Chapter 9 Evolution Sheep

 Exchanging things for things is the main method of material circulation after currency is invalidated. Tan Junjie did not refuse this time, "What do you want to change?"

Xia Qing asked tentatively, "Do you have any sweet potato seeds?"

Tan Junjie nodded, "Huzi, do the math."


The young team member named Huzi immediately took out the detector and scale. After testing and weighing the captured animals, he quickly gave out the points, "Five red light snakes weigh five kilograms, 100 points; an evolved red light snake weighs four." One kilogram, 120 points; one yellow light snake, one and a half kilograms, 75 points; two evolved poisonous centipedes that can be used as medicine, six kilograms, 300 points, a total of 595 points.”

The investigation team took an advanced detector, which was much easier to use than Xia Qing's ordinary detector. The advanced detector is also only about the size of a palm. It can not only distinguish between edible and unusable organisms, but also display the content of harmful substances, and display safe food and optional food with green and yellow lights.

Tan Chunjie asked Xia Qing, who was staring at the detector, "The sweet potatoes in the army are safe food. These points can be exchanged for two sweet potatoes or six sweet potato seedlings. Which one do you choose?"

One hundred points for a safe sweet potato seedling is expensive, but it is worth the price. Xia Qing, a sweet potato breeder, has never done anything before, so she simply chose the insurance method, "I choose sweet potato seedlings. Team Tan, if I hunt another animal, can I still exchange sweet potato seedlings with you?"

Tan Junjie nodded and warned: "Don't enter the area outside the isolation zone."

“Yes!” Xia Qing responded resoundingly, and she was not distracted at first sight.

“Captain, the lord of land No. 4 has been informed and you can enter.” The team members who ran to notify the lord of land No. 4 ran back and reported to Tan Junjie.

After Tan Junjie led the team eastward into the No. 4 buffer forest, Xia Qing walked south along the narrow valley that separated the two buffer forests and was also the dividing line between the two pieces of land.

Not long after, she heard Su Ming ask in a low voice, "Captain, it's not easy for Xia Qing to farm alone. Let's give her a few more sweet potato seedlings."

Tan Junjie asked, "Use your points to exchange?"

 Then, no sound was heard.

Xia Qing smiled, walked out of the buffer forest along the valley, took off his protective mask, and went straight to the four acres of land he had just plowed.

With six more sweet potato seedlings, she has to plow half an acre of more land!

Six sweet potato seedlings don’t take up much space, but after catching the sheep, there will be more sweet potato seedlings in exchange. Even if she can't catch the sheep, she can still have a sweet potato field by using cuttings from the sweet potato vines after the six sweet potato seedlings grow on the vines.

The more Xia Qing thought about it, the stronger he became. He turned over an acre of land in one breath before stopping and going home for dinner. She didn't hear any big noise from No. 4 in the field, which meant that the investigation team didn't find any sheep in the No. 4 buffer forest, and she still had hope.

 After returning home and having a quick lunch, Xia Qing went to clean up the two abandoned courtyards to the west like a tireless top.

The bones were dug into a pit and buried, the grass was burnt to make potash fertilizer, and anything that could still be used was placed in a warehouse to the east. Construction waste was piled up in piles.

In this way, she has two vegetable gardens close to home.

After tidying up, Xia Qing went home and took a luxurious bath in spring water. She washed her clothes with filtered water and dried them in the sun. Then she put on protective clothing and went to the back mountain to get water.

Since there was a hearing evolved person in the investigation team, Xia Qing was afraid that he would hear the sound of the spring, so he deliberately avoided the forest near the mountain spring.

She didn’t want anyone to know about the drinking spring in the territory, so she was very careful every time she got water and hid the drinking bucket in her backpack.

After arriving at the mountain, Xia Qing regretfully found that the stone slab was still blocking the entrance of the cave, and the sheep and weasel did not come to drink water again. After filling up the water and going home, Xia Qing cooked and listened to the 7pm radio.

As usual, the broadcast at seven o'clock first broadcast exciting news from various parts of China, and then news and announcements from Huisan Base. Xia Qing listened carefully.

