Chapter 65 Crazy Blue Star

Xia Qing was a little confused by the behavior of the sheep boss. He turned over the lid of the vegetable basket and caught the dried bamboo shoots that the sheep boss held in his mouth. "Second brother, do you want to exchange this with the third brother?"


The sheep boss screamed urgently, picked up the basket and walked north.

Xia Qing hurriedly followed, "Don't bark, you're inviting wolves. We agreed to trade under the road sign on the south side of the territory. We're going in the wrong direction. It's dangerous over there."

The sheep boss made it very clear that he was heading north. Xia Qing frowned and said in a low voice, "Second brother, what do you want to do?"

Hearing that Xia Qing was unhappy, the sheep boss turned around and nuzzled her, gesturing for her to follow him with his eyes.

Xia Qing looked at the abnormal sheep boss, and a terrible guess suddenly came to his mind, "You brought food to find the wolf, didn't you want to fight? What is your relationship with that wolf?"

The sheep boss continued to walk up the hillside, Xia Qing followed behind, the alpaca running wildly in his head:

 Besides hunting and being hunted, is there any other relationship between sheep and wolves?

is it possible?

Based on the sheep boss's clingy habit, Xia Qing speculated that it had a companion before meeting him. Judging from the sheep boss's behavior, could it be that it and the wolf were... companions?

If wolves and sheep can become companions, it can only be said that the evolved Blue Star is too crazy.

If the wolf and the sheep boss are companions, and she is the sheep boss's companion...

Does that mean... it's possible for her to live peacefully with the wolf... or even exchange supplies with the wolf?

She really wants to get some green light chickens, ducks and geese to raise for eggs and meat!

The more Xia Qing thought about it, the more impossible she thought it was, but she couldn't help but hope that such a small probability event would be true. She asked the sheep boss in a low voice, "The boss is friends with the wolf? That's amazing! If you want to give a gift, aren't the yellow lantern bamboo shoots enough?" Are you sincere? We still have green lantern bamboo shoots and bamboo rat meat. How about I go back and get some? The wolf should eat the meat, right?"

The sheep boss ignored Xia Qing and continued to climb, heading towards the isolation zone between Territory 3 and the Wild Boar Breeding Center.

"Isn't this the boss sheep? Why is it here? What is it holding in its mouth?"

Xia Qing heard Hu Xiufeng's voice and walked a few steps quickly into the isolation zone. "Captain Hu, the sheep boss heard the wild boar scream and insisted on coming over to take a look."

Husband Feng was glad that he was wearing a protective mask and did not let Xia Qing see his mouth wide open in surprise, "The relationship between the sheep boss and the wild boar in the valley is... very good?"

 It can’t be said that it might have a good relationship with the wolf that killed the wild boar, right? Xia Qing was vague, "I just found out that it caused trouble for Captain Hu."

“No trouble.” Hu Xiufeng stared at the soaked bamboo shoots on the lid of the basket with question marks on his face.

The sheep visited the pig and even knew to bring a gift...

Are ordinary evolved sheep that smart? Could it be that the sheep boss has not only evolved in strength, but also in his brain?

Those wild boars are also brain-evolved animals?

Xia Qing's heart was in her throat as she watched the sheep boss cross the isolation zone and walk to the isolation net of the Wild Boar Breeding Center.

The sheep boss put down the basket and started calling, "咩-咩-"

Hearing this enthusiastic call, Xia Qing wanted to knock the sheep boss unconscious and take him back.

The area has been checked and confirmed that there are no wolves, so Beard Feng did not become nervous because of the sheep boss's cry, but became more and more curious about its behavior. This was the first time he had seen such a smart evolved sheep, "Is it calling a wild boar?"

Xia Qing didn't see it, "Maybe..."

"The breeding center was attacked by wolves, and the wild boars were locked up." Huzi Feng looked at the persistent sheep boss with a rare enthusiasm, "Should I find someone to send it in for it? However, there is no guarantee that it can be fed to the wild boar's mouth." Xia Qing said nonsense seriously, "Thank you Captain Hu, but the Wild Boar Breeding Center must be in a mess now, so I won't cause trouble to you. Boss Sheep came here just because he wanted to do it. No matter whether the wild boar can receive it or not, it will be done as long as it comes." "

Hushi Feng paused and discussed with Xia Qing, "Since my heart has been sent, Miss Xia will take it back. Although there are no wolves around here, it is not a good thing for the sheep to attract too much attention."

