Passing through the original northern isolation zone of Territory 3, Xia Qing entered the high slope.

 After the Gao Slope area was merged into Xia Qing's territory, the inspection team patrolled the periphery of the territory and no longer passed through the old isolation zone that had been included in Xia Qing's territory.

If Xia Qing hadn't regularly sprayed insect repellent and weeded the isolation zone, this ten-meter-wide isolation zone would have been gone long ago.

Xia Qing kept it to prevent pest disasters. The isolation belt can block the pests coming off No. 49 and become a half-protective wall for the territory.

 The other half of the wall is, of course, Xia Qing himself. Even if the evolved locust army attacks, they can't get through the protective wall she built.

 Through the old isolation zone, Xia Qing entered the high-slope planting area. First, the evolved perilla. In order to let the sheep boss eat it, Xia Qing did not trap the evolved perilla in the insect-proof net.

  After strangling an evolved mantis that was holding a sickle on its head to attack him, Xia Qing entered the vegetable garden covered by an insect-proof net. Green alfalfa was planted in the first terraced field inside the insect-proof net. Only two of the twenty alfalfa trees that Zhao Ze gave her as compensation died, and the rest were alive and well. Xia Qing pinched the buds and ate them once, and the taste was amazing. Better than perilla.

Of course, this may be because she is tired of eating evolved perilla too many times.

 The pumpkins grown in the terraced fields gave Xia Qing a headache. If it hadn't been for repeated testing, she would have really suspected that the pumpkin seedling, with its vines growing wildly but not a single flower blooming, had evolved.

Five green pumpkin seedlings covered the fifty-meter-long terraced field, and they even took up half of the green alfalfa terrace below. The fifteen yellow pumpkins planted next to the sweet potato field on the hillside are equally sad.

If the pumpkin vines don’t bloom next month, Xia Qing will cut the vines to feed the sheep.

 Further up are fields of onions, ginger, garlic and leeks. In order to facilitate management, Xia Qing transplanted all the vegetable seedlings found in Gao Pohuang's courtyard here.

Further up are three peanut terraces, and then there are terraces that are still empty, ready to be planted with sweet potatoes. Xia Qing got out of the insect-proof net and walked up, and came to two apple trees with their fruits cut off and two jujube trees that not only sprouted buds but also bloomed.

 The small yellow-green flowers blooming from the jujube tree are fragrant and beautiful.

Xia Qing is not worried about the jujube flowers being bitten by insects at all, because these two green jujube trees can actually kill insects!

Evolution Jujube trees have a dense layer of sharp thorns on the backs of their branches and leaves. Insects that dare to provoke the jujube tree will be pricked by the sharp thorns and slowly turn into insect trunks. This has to make Xia Qing suspect that the dates she harvests in the future may all be meat-flavored.

Finally, Xia Qing came to a gentle area on a high **** and broke off a lot of toon leaves for Mr. Yang from the big toon tree. Humans cannot eat toon buds in summer, but toon leaves are still the food of the sheep.

Returning to the reservoir, Xia Qing called the sheep on the water cart to come down for dinner, while she squatted by the fish pond to feed the fish.

  Dozens of newly killed insects, large and small, were thrown down, and the fish pond immediately exploded. When the water calmed down again, even the wings of the insects were no longer visible.

This is the new world of Blue Star, where the weak eat the strong. Creatures that are not strong and can't survive will die without leaving anything behind.

Xia Qing, who was strong and stubborn, stood up, clapped her hands, said hello to the sheep boss, and went to see her sweet potato seedlings and weed them.

The growth rate of sweet potato vines is not slow, but it is not as scary as pumpkin seedlings. While weeding, Xia Qing looked at the sweet potato vines and found tiny red bumps growing on them. In a few days, these knots will grow roots and penetrate into the soil, and the sweet potato vines can be cut and cut.

 To cut sweet potato vines, you need to add fertilizer to the prepared terraces.

Xia Qing took out her mobile phone and called Sun Zhe.

The call was quickly connected, and Sun Zhe's voice was full of energy, "Sister Qing."

 Not only was there no background noise from the construction team on the other side of the phone, but you could also hear the chirping of birds. Xia Qing judged that Sun Zhe was not in the construction team and asked directly, "Have you made vermicomposts? If so, I plan to buy a few bags."

Sun Zhe's voice was full of joy, "It's done. Our family has formed a partnership with others and received territory No. 48 to raise earthworms to make dung. How many kilograms does Sister Qing want?"

Xia Qing’s voice also had laugh lines, “How many pounds can you trade now?”

Sun Zhe directly reported the number, "The maximum is four hundred kilograms, one point is two kilograms. Can Sister Qing accept it? No matter how cheap it is, we won't even be able to earn back the labor."

 Unexpectedly, Sun Zhe had produced so much vermicompost. Xia Qing said simply, "Okay. Can you sell them all to me? Do you want to exchange materials or points?"

Because he came out late, he missed the best sowing season; and because Territory No. 48 is close to the safe zone and has been raided countless times by humans. No edible plants were found in the territory, so Sun Zhe wanted to exchange edible vegetables or seeds. "Sister Qing, do you have any edible plants? It would be better if there are edible plant seeds that can be exchanged."

Xia Qing quoted the price directly, "I have one hundred and fifty yellow light onion seeds, two points per point; twenty kilograms of sun-dried and sealed yellow bamboo shoots, twenty points per kilogram."

After Sun Zhe finalized the number of shallot seeds and yellow lantern bamboo shoots to be exchanged, he happily told Xia Qing, "Let Captain Zhong Tao deliver it to my sister tomorrow. Our family owns the land jointly with Captain Zhong's cousin Zhong He. This place is close to safety." The area is quite safe, and the area closest to the safe area is still within signal coverage, so ordinary phones can be used.”

Xia Qing hung up the phone and while leveling the land next to the sweet potato field, she lamented that Sun Zhe would pick people.

Although Zhong Tao is an ordinary person, he is very sociable. He is also the squad leader responsible for the transportation of materials in the fifty territories north of the safety zone, and is very familiar with the conditions in these territories. With his help, the vermicompost produced by Sun Zhe and Zhong He in partnership can be traded with the lords who need vermicompost without any publicity, and the safety is greatly improved.

On the third day, Zhong Tao delivered four large bags of vermicompost to Xia Qing. Xia Qing handed him dried bamboo shoots and shallot seeds, and exchanged fifty kilograms of dried white-haired chicken dung vines for soy sauce, salt and vinegar, and gave Zhong Tao and Zheng Kui fifty kilograms of shallot seeds and two kilograms of acid. bamboo shoots.

●Onions and leeks look very similar when they are young, but they become different when they grow up. Xia Qing had sixty onion trees, eight of which blossomed and bore onion seeds. Xia Qing exchanged more than half of the onion seeds for supplies. Apart from the two lords Zhong Tao, Zheng Kui, Sun Zhe and Wuliu, Xia Qing was most surprised by the exchange. The one is Tang Huai from No. 2.

This month, Tang Huai's interest in farming suddenly increased, and he occasionally participated in pest control discussions on the Lord's channel. It was not a waste of time to blindly use the No. 2 land.

If it weren’t for the spring water in Land No. 3, Xia Qing’s first choice would also be Land No. 2, which is flatter and has thicker soil.

Xia Qing’s pickled pickled yellow bamboo shoots last month were not bad. Although the taste was not good, they were still edible, so she added stir-fried bamboo rat meat with sour bamboo shoots and sour bamboo shoot soup to her menu.

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