Xia Qing didn't have time to listen to the confrontation between Territory No. 1 and Territory No. 2. She put on night vision goggles for Boss Sheep and herself, locked the door with a gun, sprinkled insect repellent powder, and rushed to the south of the territory with Boss Sheep.

The sheep boss may not be able to kill the evolved rats, but Xia Qing can ensure that the sheep boss will not be bitten by the evolved rats by carrying it.

Territory No. 2 is just south of Territory No. 3. There must be more than four evolved rats invading Territory No. 3. If you don't clean up the invading evolutionary rats before dark, the consequences will be disastrous.

Evolved rats that can run around and have powerful destructive power cannot wait for the danger investigation team to come over before cleaning up. As soon as Xia Qing took out the phone to call Hu Feng, Hu Feng's call came.

He went straight to the point without a word of nonsense, "Olfaction evolution team members Chen Zheng and Chen Cheng have rushed to territory three. Is it enough?"

“They all come over, what should we do with Territory No. 1?” The Bearded Feng team only has these two evolved people with the sense of smell.

Hush Feng was completely different from the heated argument in the lord channel at this moment. His voice was very calm, "Our mission is to protect Territory Three."

 It is their task to protect Territory No. 3. Luo Pei is also here. Territory No. 3 is indeed more important than Territory No. 1.

 Hang up the phone, Xia Qing felt much more at ease. Her vision and hearing were fully opened, searching for traces of rodent-evolved rats.

Two members of the olfactory evolution team of the Beard Feng team and Yuan Rui, the olfactory evolution member of the Tan Junjie team, arrived one after another. Using olfactory tracking, they patrolled Xia Qing's territory in more than an hour and tracked a total of people who entered the territory from the second territory to the third territory. There were sixteen evolved rodents, four of them were killed by Xia Qing, four were hunted by evolved birds in the territory, and the remaining eight were eliminated by three people.

After the cleanup was completed, Yuan Rui, the evolutionary man of smell of Tan Junjie's team, immediately rushed to No. 9 for reinforcements.

During their search in Territory No. 3, traces of rodent evolved rats appeared in Land No. 4 to the east of Land No. 3, Land No. 9 to the east of Land No. 2, and Land No. 8 to the southwest of Land No. 2. Three ordinary people have been bitten in the ground and are in critical condition.

Xia Qing could hear gunshots and roars coming from the territories to the east and south in his own territory.

To the south of Land No. 2 is Territory No. 11. Xia Qing speculated that there must have been evolved rats escaping in Territory No. 11, but Land No. 11 is not within the investigation scope of Tan Junjie's team, and the lords are not in the communication channel of Lords No. 1 to 10. .

 At nine o'clock in the evening, the rain started to pour again, making it more difficult to protect the territory.

Xia Qing, who only had a not-so-smart sheep as a helper, didn't dare to ask for help, so he called and asked Huzi Feng to send Da Jiang, a member of the auditory evolution team, to help guard the No. 3 territory. At this time, the evolved rats in Territory No. 1 have also been cleared.

With Da Jiang in place, Xia Qing has three human helpers: Da Jiang, a fourth-level hearing evolver, and Chen Zheng and Chen Cheng, a fifth-level smell evolver.

Twenty-three-year-old Chen Zheng and 21-year-old Chen Cheng are brothers, with the same evolutionary ability level. However, the older brother has a calm personality, while the younger brother is a little more out-of-the-box.

Territory No. 3 needs to deal with two dangers tonight. One is the attack and destruction of evolved rats or other evolved animals; the other is the destruction of crops. The four of them were divided into two groups. Xia Qing and Chen Zheng inspected the rain shelter, while Dajiang and Chen Cheng inspected the territory.

Of course, Xia Qing also has a helper: Boss Sheep.

It rained heavily all night long, with levels changing between orange and yellow. At night, Dajiang and Chen Cheng killed four more evolved rodents that escaped from Territory No. 2, and cleared out batch after batch of evolved insects near the rain shelter. Xia Qing and Chen Zheng also cleaned up a plant. Another evolutionary plant.

