Chapter 69: Cutting Sweet Potatoes

 After sending Zhong Tao away, Xia Qing and Mr. Yang carried the vermicompost directly to the terraces reserved in the planting area.

Xia Qing likes to eat sweet potatoes very much, so the plots where the sweet potato cuttings are left are terraced fields with thick soil layers, one in the high-slope planting zone and the other in the low-slope planting zone.

According to the method given to her by Tan Junjie, Xia Qing first fertilized the terraces, then plowed them and piled up strips of rice. After the ground was prepared, Xia Qing cut the long vines of green light sweet potatoes into 20-centimeter-long sections, and planted 200 cuttings.

 After the cutting was completed, Xia Qing was both happy and worried.

Of course she was happy that she had two hundred more sweet potato plants, but she was worried that not only would the plants not survive, but it would also destroy the elemental balance in the sixteen sweet potato plants that had been pruned and had only two or three vines left, causing them to turn from green to green. It's a yellow light.

 In that case, it will be a loss.

Xia Qing also confirmed this method of propagation by cuttings with Qi Fu. Since there is no problem with the method and she has spring water in hand, even if only half of the two hundred trees survive and each surviving plant only grows three pieces of sweet potatoes, she can still harvest three hundred pieces of sweet potatoes, three hundred pieces!

Xia Qing happily poured filtered water mixed with spring water on the cut sweet potato vines - because there were too many seedlings, she did not have enough spring water to irrigate them.

Xia Qing then used the remaining vermicompost to topdress other plots.

Vegetables that are blooming and bearing fruit need top dressing; wheat, mung beans and cotton are about to bloom and need top dressing; jujube trees are blooming and need top dressing.

 The original green-light sweet potato and yellow-light potato fields have already used a lot of fermented sheep manure, so top dressing is not needed; for pumpkins that only grow seedlings but do not bloom, top dressing is not required.

I thought that four hundred kilograms of vermicompost was quite a lot, but when I started topdressing, I realized that it was not enough to spread it over once. So, Xia Qing sent a message to Sun Zhe to order another 800 kilograms, and the delivery date was twenty days later.

In this transaction, Xia Qing used spinach seeds that were about to mature. By the time Zhong Tao delivers the vermicompost, the spinach seeds should be mature.

 In other words, Sun Zhe can produce at least 800 kilograms of vermicompost in twenty days, which can be exchanged for 400 points. Raising earthworms to make **** is more suitable than working in a construction team. Of course, the risks involved are also greater. Now that he has a territory, he is ready to take risks.

Xia Qing took the few kilograms of vermicompost left home and mixed them into four large earthen basins. These earthen pots were prepared by her for strawberries. "Planting Encyclopedia" said that strawberry plants will grow stolons, and new strawberry seedlings will grow on the stolons.

Looking at the pictures in the planting encyclopedia, Xia Qing felt that they were fake.

but! Her two strawberry plants actually grew two stolons, although the stems were too short and no new strawberry seedlings were produced. But now that the stems are there, will the strawberry seedlings be far behind?

Xia Qing has prepared pots and soil, ready to welcome new seedlings.

Like the newly transplanted vegetable seedlings, the cut sweet potato vines were exposed to the sun the next day and all wilted. But the leaves are wilting, and the sweet potato vines are still standing. Xia Qing already had experience and did not show the panic he had when transplanting vegetable seedlings last time.

Let it wilt if it wilts. If it wilts enough, it will stand up. She can do whatever she needs to do.

 She went to learn from Luo Pei twice more in the past few days, and practiced disassembling and assembling guns seriously every night. Now, even with her eyes closed, Xia Qing can quickly complete the disassembly and assembly of guns.

Today, she will practice the basic shooting movements.

Wearing protective clothing, Xia Qing crawled in the grass. He pressed the **** of the gun against his shoulder according to the method taught by Luo Pei. His eyes slowly moved behind the scope to find the most suitable exit pupil distance. He controlled his breathing and lightly pressed the trigger with his finger.

 The marksmanship must be accurate and the gun must be steady. The gun must be steady, and the person must be steady. To be stable, your mentality, strength, and breathing must be stable. There is no problem with Xia Qing's mentality and strength. What he needs to practice now is breathing control, pulling the trigger every time and following up. He can't spend time re-finding the exit pupil distance after every shot. This time is enough to kill the opponent. I'll kill you ten times.

