Chapter 8 Hazard Investigation

“Captain Zhong, don’t shoot, it’s me, Zhao Ze from No. 4.”

The tall Zhao Ze shouted and ran over. He held the car while panting and asked, "Captain Zhong, one of our people was bitten by a poisonous snake. Have you brought the serum?"

“Here we go, where is he?” Zhong Tao greeted Xia Qing and immediately took Zheng Kui and Zhao Ze to rescue him.

Land No. 4 is to the east of Land No. 3. There is also a large buffer forest area. In spring, everything revives, so it is not surprising that snakes emerge. It would be troublesome if the bite was from a venomous snake.

 At around three o'clock in the afternoon, Xia Qing received a text message from Zhong Tao:

An evolved poisonous snake bit one person to death at No. 4. The base decided to check the buffer forest again. Captain Tan Junjie was in charge of No. 1 to No. 10. Don't worry, I'm one of my own.

  Natural disasters In recent years, people have been attacked and killed by evolved creatures every day. Xia Qing is more concerned about investigating the buffer forest tomorrow.

She had to find a way to prevent others from discovering the spring, and she had to catch the sheep before the investigators arrived. Once a sheep is caught outside its territory, it has nothing to do with you.

 When they came to the mountain, Xia Qing found that the stone blocking the entrance of the cave had not been moved, and there were no new hoof prints on the ground. After putting the bucket in to collect water, Xia Qing did not wait for the sheep in the cave, but followed the hoof prints to find the whereabouts of the sheep.

Xia Qing discovered that the sheep left her buffer forest and entered the evolutionary forest through the isolation zone.

The danger index of the uncleaned evolutionary forest has increased. She will definitely not be able to catch the sheep today and will have to try again tomorrow morning.

 Early the next morning, Xia Qing received a call from Tan Junjie before she could stop the sheep on the mountain.

The danger investigation team has already started taking action and is expected to arrive at No. 3 at ten o'clock and ask her if any evolved venomous snakes or other dangerous creatures have been found in her territory.

Xia Qing replied, "I have killed three evolved poisonous snakes, and there are no other dangers found so far."

After hanging up the phone, Xia Qing killed two more snakes but still couldn't wait for the sheep. He had to block the cave and went to the isolation zone outside the buffer forest in the west with a machete and slingshot to wait for the investigation team.

Before waiting for the investigation team, Xia Qing heard a quarrel coming from the direction of No. 2, and she listened carefully. It turned out that the people in No. 2 had heard that venomous snakes had bitten people and asked the platoon to inspect the area. However, the platoon explained that their mission today was to inspect the isolation zone and the buffer forest, not including the farming area.

 The people in Land No. 2 were dissatisfied and made a fuss.

This mountain forest is in the shape of a lying S. Land No. 1 is on the south side of the U-shaped bend of the rolling hillsides. The territory is the same as Land No. 3, including cultivated areas and buffer forests. Land No. 2 is east of Land No. 1, and the territory is entirely cultivated land.

 Land No. 3, No. 4 and No. 5 are on the south side of the n-shaped bend. There are two types of buffer forest and cultivated land in the territory.

 So relatively speaking, Land No. 2 is safer than Land No. 1, 3, 4, and 5. This is why the person who sent two text messages to Xia Qing recommended Land No. 2.

The lord of Land No. 2 is Tang Lu. Of course she will not farm the land herself. The people who quarreled with the inspection team were people sent by the Tang family. The Tang family is used to being arrogant in Huisan Base, so of course they will not take the small investigation team seriously.

Xia Qing listened quietly, wondering what Captain Tan would do.

"I'm on a mission. If you don't get out of the way, it will be illegal!" Xia Qing's lips curled up when he heard Tan Junjie's roar and the sound of bullets being loaded.

Tan Junjie follows principles and strictly follows orders, which is a good thing for her.

Xia Qing felt better when she saw seven officers and soldiers wearing camouflage protective clothing appearing in the distance and wearing green tags on their chests.

 The investigation team composed of seven evolved people is powerful enough!

