Chapter 66 Dealing with wolves?

After Xia Qing inspected the territory, he went to say hello to Da Jiang outside the wall of the Wild Boar Breeding Center, took the sheep boss home, and then went to the second floor of the basement of the deserted village on the southwest side of Territory 3 to learn how to shoot.

Today is the first day that Xia Qing officially studied with Luo Pei. Xia Qing formally brought two cucumbers and two strawberries over as a apprenticeship ceremony.

 Thank God, so moved, her strawberries finally turned two red. This is the best food she has at the moment. Giving away your best food after a natural disaster is the greatest sincerity.

 Concentrate on studying and time flies. After spending two hours disassembling the sniper rifle and becoming familiar with its structure, today's teaching is over. Luo Pei washed off the motor oil on his hands with anticipation, "I haven't eaten fresh strawberries this year. The strawberries you grow will definitely taste better than those grown in the safe zone planting center."

  It’s not that her skills are good, it’s that she has a cheating weapon for planting. Xia Qing felt happy in her heart and spoke modestly, "I haven't tasted it yet, so I can't guarantee that it tastes good, but the content of the phosphorus element in strawberry seedlings has been as low as 0.3 parts per thousand, so the taste should not be too bad. "

 The lower the fruit content, the better the taste. Luo Pei didn't expect that the killing element of strawberries was so low, "That's not what it should be, it's a must."

The two returned to the first floor underground and found Yang Jin already sitting in the living room drinking tea. There were two green cucumbers and two bright red strawberries on the plate on the table. Red and green are very eye-catching in this white-dominated house.

Seeing Luo Pei's unsurprised look, Xia Qing was frightened for a moment. She had been practicing so seriously in the soundproof room just now that she didn't pay attention to what was going on outside at all. If it were an enemy coming, her body would be cold by now.

 After saying hello, the three of them gathered around the table to drink tea.

Luo Pei asked Yang Jin, "Didn't you catch him?"

Xia Qing was not surprised at all that Yang Jin would miss because he was a wolf.

Yang Jin explained, "It was a wolf that evolved both brain and speed. It ran into Hill No. 55, and I didn't continue to chase it."

To the north of Territory No. 3 is Mountain No. 49, to the north of Mountain No. 49 is Mountain No. 52, and to the northeast of Mountain No. 52 is Mountain No. 55, which is deep in the evolutionary forest. Yang Jin gave up hunting the alpha wolf. It's a very wise choice.

Luo Pei asked, "That wolf is very fast?"

“It’s about the same speed as me. It has rich combat experience, can dodge bullets, and is familiar with the evolutionary forest.” Yang Jin looked at Xia Qing, “It is gray-brown in color and has a notch on the outside of its left ear.”

Xia Qing immediately answered, "The alpha wolf that killed Team Fengyun last year was brown, but it also had a notch on the outside of its left ear and was very fast."

"It should be the same one. Wolves will lose their fur, and it's normal for the colors to be different." Luo Pei asked Yang Jin again, "There is only one wolf?"

Yang Jin affirmed, "There is only one. Zhang San's guess is very credible. The wild boars in the valley are likely to be his food in captivity."

Xia Qing asked, "Captain Yang, will the wolf come back?"

Yang Jin shook his head, "It's hard to judge, but even if it comes again, it won't pose a major threat to the territory."

Xia Qing confirmed to Yang Jin, "You mean it has taken revenge, so it won't come back to provoke again?"

 After several years of fighting, a certain tacit understanding has been formed between humans and the evolutionary wolves. As long as one side does not take the initiative to provoke, the other side will not launch a real attack. The field has been cleared and there are no large herbivores, so there is no need for the wolves to compete.     “That’s what you understand.”

Yang Jin, who had not slept all day and night, had bloodshot eyes, but his smile was still so handsome that it could kill...

Xia Qing turned away and stared at the strawberry, but Yang Jin's smile became more and more obvious. Luo Pei looked at them with a smile and said nothing.

Xia Qing said what she was most worried about, "I don't know if the springs in my territory are important in the wolf's eyes."

Luo Pei reminded Xia Qing, "The evolutionary wolf may not know the existence of the spring."

Xia Qing shook his head, "My sheep probably knows the wolf that hunts the wild boar, and may even have a good relationship with him, so I suspect that the wolf knows the existence of the spring."

Yang Jin divided the strawberries and cucumbers into three equal portions, placed them on three small white porcelain plates, and handed them to Xia Qing and Luo Pei, "So, your sheep brought food not to visit wild boars, but to find wolves?" "

Luo Pei was surprised, "Xia Qing, is your sheep a brain-evolved animal?"

With a tacit understanding, neither Luo Pei nor Xia Qing mentioned Boss Yang's name in front of Yang Jin, although Yang Jin must have known it.

Xia Qing didn't understand why Luo Pei asked, and shook his head and replied, "I haven't seen other evolved sheep, but I don't think mine is very smart."

After the evolution of Blue Star creatures, many animals have become smarter. For example, they can speak human words, such as mynas and parrots who have been robbed of their homes, monkeys who can use machine guns and crossbows, and wolves who can form teams to fight...

 The sheep boss is not at the same level as these types of intelligent and evolved animals.

Luo Pei ate a piece of refreshing cucumber before explaining to Xia Qing, "Brain evolution can be divided into many categories. Take humans as an example. The types of brain evolution discovered so far include intelligence, observation, memory, thinking, and emotion. Catching ability is five categories. So, just because your sheep is not smart, it does not mean that it is not a brain evolver.”

  Brain evolvers are regarded as special talents and recruited by research institutes. Therefore, Xia Qing rarely comes into contact with brain evolvers. He didn't know that brain evolution is divided into many categories.

After listening to Luo Pei's explanation, Xia Qing had a new judgment, "It remembers wherever I hide things. It learns simple things after I do them a few times, so it may be the evolution of memory and observation." ? But why did Brother Luo think that my sheep was a brain-evolved animal when he heard that it might be related to a wolf? "

Luo Pei smiled and motioned for her to taste the strawberries, "While eating, I said, the smell is so tempting."

“Hmm.” Xia Qing picked up the thumb-sized strawberry and took a bite. Her taste buds were instantly awakened by the slightly sour and sweet taste of the strawberry. She was so happy that she wanted to cry. “It’s delicious! Captain Yang, Brother Luo, try it quickly.”

Just by looking at her expression, I knew it was delicious. Luo Pei was mentally prepared and took a bite of the strawberry, but was still surprised by the pure taste of the strawberry, "It is indeed delicious. The taste is much better than what I have eaten before. Ah Jin, where did you get these strawberry seedlings?" "

After Yang Jin tasted the strawberries, he explained calmly, "I exchanged them from the planting center, and the points are not high. I just got lucky."

How can you be lucky enough to come across the best varieties of green light strawberries?

 I believe you, you idiot!

Luo Pei glanced meaningfully at Yang Jin, who was concentrating on strawberries, and then turned to praise Xia Qing, who was completely immersed in the happiness brought by strawberries, "You must have put a lot of thought into growing strawberries so well. "

 (End of this chapter)

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