousands of years.

As long as he can kill the sinner who made Takamiya Mio, he can erase the possibility of his birth.

Then, the woe of the elf will come to an end.

As long as he can absorb enough time, he can reach the era before the birth of Takamiya Mio and kill those **** sinners.

The girl suddenly looked at the young man who had a good relationship with her, a little crazy determination flashed across her delicate little face.

"Su Jun, as you said, we are the best partners."


Su Han nodded and said.

The Eye of Darkness is a magical furnace heart similar to the third perpetual motion mechanism. Tokisaki Kurumi's Kekedi can completely rewrite the world line through time as long as the energy supply is sufficient.

It can be said that as long as Tokisaki Kuangsan is willing to cooperate with him, even if the enemy is Otto, Kevin, Walter and the like, he can deal with it calmly.

He and Tokisaki Kurumi are indeed perfect partners.

It's a pity that this combination that can play most of the boss characters can't be recognized by the mother, but it can't deal with Mio Takamiya.

Su Han sighed.

Takamiya Mio is a guy with extremely clear goals.

After seeing her fragile lover die, she decides to let her inherit all her power and come back to life, even if she dies for it.

With such a clear goal, after seeing the ability of Kurumi Toshisaki that could threaten her plans, could she have no defenses?

The answer is undoubtedly no.

She definitely has a way to kill Tokisaki Kurumi.

"Don't think of Mio Takamiya as an idiot like Raiden Mei."

The boy sighed and said.

Tokisaki Kurumi was silent.

She understands that she may not be able to duel with Takamiya Mio at all.

"Are you trying to persuade me to give up revenge?"

Tokisaki Kurumi's voice was a little hoarse.

The situation has become very clear, he is no match for Chong Gong Mio at all. As one of his few partners, Su Han is persuading himself not to seek death.

"If you can, of course I want you to give up."

"The enemy is so outrageous, it is estimated that even if the doctor is allowed to regain King Solomon's spiritual foundation, the winning rate is not very high."

Unsurprisingly, Su Han said something that was not as surprising as she imagined.


"But, I think, you shouldn't give up."

In Tokisaki Kurumi's stunned expression, the boy extended his hand to him.

"As your partner, I can't let it go."

No, let it go?

That is, to help yourself?

Tokisaki Kurumi was stunned when he looked at the outstretched hand.

She couldn't understand why the guy who was still trying to persuade him to give up would lend a helping hand at this time.

"You... are you going to help me who can't defeat the primordial elves next?"

Probably because what happened in front of her was so strange, the tone of her voice changed a lot.

"Yeah, I'd be sad to see my partner who is a super beautiful girl in despair because of sad wishes."

The young man smiled very freely.

"Although our win rate is quite impressive, we have to give it a try after all."

Tokisaki Kurumi was silent.

She looked at the boy who had been with her for a while, with a strange look in her eyes.

"Why are you helping me?"

After a long time, she spoke again and said.

The boy whose abilities complemented Kurumi Tokisaki quickly gave an answer and said.

"It's been said, we are the perfect partner."

ps1: I'm off the list today, so I'll postpone the update for the remaining 4,000 words today.

ps2: py friend's book

Chapter 42 Theresa, your niece has been kidnapped!

Takamiya Mio is outrageous.

The First Angel - Vientiane Cathedral

It can emit a large amount of light-grain pollen, and the things it touches will decay instantly.

Second Angel - Reincarnation Paradise

Expand the random field by expanding the root of the tree, and modify the present world to the neighboring world with itself as the center.

Just like Mio's alternate name [God], she will incarnate as a **** in the neighboring world, and can modify the rules of the world at will.

The setting of the third angel, the nameless angel, is even more outrageous, ignoring the restrictions and erasing the target from the source.

The first two are written on the face that my mother is a bug, and the last one is directly related to the operation of the concept department.

If you don't take advantage of a bigger bug, let alone defeat her, once she is fully active, it is difficult to run away without any mysterious skills.

Unfortunately, there is no more buggy character than Tatsumiya Mio in today's group chats, so in a short period of time, you can't count on such things as holding the big guy's back.

So, this kind of thing has to be considered in the long run.

Not long ago, the boy who made a great promise was sitting in the office of the chairman of the ME Club in Changkong City, thinking about the promise he made with Kurumi Tokisaki.

His current situation is actually very dangerous.

After beating Cocolia violently and seizing the gem of conquest, he can be sure that most of his information has been sent to Otto's desk.

Judging from the current situation, once the old pit forces him to make a move, he will face super trouble.

If the enemy has an absolute advantage in force, intelligence, and organizational strength, all he can rely on is poor intelligence and some unreasonable operations.

The elves that govern time have too many possibilities to change the situation.

It is very clear that his relationship with Tokisaki Kurumi has always been just an ordinary nodding acquaintance.

Judging from their current friendship, it was impossible for Tokisaki Kurumi to fight side by side with him until the end in a truly deadly battle.

For this reason, it is very important to win over Tokisaki Kurumi.

The boy who had already announced that he would meet Takamiya Mio together with Saki Kurumi stretched out his hand and tapped the table lightly.

But having said that, in order to deal with Otto, choosing to fight against the more difficult Mio Takamiya in the future, this operation is also absolutely impossible.

As if he was complaining about something, the young man sat in the position belonging to the Thunderbolt Dragon Horse and pinched his eyebrows.

Opposite him, a woman with a cold face was looking at him quietly.

He wears a predominantly black cape with burgundy trim, often with a hood, and wears the characteristic tight-fitting combat uniform with numerous belt trims and feather trim on the left shoulder.

Anyone who understands the Kokai worldview can easily recognize this person.

That's a raven.

The cadre raised by the world snake cadre Grey Snake.

The world famous painting, the creator of tears, rolling and crying.

"Senior Grey Snake didn't come by himself?"

The boy who naturally sat on the main seat of the ME club raised his head and smiled at the woman in front of him after being distressed for a while.

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