Chapter 51 Buying a mountain? !

Xia Qing, who went into the mountains this time and harvested two yellow lantern bamboo rats and more than 200 kilograms of bamboo shoots, returned to the territory and was warmly welcomed by the sheep boss.

Looking at the posture of the sheep boss, Xia Qing was convinced that if his tail wasn't heavy, he would be swinging like a gust of wind. She put the heavy backpack on the sheep boss's back and let him carry it home. Then she generously gave him a small fresh yellow bamboo shoot, "Eat it. Follow me from now on and work hard. I won't treat you badly." ”

 With delicious food, how can Boss Yang still have the time to talk to Xia Qing, gnawing bamboo shoots with his head down.

 After Xia Qing put away the supplies, she almost dragged her legs into the bathroom. Although carrying a weight of 700 kilograms and walking for fifteen miles was not her limit, it was not as easy as she showed. After taking off her clothes, Xia Qing supported the wall and stood under the shower head, letting the warm water wash over her burning shoulders.

Thanks to solar energy and her hard-working self, she now finally uses the simplest solar water heater and can take a hot shower without burning a fire.

 After taking a shower, Xia Qing rewarded herself for a hard day's work with a bamboo shoot meal, and lay on the bed before it got dark and fell asleep.

After finishing the meal, Mr. Yang walked over to Xia Qing's table and licked all the plates and bowls on the table. Then he lay down on the straw mat of the tatami and waited for Xia Qing to clear the table.

After waiting for a long time, Xia Qing lay snoring and couldn't get up. Boss Yang stared at her for a while, then clattered to the table, picked up the bowl in his mouth, and sent it to the kitchen.

 The porcelain bowl fell into the stainless steel basin, making a crisp sound.


This sound alerted Xia Qing. She grabbed the knife in her left hand and the gun in her right hand, jumped up and rushed to the source of the sound. She looked at the bowl that was broken into two halves, and then looked at the sheep boss who was standing by the basin and squinting at her. The nerves immediately became numb.

Sheathing the knife and gun, Xia Qing raised her hand and rubbed the short hair on the head of the sheep boss, and whispered softly to confirm its work, "Boss is great, he will help clean the table. If the bowl is dropped, it's okay, let's replace it with a new one of."

 The sheep boss was happy to be praised, and went back to pick up the plate again. Xia Qing used a broken bowl to repeatedly demonstrate to Mr. Yang how to put the dishes into the sink, "Like this, put it gently and slowly, and it won't break."

Boss Yang squinted at the broken bowl in Xia Qing's hand, and said without paying attention, he cracked the plate in his mouth with a "click", half of the plate fell into the sink, and the other half was held in his mouth.

Xia Qing took half the plate out of Mr. Yang’s mouth, sat on the ground and laughed. Although Boss Yang broke her few tableware, Boss Yang's funny look was so funny that Xia Qing couldn't help it.

Xia Qing couldn't hold it back and was kicked by the sheep boss. She grinned and climbed back into bed to continue sleeping.

 Early the next morning, Xia Qing, who had had enough sleep to recuperate his body, planned to pickle a jar of pickled bamboo shoots. When she was a child, she helped her grandma make pickled and sour bamboo shoots. The method was very simple. Xia Qing dug out a well-preserved clay pot from the tool room, cleaned it, and then washed a few yellow bamboo shoots - the green bamboo shoots were reluctant to pickle because they were afraid of losing them if they failed to pickle. After washing, slice the bamboo shoots into a clay pot, fill it with mountain spring water, and seal the mouth of the pot, and you're done.

 If everything goes well, she will have sour bamboo shoots to eat after a month of rest. Xia Qing moved the clay pot upstairs and hid it in a place where Boss Yang would never expect or touch. Then he took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Luo Pei, wanting to send him some bamboo shoots.

Although Xia Qing knew that Hu Feng would definitely give it to Luo Pei, the gift he gave was from him, and the gift he gave was from him, which had different meanings. It had been more than half a month since Xia Qing last visited Luo Pei, and she also wanted to see how Luo Pei's treatment was progressing.

Luo Pei quickly replied to the message, allowing Xia Qing to come over at any time.

Xia Qing carried two bamboo shoots, one yellow and one green, and went to the deserted village in the southwest of the territory to visit Luo Pei. This time it was not Wei Chengdong who stood in the dilapidated house to greet her, but Luo Pei himself.

Although he still needs help from others, Luo Pei can already stand up. There is flesh on his face, and he no longer looks as scary as a skeleton wrapped in human skin. The color in his skin color and eyes has also faded a lot. The progress in the treatment of synthetic poisoning is even better than Xia Qing thought.

Following Luo Pei into the living room on the ground floor, Xia Qing had already recovered from his shock and handed over the sealed bamboo shoots, "Captain Hu and I dug these out from the evolutionary forest. Brother Luo can make bamboo shoots and rice porridge to eat, which is easy for digestion." And nutritious.”

Luo Pei, who couldn't keep his eyes open for a long time, glanced at the bamboo shoots and closed them again with a gentle smile, "Zifeng sent some over last night. The taste is indeed better than the bamboo shoots before evolution. I didn't expect you to be able to make it at your age." meal."

Xia Qing was only fifteen years old when the natural disaster occurred. Logically speaking, in that era of peace and prosperity, few fifteen-year-old girls knew how to cook. After the natural disaster, food was scarce, and even if I wanted to learn to cook, I had no chance. Xia Qing didn't mention that her family had made it when she was a child. She just said, "I collected several cookbooks, and this kind of porridge happened to be in them."

The recipes Xia Qing collected did include this porridge, but it was made with glutinous rice, while Xia Qing used rice.

After chatting for a while, Luo Pei talked about teaching Xia Qing marksmanship, "By the middle of May, you can come here every day to learn marksmanship, as long as it's convenient for you. Let's learn the basic movements and principles here first, and I'll take you there in June. Evolution Forest Live Fire.”

 In another two months, Luo Pei's body will be able to recover to the point where he can enter the evolutionary forest and face the danger? Xia Qing advised, "Brother Luo will focus on treatment these few months. I'm not in a hurry."

Luo Pei smiled and raised his hand to signal the two people in the room to go out and close the door. After making sure that no one could hear, he whispered to Xia Qing, "You came just in time. I have something to discuss with you. For safety's sake For the sake of safety, the Qinglong Team wants to buy the right to use the No. 49 Mountain in the north of your territory, and then we will sign an agreement privately to transfer the mountain to your name and make it yours."

 After natural disasters, earthquakes and great biological evolution, Blue Star's landforms have changed dramatically. The original place names were abandoned and numbers were used to mark mountains, rivers and rivers.

Xia Qing was stunned when he heard Luo Pei said that he wanted to buy Mountain No. 49 and transfer it to him.

Luo Pei closed his eyes and had a gentle face, "No matter whether the spring water in your territory gushes out from the ground or flows down from the mountain of No. 49 Mountain, once the spring is exposed, the unclaimed No. 49 Mountain will be destroyed." It will definitely become a key resource that is competed by various factions. It is unrealistic to buy it directly in your name, because you do not have the motivation and ability to buy the mountain, so I proposed that the Qinglong team buy it in the name of establishing a training base for the team members. I’ll forward it to you later. There’s no need to rush this matter. You can think about it for a day and then reply to me.”

 Just think about it for one day, isn’t it too urgent?

 (End of this chapter)

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