In the Tenth Year After the Natural Disaster, Follow me to Farm

Chapter 52: You will be more powerful than the fire phoenix

Chapter 52 You will be more powerful than the Fire Phoenix

Although this possibility is extremely low, Xia Qing was indeed worried that the spring water flowed from the mountain, and there might be a spring on the mountain. If someone discovers that the springs on the mountain are blocked by the mountain, the water output of the springs in her territory may be reduced or dried up.

So Xia Qing planned to wait until winter when the evolutionary forest entered a low-risk period, and then go to No. 49 Mountain to look for a pollution-free spring. If it existed, he would find a way to completely seal the spring.

As for the idea of ​​buying a mountain, she had never even thought about it.

 Mountains with dense vegetation were resources before the great biological evolution of Blue Star, but after the great biological evolution, they became time bombs.

 It only takes a few hours of red rain to ignite this time bomb.

In order to prevent dangerous evolved organisms in the evolved mountain forests from entering safe areas for human habitation, the base has long launched a policy of contracting mountain forests.

Regardless of the team or individual, as long as they pay a certain amount of points, they can contract a mountain or a certain area of ​​evolutionary forest in the base. All resources produced within the contracted area belong to the contractor, but at the same time, the contractor is also responsible for cleaning up the mountain forest. Dangerous evolved creatures.

If the cleanup is not done or the cleanup is not thorough, causing dangerous evolved organisms to spread from the contracted forest to other areas and cause major harm, the base will hold the contractor responsible.

In the past few years, the people who contracted the forest were either killed by the evolved creatures in the rain, or they cried because the evolved creatures escaped. In recent years, no one has done such stupid things anymore. Therefore, the country will continue to improve on the basis of the original policy and propose a territorial plan.

As far as Xia Qing knows, the only one who currently has the right to use a mountain and has sent hundreds of people to guard the mountain is Huo Fenghuang, the female boss of Huiyi Base.

People buy mountains because they have pollution-free springs.

Therefore, Xia Qing suddenly stepped forward to buy the right to use Mountain No. 49, which is tantamount to actively exposing the important resources on the mountain and attracting everyone's attention to her territory and Mountain No. 49.

Xia Qing thought it was even more incredible to have the Qinglong team buy the mountain and give it to her than buying the mountain herself.

Xia Qing said straightforwardly, "Brother Luo, I am a straightforward person, so don't mind. Will the base agree to sell the mountain to the Qinglong team?"

The Tang family, headed by Tang Zhengrong, the second in command of the base, has always regarded the Qinglong team as a thorn in their side. Whatever the Qinglong team wants to do, the Tang family will definitely find a way to stop it.

Luo Pei explained to Xia Qing in detail, "The three hundred miles to the north and east of No. 49 Mountain are densely forested evolved forests. There are countless dangerous and deadly evolved creatures, and there is very little cultivated area, so that forest is not within the territory." within the scope of development.”

"Establishing a lord system and allowing people to grow grain and expand production in the safe zone is a project strongly promoted by the highest levels, so our base will make great efforts to promote this work. But even if a large number of troops are sent to patrol and garrison, close to the evolution Lin's territory still suffered huge losses in the rain, and the base is also worried about this. "

"When the Qinglong Team buys Mountain No. 49, which is adjacent to the territory, they have the obligation to guard the mountain and prevent dangerous evolved animals from going down the mountain to hurt people and damage farmland, so Tang Zhengrong will not really object. Even if he doubts the motives of the Qinglong Team in buying the mountain, he will only You would think that the Qinglong Team wanted to arrange a safe place for me to retire after I was poisoned and lost my fighting ability. As for the military, their only worry was that after the Qinglong Team bought the mountain, it would threaten the garrison stationed at the old regiment headquarters. You also know the origin of the Qinglong Team, and it is not difficult for us to gain the trust of the military. "

 Having said that, it is indeed possible to buy it. Xia Qing continued to talk about his thoughts, "It is good for the Qinglong team to establish a training base at No. 49 Mountain. After you establish the training base, the security of my territory will also be improved by several levels. Brother Luo, you buy the mountain Just return it to the Qinglong Team, there is no need to transfer it to me."