 After holding the gun steadily for thirty minutes, Xia Qing fired the first bullet since she got the gun when she heard a loud eagle cry. Covered by the cries of eagles and silencers, the gunshot did not alert anyone in the nearby territory.

 Zhao Ze from land No. 4 is still leading people to carry water to water the wheat, and Tang Huai from land No. 2 is still sitting in the field digging for insects. Hu Feng from No. 1 Land still led his people to patrol the isolation zone between No. 49 Mountain and the territory. After confirming from the scope that he had accurately shot a fist-sized clod placed one thousand meters away, Xia Qing walked over, placed another clod of the same size at the same position, and returned to the original spot to continue aiming. .

After aiming for half an hour, Xia Qing removed the scope on the sniper rifle, maintained the previous aiming action, and continued to aim at the clods of soil.

The purpose of using a scope is to find accurate aiming movements and let the body travel muscle memory. Xia Qing is a level 9 vision evolved person and has the ability to aim at a target the size of a chicken at a distance of 1,500 meters with the naked eye. Any target larger than a mung bean within a hundred meters cannot escape the pursuit of her naked eyes.

This is the ability second only to Luo Pei, the tenth level visual evolution person.

In Luo Pei's testing room on the second underground floor, Luo Pei used standard testing instruments to detect that Xia Qing's visual evolution level was level nine. Not only was he shocked, but Xia Qing was also shocked.

 She knew that her vision was an advanced evolution, but she didn’t expect that it had reached level nine.

Not only her vision, but her hearing has also reached an astonishing seventh level of evolution, one level higher than Luo Pei!

After the test, Luo Pei, who was thirty-four years old and considered himself mature and prudent, was so excited that he couldn't speak. He patted Xia Qing on both shoulders vigorously, and then solemnly told Xia Qing, "With your physical fitness, as long as you are willing to If you work hard, you can definitely knock Nie Hong down!"

No wonder Yang Jin has high hopes for Xia Qing, no wonder!

Pap-pap-pap-pap-pap-pap! Luo Pei became more and more excited and couldn't help but pat Xia Qing again and again.

Xia Qing, who was floating in the air after learning his true evolutionary level, was slapped back to the ground by Luo Pei, and asked humbly, "Brother Luo, who is Nie Hong?"

Luo Pei was so happy that he burst into tears...

 “…our best sharpshooter in China.”

Xia Qing has no interest in kicking the number one sharpshooter in China from his throne and replacing him himself. She just wants to be an ordinary power evolved person, farming in her territory.

After the wolf broke into wild boar breeding, it never appeared again, and there was no big movement in the breeding center. Xia Qing still carefully patrols the territory every day, using deodorant to remove the sheep smell in the territory. The sheep boss gave up after a few days of persistence and stopped looking outside the iron fence. In addition to eating grass every day, he stays with Xia Qing.

Xia Qing was busy working, and the sheep boss watched from a distance, or was flattered by Xia Qing and slapped him down.

Xia Qing rested, and the sheep boss went to the side to rest together.

At this moment, Xia Qing was lying on the ground practicing shooting, and the sheep boss was lying next to her chewing cud.

 When the loud eagle cry came from the sky again, Xia Qing fired the second shot.

This time the bullet missed its target by more than ten meters and hit the trunk of a nearby tree. The big tree shook and a few yellow leaves fell.

There is a difference between aiming with the naked eye and shooting with a scope. It is reasonable to miss. Xia Qing put the bullet casing into his pocket, climbed up and grabbed it, pulled out the bullet that was deeply embedded in the tree trunk and stuffed it into his pocket, then returned to the original spot and continued to aim.

 The sun was scorching, and Xia Qing remained motionless.

After finishing chewing the cud, the half-lidded eyes of the sheep gradually closed, and his head slowly sank, pressing on Xia Qing's back. This heavy burden made Xia Qing's mouth curl up, but the posture of holding the gun did not change at all.

 In three hours, Xia Qing fired a total of ten bullets, two of which hit the target. She was very satisfied with the result, so she called it a day and went home to cook.

 (End of this chapter)

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