"Captain, look, there's a girl standing in front, with a green card. She must be Xia Qing from Land 3, Level 4 Power Evolution, twenty-five years old, single!" "Shut up!" Tan Junjie growled, "Please be more serious about me."

 “Yes.” The six team members responded in unison.

Speaking softly at this distance cannot be heard by non-hearing evolved people, so Xia Qing stood quietly and pretended not to hear anything.

Tan Junjie led the team to Xia Qing, took off his protective mask and saluted Xia Qing, "Captain of the Sixth Danger Investigation Team, Tan Junjie."

After Xia Qing saw his ID, he volunteered, "Team Tan, I am Xia Qing from Land 3, a Level 4 Power Evolver. I have carried out six missions to clean up the evolutionary forest before leaving the safe zone. I would like to inspect the Three Lands with you." Buffer forest and isolation zone.”

 The task of cleaning up the evolutionary forest was released for a total of three months, and each time the task was carried out, it lasted ten days. Xia Qing has been on a mission for sixty days and is still alive and well, which shows that although she is only a junior power-type evolution person responsible for transportation and disinfection work, she is also quite capable of dealing with dangers. What's more, the person who asked to follow the patrol was her own territory. Tan Junjie had no reason to object, "Follow me."

"Yes." Xia Qing introduced the situation of the buffer forest in the territory as he walked, "I checked the northern hillside twice and killed five snakes. No other dangers were found. I haven't had time to check the western hillside yet."

Xia Qing is the most powerful among the fifty lords in the North District, and the one most vulnerable to danger. Because people with stronger abilities are more confident, will actively explore the environment, and are most likely to encounter dangerous situations.

Tan Junjie reminded her to be careful, "The temperature has started to rise recently, and hibernating animals are gradually waking up and coming out to move around. You should try to stay in the farming area. If you are bitten by a snake, call me and Zhong Tao immediately, and we will immediately arrange for someone to deliver serum." "

"I'll remember it, thank you Captain Tan." Xia Qing agreed honestly, took out his protective mask from the backpack and put it on. Although she didn't think it was necessary, the investigation team was all wearing them, so it was hard for her to be special.

After entering the buffer forest, a team member behind Tan Junjie exclaimed, pointed down the hillside and asked Xia Qing, "Miss Xia, did you plow such a large piece of land beside the reservoir by yourself?"

Xia Qing could tell that this was the one who called him "Niu" just now. "Just call me Xia Qing. I am a power evolved person. I have no other ability except my strength. I can only do these rough jobs."

This team member also introduced himself, "Sister Xia Qing, my name is Su Ming, level 3 visual evolution. Your soil is so well plowed, did you plant it before the natural disaster?"

Xia Qing shook his head, "My family lives in the suburbs of the city. I only have a small vegetable garden at home, which is not considered farming. However, I have often worked in safe planting areas over the years, so I have learned it."

“There is movement at 9 o’clock, forty-five meters away. It should be a snake or a lizard.” The auditory evolver in the team spoke up to remind everyone to pay attention.

Tan Junjie immediately ordered, "Everyone is on alert. Xia Qing is standing behind me. Number 345, go over and check."

Xia Qing took another step behind Tan Junjie and watched Su Ming and the others search in the nine o'clock direction. After a few noises, the three of them quickly came over carrying a patterned snake more than one meter long.

Su Ming smiled and handed the snake to Xia Qing, "Sister Xia Qing, it's a vegetable snake."

Xia Qing just shook his head and listened to Tan Junjie explain the rules, "All resources in the territory belong to the lord."

Xia Qing did not refuse anymore and stuffed the snake into the basket on his back.

 The investigation team completed the search in the west buffer forest and caught a total of six snakes and two arm-long evolved poisonous centipedes. Looking at the evolved centipede, Xia Qing's scalp felt numb.

  After entering the Dubei buffer forest where Xia Qing had already checked twice, the inspection team found no dangerous creatures, said goodbye to Xia Qing, and prepared to enter the fourth area.

Xia Qing asked Tan Junjie with a basket on his back, "Team Tan, can I trade this meat with you for seeds?"

 (End of this chapter)

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