If the mountain belongs to Xia Qing, how will she guard the mountain? Is she still the boss of the sheep?

Spending points to hire a large number of people to guard the mountain? Who to hire? Azure Dragon Team?

Team Qinglong bought the mountain and transferred it to her, and she spent the points to hire Team Qinglong to guard the mountain...

This is not about taking off their clothes and doing that, doing it multiple times, which can't help but make Xia Qing doubt their motives.

Brother Luo might put himself in Xia Qing's shoes, but Yang Jin, the hard-nosed rooster, wouldn't, nor would Xie Yu, whose brain evolved so smart that he lost a hair at all. They probably wanted her to pay for all the springs through this deal.

Xia Qing is not like Boss Sheep. She will not blindly and confidently think that she and the two leaders of the Qinglong Team can take advantage of their rivalry.

The mountain should be left to the Qinglong team and let them guard it. She and the Qinglong team have a cooperative relationship. They will not take the initiative to expose the secret of the spring, and they can also help her attract firepower, thinking that the secret is on the 49th mountain.

Xia Qing just stayed in the dark under the lamp, calm and contented.

 The only loss for Xia Qing from doing this may be that she cannot enter No. 49 Mountain to collect green light plants.

She can't enter Mountain No. 49, but she can still enter other mountains! Look at the green hills everywhere, why do you have to hang yourself on a hilltop?

 Can’t dig green bamboo shoots anymore?

 She can eat without digging. Just wait for the Qinglong team to dig out the bamboo shoots and fill buckets with spring water to exchange them.

Luo Pei understood Xia Qing's concerns, but still persuaded Xia Qing to accept it, "It is most secure to hold important resources in your own hands. You can trust me now and cooperate with the Qinglong team. But when I and Yang Jin and Xie Yu Now that he is gone, no one can guarantee that the next leader of the Blue Dragon War will still be trustworthy.”

 In fact, the three leaders of the Qinglong Team have different opinions on this matter. Luo Pei and Xie Yu advocated that Mountain No. 49 should be owned by the team, but Yang Jin advocated giving it to Xia Qing.

 Finally, Yang Jin convinced Luo Pei and Xie Yu.

Xia Qing couldn't help but sigh after hearing Luo Pei's words.

If the situation deteriorates to the point where the top combat power of Huisan Base and the three leaders of Qinglong Team are all dead, Huisan Base will be finished. If a rookie like her wants to survive, she may have to give up her territory and escape to other bases.

Luo Pei heard Xia Qing sigh, opened his still red eyes and stared at her, and said very seriously, "Xia Qing, you are only twenty-five years old this year, and you still have ten years to improve your three-line evolution ability. . As long as you think about it, you will definitely be better than the three of us in the future, and you will be more powerful than the Fire Phoenix of the Fire Team. Of course you can guard a spring."

Yang Jin said that Xia Qing will become the base of Huisan and even the entire Huicheng, a powerful combat force that no one dares to underestimate. Team Qinglong sells it to her now and will definitely not suffer losses in the future.

 Yang Jin said that allies and springs are not exclusive options. Buy the mountain and give it to Xia Qing. They can have both fish (alliance) and bear's paw (exchange for spring water).

At that time, Xie Yu asked Yang Jin why Xia Qing, who was determined to work hard to fight for his life, would become a powerful fighting force comparable to them in the future.

Yang Jin gave a reason that they could not refute:

 Because Xia Qing's will to survive is stronger than anyone he knows. A person who only wants to survive on his own ability will definitely seize any available opportunity to make himself stronger.

Xia Qing's eyes widened instantly when the biggest secret was revealed to her face. What was on her mind was whether she should escape immediately or kill Luo Pei first and then escape.

"Haha." Her reaction made Luo Pei, a level 10 visual evolution person, laugh. "You girl, you don't think that after going on so many missions with me, I will be so blind that I can't even figure out your abilities, right?"

 (End of this chapter)

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