 The notice mentioned that the temperature will rise eight degrees in the next three days, and then there will be the first heavy rainfall of the year. After the rainfall, it is suitable to sow spring wheat. Please hurry up and don't miss the sowing season.

 Her land was plowed early.

Xia Qing, who was already lying on the bed, smiled nonchalantly and decided to plow a piece of land to plant wheat after the rain. The plowed land would not be wasted and would be planted sooner or later.

Xia Qing planned to take advantage of the three days before the rain to explore the evolutionary forest to the north of Site 3.

Last winter, Huisan Base pushed the isolation zone outside the safety zone 70 kilometers outward. No one has entered the evolutionary forest outside this range after the natural disaster.

 The evolutionary forest that humans have not set foot on is full of dangers and temptations. Xia Qing is now short of food and cannot resist temptation. The buffer forests and villages in her territory have been inspected by humans, all animals have been killed, and the plants have been screened and inspected. There are no more surprising harvests.

 Just do it.

 Getting up early the next day, Xia Qing brought all the equipment, passed through the buffer forest and isolation zone, and entered the evolutionary forest with dense forest and grass.

After the natural disaster, the temperature difference between the four seasons in Blue Star has widened by at least fifteen degrees, but the cold tolerance of evolved plants has also improved, and everything is green in mid-February. But most animals still maintain their original habits and hibernate in winter for cultivation. When the temperature rises and there is sufficient rain, they come out to move around and reproduce.

These three days are much safer than the next three days.

However, Xia Qing's vision and hearing were still fully open, and she picked up the machete and carefully explored inside.

 She discovered that this evolutionary forest was also within the scope of human activities before the natural disaster. Because there are terraced fields on the hillside, and there are collapsed houses on the flat and open top of the mountain.

 In such areas, the likelihood of finding edible plants is higher than in wild forests that have not been cultivated by humans. Eighty percent of the safe food found by the exploration team was found in such areas.

 An hour and a half later, Xia Qing had something to gain.

 She found several small green buds as high as her fingers that showed a green light in the test. After Xia Qing carefully pulled away the soil around the buds, her eyes lit up.


 A piece of sprouted ginger!

take away!

Because evolved plants may mutate if they leave their original growth environment, Xia Qing dug out the piece of soil where the **** grew, wrapped it, and put it in a basket, ensuring that its growth environment was not changed as much as possible.

After climbing three more terraces, catching two snakes, scaring away a group of mice and squirrels, and crushing several insects that tried to bite her, Xia Qing finally had her second harvest.

 A cluster of garlic sprouts showing a green light.

 Onions, **** and garlic are essential for cooking, but now there is only one missing. But in the next hour, Xia Qing searched from the terraces to the collapsed yard, but did not find a single green onion seedling.

 Could it be that the onions haven’t sprouted yet?

Xia Qing continued to explore and found a tall toona tree outside the collapsed courtyard wall, which was initially determined to be an edible plant.

 Because the buds on the toon seedlings that sprouted around the toon tree were eaten away by unknown animals.

Xia Qing carefully checked for snakes and insects hidden on the tree, then climbed up and picked a cluster of dark red toon buds, and squeezed the juice into the detector port. Sure enough, the green light came on after more than ten seconds.

Such a big edible toon tree!

It’s really a surprise. Xia Qing smiled brightly. It had only been five days since she entered the territory, and she had laughed more often than she had in the past six months.

She had just picked a few clusters of toona buds when she heard the sound of large animal activity thirty meters away.

It was too late to escape. Xia Qing leaned against the tree trunk and watched with bated breath.

The sound turned closer, and a dirty white-haired fat sheep walked out of the green grass.

 This sheep is very big and should be an evolved sheep. Xia Qing looked at its hooves and was almost certain that this was the guy who went to his territory to tear open rocks and drink spring water.

 So, the sheep that she had been guarding in the cave had not waited for, so they came to look for her under the tree?

Xia Qing clenched her machete and prepared to attack (sneak attack).

The sheep that came out raised their heads and looked exactly at Xia Qing who was hiding in the tree. The sheep's eyes narrowed slightly.

Xia Qing actually saw clear contempt in a sheep's eyes.


 Could it be that this sheep is the rarest brain evolver among evolved creatures?

 (End of this chapter)

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