Xia Qing didn't want Boss Yang to be in the limelight, so he walked over and placed the dried bamboo shoots on the lid of the bamboo basket on the ground, and discussed with Boss Yang in a decent manner, "Put the dried bamboo shoots here. Your friend will receive them when he comes over. Let's go back." ?”

Of course, the stubborn sheep boss can't go back and continue calling his friends. Xia Qing simply carried the basket in one hand and carried the sheep in one arm, said hello to Hu Xiufeng, and returned to the territory.

 Maybe it was because a gift had been delivered, or maybe it was because there was no response after calling for a long time. After the sheep came down the mountain, he stopped making trouble and ran to eat grass. Xia Qing carried two kilograms of green vegetables and exchanged thirty kilograms of deodorizing liquid and a bottle of spray with the strong man sent by Zhang San.

Xia Qing will not stop guarding against wolves just because he guesses that the sheep boss has a good relationship with wolves. In the ten years since the natural disaster, she has long since learned to plan for the worst possible outcome. Even if the wolf and the sheep boss really have a good relationship, it doesn't mean that the wolf won't hurt her, and other wolves won't treat the sheep boss as food.

Xia Qing took out the sprayer and mixed the deodorizing solution with water according to the ratio given by Zhang San in the handwritten instructions. This deodorizing liquid is actually odorless. This alone is better than the deodorizing liquid sold in the safe zone.

 Produced by Zhang San, it is indeed a fine product.

The instructions stated that this deodorant was harmless to humans and evolved sheep, so after mixing it with water, Xia Qing started spraying it from inside the house. Although the sheep boss is not in the house and takes a shower every now and then, Xia Qing can't smell the smell of sheep in the house, but she is not an olfactory evolver. She can't smell it, but it doesn't mean that the wolf can't smell it.

Xia Qing sprayed until dark before spraying the entire territory. After returning home, she ate a piece of compressed food and collapsed on the bed from exhaustion, not wanting to move. However, she still kept her promise to the sheep boss and made the ingredients he loved to eat.

 Then, Xia Qing was completely immersed in the crazy idea that the friend of the sheep boss might be a wolf. He didn't even listen to the broadcast, and he didn't even turn on the lord channel.

Early the next morning, seeing the sheep boss holding the basket in front of him again, Xia Qing packed it with a small bag of dried green lantern bamboo shoots and a small bag of dried green lantern bamboo rat meat, and personally delivered it to the iron fence of the wild boar breeding center. , asking the Bearded Feng team to help take care of it, she returned to her territory to patrol and remove snakes, insects, rats, and ants.

During this inspection, Xia Qing was pleasantly surprised to find that there were more than half the insects surrounding the vegetable garden net compared to yesterday. He did not expect that Zhang San's deodorant had such an effect, so it seemed that he could exchange a few more barrels for future use.

“Holy shit, isn’t that Sister Qing’s sheep? Why did it escape?” The investigation team passed by the wild boar breeding center and saw the sheep boss standing outside the iron fence. Su Ming’s mouth was open enough to fit an egg.

The sheep boss heard the yelling of the humans coming over, and pulled the basket to his side a few times, squinting his eyes and getting ready for a fight.

Su Ming found the things in the basket and opened his mouth even wider, "Holy shit, what is Boss Yang doing? Brother Jiang, what's going on?"

Da Jiang from the Bearded Front Team saluted Tan Junjie before replying to Su Ming, "This sheep is here to visit its wild boar friend who is imprisoned in the wild boar breeding center. It will return to territory three in a while."

Not to mention others, even Tan Junjie, who had always been calm, was shocked.

Su Ming stared and asked, "Are you serious?"

Ojiang shrugged, don’t say you don’t believe it, I don’t believe it either. But the fact is right in front of us. This is not the first time we have come here.

Tan Junjie asked Dajiang, "Has your Captain Yang come back?"

"not yet."

Tan Junjie nodded and led the team to continue patrolling. Behind him, Su Ming, who was already dreaming, walked with one foot high and one foot shallow.

 (End of this chapter)

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