At about four o'clock in the morning, a large group of evolved rats suddenly appeared in Territory No. 2. They ran towards Territory No. 1 and Territory No. 3 in groups, and there were constant gunshots in the territories. After killing more than fifty evolved rats, Xia Qing couldn't wait to run to Territory No. 2 and kill Tang Huai.

 The next morning, Tan Junjie's team forcibly entered the No. 2 territory and wiped it out completely, and the evolutionary rat crisis came to an end. Hu Feng changed four team members to replace Da Jiang, Chen Zheng and Chen Cheng, and asked Xia Qing to go home and rest.

 The situation during the day was not bad, it was raining and the level was always blue.

At around four o'clock in the afternoon, Da Jiang, Chen Zheng and Chen Cheng returned to Territory 3 to change shifts with four teammates and continued to be on duty in groups with Xia Qing.

Da Jiang and Chen Cheng are still responsible for patrolling the territory, while Xia Qing and Chen Zheng patrol the rain shelter.

In the rustling drizzle, Hearing Evolved Man Dajiang walked and said to his Smell Evolved Teammate Chen Cheng, "The No. 3 Territory is much cleaner than ours, and so many crops and vegetables have been planted. Miss Xia really deserves to be a Power Evolved Person. ”

Chen Cheng snorted, "Guan Tong is also a level 5 power evolved person. Do you think he can grow so many crops by himself?"

 Ojiang immediately shook his head, "That can't be done."

Chen Cheng shook his body and shook off the rain on his protective clothing, "Ms. Xia can afford the hard work and has the ability. If most of the crops in the shed can survive this rain, she will have no worries about food and clothing this year."

 In the year of natural disasters, having food, clothing and a stable home is the dream of most people. Ojiang was envious, "Not only does she have food and clothing, she will also have an evolved cat soon."

 The two of them patrolled around and cleared out a large number of evolutionary bugs near the shelter and Xia Qing's house, then returned to the hut next to the farmland. By coincidence, Xia Qing and Chen Zheng had just finished inspecting the rain shelter and were resting inside.

After Chen Cheng took off his protective mask, his eyes were glued to the sheep boss next to Xia Qing. He moved towards it while talking, "Miss Xia's house is really well built, and there is no leakage at all."

Xia Qing smiled, "If the hut still leaks, I won't be able to work in the construction team for five years. You are too polite, just call me Xia Qing like before."

Xia Qing often goes on missions with Luo Pei's team, and Luo Pei's team sometimes teams up with Hushu Feng's team. So the people in the Bearded Front Team have known about Xia Qing for a long time, but her identity now is different from her identity then.

"That's not possible, you are our great benefactor." Chen Cheng moved forward a little further, "But calling you Miss Xia does seem too foreign. Can we call you Sister Qing?"

"Of course." Boss Yang's muscles tensed up because of Chen Cheng's approach, and he was about to lose his temper. Xia Qing poured a cup of tea and handed it to Chen Cheng, "Thank you for your hard work. Let's sit down and have a cup of tea."

 “Thank you, Sister Qing.” Chen Cheng held the tea in both hands and wanted to nudge towards Boss Yang, but was pulled back by his brother Chen Zheng.

“This tea is really good. It doesn’t smell bad at all.” Chen Cheng took a deep sniff.

 Humans who evolved the sense of smell are extremely sensitive to taste, and they suffer a lot because of it. For example, odors that cannot be completely removed from filtered water are a form of torture for people with evolved sense of smell.

 The tea is brewed with unpolluted spring water, so of course it cannot have a bad smell. Xia Qing held the tea and explained, "I exchanged this tea with the lord of No. 7. It tastes really good."

Xia Qing changed with Zhang San through the lord channel, and everyone in the several territories knew it.

"Such a good tea, the guy in No. 7 used it for spinach leaves. How much does he love to eat spinach?" Chen Cheng sighed, "Sister Qing, I remember that guy's evolved cat gave birth to kittens at the end of this month, right? Do you know how many kittens his cat is pregnant with?" (End of Chapter)

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