"I haven't heard Third Brother mention it, but there must be two or three cats in a litter." When it comes to the little milk cat, Xia Qing is also full of expectations. If she had an evolved cat now, how could the mice bite her solar panels?

"More than two will be good. Let's dig a fish pond and raise the fish first when we go back. When we get the cat back, we won't have to worry about having no meat to feed the cat." Dajiang also hoped that there would be more than two, and Zhang San promised that if he The evolution of cats gives birth to two kittens, one in territory number one. If there is only one kitten, their captain will let him give birth to one. Dajiang really has not evolved this function.

 After chatting for a few more words, it was time for Xia Qing and Chen Zheng to inspect the rain shelter again.

 According to the division of labor, Chen Zheng inspected the wheat, mung bean and cotton sheds, and Xia Qing inspected the vegetable sheds. After the inspection, the two returned to the hut. Chen Zheng reported the inspection results to Xia Qing, "There are only eight vines in the two sheds on the east side of the road, and there are 20 plants in the three sheds on the west side of the road."

The "road" Chen Zheng refers to is the road built by Xia Qing from his home to the vegetable shed on the hillside. The mung beans and cotton in the Ludong shed were soaked by Xia Qing in spring water; the mung beans and cotton in the Luxi shed were soaked in filtered water, and the wheat was planted half and half, but they were all planted in the Luxi shed.

Hush Feng’s team did not know whether there was any contaminated spring water in Territory No. 3. Even except Hu Feng, no one else knew that Luo Pei was being treated in the basement of Territory No. 3.

 They came here with the mission personally assigned by the captain. They only knew that Xia Qing helped Luo Pei and was the benefactor of their Qinglong team.

Therefore, the reason Xia Qing gave at this moment is very simple, "Maybe the soil quality and drainage of the farmland in the east are better than those in the west, so the crops are less affected by the rain."

 Chen Zheng nodded, feeling that it made sense.

By four o'clock in the morning, the rain had been falling intermittently for forty-two hours. According to the weather forecast, it would end in another six hours.

Just when everyone thought they saw the dawn of victory, they suddenly felt agitated, and the sheep boss also began to scratch his hooves.

 Without opening a word, everyone knew that the red-level rain was coming.

Without waiting for Xia Qing's order, Chen Zheng stood up and said, "Dajiang, Acheng, narrow the patrol scope and only guard the area around the rain shelter. Don't let rodents and toxic evolved insects approach and destroy the rain shelter. Sister Qing and I are responsible for this." In the shed, the intercom remains open and any situation will be reported at any time.”

Xia Qing picked up the protective mask and added, "If you encounter a danger that cannot be dealt with, protect yourself first and then report it. If the food is gone, you can plant it again. As long as everyone is fine."

Facing the unknown risks that the red rain may bring, Xia Qing's words made the three members of Husband Feng's team feel much more relaxed.


“Sister Qing, don’t worry.”

“If we can’t deal with it, we’ll shake people off, not only to ensure personal safety, but also to preserve farmland.”

"Yes, we also have a danger investigation team on standby at any time." Xia Qing rubbed the head of the sheep boss, knowing that it would definitely follow him without asking. After putting on a protective mask for the sheep boss, one person and one sheep rushed to Tudou, Sweet potato and pumpkin shed.

As soon as we entered the shed, the rainproof cloth was pitter-pattered by raindrops. The sound made us feel particularly irritated.

Wearing a protective mask, Xia Qing took a deep breath and began to patrol under the bright flashlight above her head.

After cleaning up one green sweet potato plant, two yellow flowering potatoes, and a cucumber pumpkin vine with a wooden stick, Xia Qing rushed to the planting area with the sheep boss.

 After the red-level rain continued for half an hour, except for the freshly cut sweet potato vines, the vegetables in the planting area were still stable, which made Xia Qing feel much more at ease.

After a round of inspection, Xia Qing let the sheep boss drink some spring water before taking it down the mountain. After killing two evolved leeches that jumped out of the water and attacked, Xia Qing did not return to the hut, but returned directly to the sweet potato, potato and pumpkin shed. .

It is raining at the red level, which is the highest risk level. Among the three vegetable sheds, this shed is the most likely to have evolved plants.

After walking a few steps into the shed, Xia Qing discovered a potato plant that had doubled in height and had turned into purple-red leaves and stems. It was doing a seaweed dance in the absence of wind.

As a potato seedling, you don’t just keep blooming and holding back the potatoes, but you actually evolved animal characteristics!

Xia Qing picked up the shovel and was about to rush, but was stopped by the sheep boss.


 Lao Yang has a loud voice and a stern tone. Xia Qing nodded, "I know this potato seedling is very powerful, I will be careful..."

“Bang!” Before Xia Qing could finish speaking, the dancing potato seedling suddenly accelerated and knocked away a normal potato seedling next to it.

 “You are looking for death!”

Xia Qing was angry, raised the shovel and rushed forward. Unexpectedly, the dancing potato sticks were very tough and powerful. The shovel handle was cut off by it, and Xia Qing also received a whip.

The potato seedlings were so powerful that even Xia Qing, who was wearing protective clothing, felt obvious pain.

Xia Qing calmed down in the pain. He raised his hand and was about to grab and break a dancing bean vine that was a normal potato, but was hit by the sheep boss from behind.


A dancing potato seedling was whipped hard at the place where Xia Qing was standing just now. After pushing her away, the sheep boss didn't have time to dodge. His tail was whipped, and he screamed in pain, crushing a normal potato seedling.

 “Moo—” The sheep boss was furious and wanted to compete with the potato vine that was sucking it.

"Boss!" Xia Qing hugged the sheep boss and was whipped **** the back by the second dancing potato seedling behind him. The pain made Xia Qing scream and became angry.

Damn it, I’ll fight you!

Angry Xia Qing hugged the sheep boss who was about to fight. Before she launched an attack, a third dancing potato seedling appeared behind her.



Xia Qing was whipped again and gasped in pain.


Finding that he could not defeat this powerful plant, the sheep boss screamed in fear, turned around and ran outside.

 Lao Yang retreated, but Xia Qing rushed forward again. Because these three crazy plants are still dancing and growing, if they touch anything, they will immediately speed up and attack.

Leave them alone and the shed will be destroyed.

Xia Qing pressed the intercom, "Dangerous and aggressive carnivorous plants appear in the vegetable shed south of the reservoir, and we are in urgent need of support."

A reply sounded immediately in the earphones:

 “No. 2 will be here soon.”

 “The third will arrive in one minute.”

 “The fourth will arrive in one and a half minutes.”

After calling for support, Xia Qing blocked the dancing potato seedlings that were being pulled towards the arched support of the rain shelter. He pulled out his pistol and fired with a "bang bang bang" sound. After interrupting one of the mutilated potato seedlings, he immediately turned to the other two. , the fourth purple-red dancing potato seedling sprang up!

 “Baa, baa!!”

The escaping sheep boss found that Xia Qing was surrounded by potato seedlings and could not escape. He scratched his hooves a few times and rushed back, "Hey!"


The sheep boss received a whip from Dancing Potato Yang before he came to Xia Qing's side, pushed her hard with his head, and asked her to quickly run away with him. (End of chapter)

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