Chapter 499 My name is Liu Zongying


Hearing the warning sound from the camera, Xia Qing, who was sleeping, opened her eyes and listened carefully. It turned out that a red squirrel had arrived on her window sill.

Xia Qing got dressed and got up. She poured some warm spring water into a small bowl on the cabinet and added a little bit of aphrodisiac. She opened the window and placed it on the windowsill together with three yellow peanuts.

The red squirrel now has matte fur and a emaciated body. This is probably because after being stabbed by a green light peanut, it endured the snow-killing period without any protective measures. The content of the killing element in the body increased and is eating away at its body. Heyi's ability to evolve. Xia Qing didn't want to lose this neighbor who was very good at foraging for food, so he decided to give the sick wolf a little bit of its antidote.

 Sheep boss?

That guy's body is so good that people will rob him even if he slices and sells his meat, so he doesn't need an anti-cancerous agent at all.

After Xia Qing dodged, the red squirrel jumped up to the window sill and lay down by the small bowl. After drinking to its full, it didn't run away. Instead, it squatted on the window sill and ate all three peanuts, then rubbed its little With its paws, it shook its tail that was missing some hair, and looked at Xia Qing eagerly.

 Xia Qing…

 “Not full?”

 The red squirrel continues to shake.

"Okay." Xia Qing took out two chestnuts from the pocket of the protective suit and placed them on the window sill.

The red squirrel immediately picked up the two chestnuts and ran away. After a while, it appeared on the windowsill again and continued to shake its poor tail towards Xia Qing, who was folding the quilt.

Xia Qing understood, "There is too little food in the cave, making you feel uneasy? Okay."

Xia Qing found a few wooden boards and cut them into suitable sizes. After a few clicks, he made a wooden box. Then he took out a small door, nailed the emergency blanket curtain, and put all the food belonging to the red squirrel into the wooden box. Then he carried the box and climbed up the big tree where the red squirrel lived in the west buffer forest. He placed the wooden box next to its nest with a clank, "Okay, all your food is packed inside."

After Xia Qing left, the red squirrel immediately got into the wooden box from the branch and hid the food inside the tree hole.

Today, Xia Qing's body doesn't hurt at all, and her sensory abilities have recovered a little. She took the sick wolf for two jogs in the territory, inspected the territory, and then went home to make breakfast.

 When Xia Qing put the nutritious breakfast on the table, Xia Qing found the sick wolf baring its fangs at the window and growling in a low voice.

Xia Qing looked outside and saw that the red squirrel was here again. It was squatting on the wooden post where the surveillance camera was installed, swaying its tail, rubbing its little paws and looking at him eagerly.

Xia Qing was speechless, "Freeloader, are you planning to take advantage of a wealthy family?"

 The biggest victim in her mouth is herself.

The red squirrel didn't understand what Xia Qing was talking about, so he continued to rub his little paws and looked at her eagerly.

“So much food makes you feel insecure?” Xia Qing understood the anxiety of being short of food. If he didn’t provide the red squirrel with food, it would definitely risk digging through the snow in search of food.

 Forget it, just eat the big ones.

After eating, Xia Qing went to the basement, filled a small bag with yellow chestnuts, corn and mung beans, brought it to the red squirrel's house, poured it into the wooden box, then asked the sick wolf and the sheep boss to look after the house, and asked Guan Guan to take care of the house. Tong and Chen Cheng were guarding the territory. She, Zhao Ze and others rushed to the meeting point on the east side of the passage to get on the big truck and rush to No. 50 Mountain.

 Today is the first day of clearing the fire extinguishing isolation zone. Xia Qing is not a member of the task team, but she is the manager of Mountain No. 50 and needs to conduct inspections. According to the work plan formulated by Xia Qing and Yang Jin yesterday, the task team will first build a passage from the isolation zone to No. 50 Mountain today, and then go up the mountain to clean the isolation zone.

Using bulldozers, explosives and labor, the valley channel was widened in more than an hour and reached the foot of the third peak of No. 50 Mountain.

Under the command of Zhao Ze, everyone started working in groups. Xia Qing followed Tan Junjie to check the dangerous area surrounded by warning lines.

Zhang San has marked the dangerous area on the map, but looking at it on the map is far less shocking than seeing it on the spot.

 At the foot of the third peak of No. 50 Mountain, the more than 20 acres of mountain forest that were once covered by poisonous substances turned out to be reddish-brown due to the snow. The tall pine trees in the area had obviously lost their vitality.

Withered yellow pine needles, reddish-brown snow, and woods without even the sound of birds, despair is everywhere.

"Such a thick tree..." Su Ming, who was following Tan Junjie, murmured to himself, "Is this the power of super evolved microorganisms? Can this land be saved?"

“This place needs to be completely burned and saplings replanted.” A familiar voice sounded. Xiao Liu, the assistant of Territory No. 9, slowly walked over and looked at Xia Qing through the mask of the air-tight protective suit.

"It is best to plant this kind of pine tree because the soil here is suitable for its growth. We have already tested that the chemicals produced after the decomposition of pine needles can inhibit the germination of other plants and also have a certain effect on weeding. "

The "prisoners" in Territory No. 9 were organized into the first and second disaster relief echelons by Zhang San, who were responsible for stationing in the dangerous area. Assistant Xiao Liu was also among them.

Xia Qing nodded and asked, "Assistant Liu, are these pine trees grown through pine nuts?"

Assistant Xiao Liu, whose protective clothing was stained with mud and snow, took the initiative to introduce himself to Xia Qing, "Territory No. 9 has been taken back, and I am no longer an assistant. I am Liu Zongying. You can try both seed and cutting propagation. For comparison Although propagation by cuttings is faster, plants propagated without seeds are more stable, so there are pros and cons to each.”

"I understand, thank you." Xia Qing nodded and thanked him.

Seeing that Xia Qing was still polite to her, Xiao Liu tentatively asked, "Miss Xia, can I have a few words with you alone?"


Xiao Liu walked up the mountain for a while before stopping. He wiped the mud from his protective gloves on his protective clothing and began to write quickly on the snow:

 Don't listen to what Fire Phoenix says, she is very good at deceiving people. Thank you for allowing a few of us to escape the fire and start over.

 Seeing Xia Qing’s expressionless face, Xiao Liu thought she didn’t understand, so he wrote another sentence:

 This opportunity was obtained by the fourth sister in exchange for the antidote.

Xia Qing nodded to show that he understood.

  Xiao Liu erased the words "戕雪" on it, stood up and returned to the danger zone. Her gentle and fair face not only had dark circles under her eyes, but also had a relaxed and bright smile.

Xia Qing's eyes turned from the words "start over" that Xiao Liu had wiped out, to the direction of the bear cave halfway up the mountain. During the years of natural disasters, most people took the wrong path and had no chance to start over.

  She herself had no such opportunity. Because Xia Qing is not a scientific researcher, he has no such value. Therefore, she took every step very carefully, and she will be even more cautious in the future.

Xia Qing walked towards the bear cave that Yang Jin used as a disaster relief office. She came here for another purpose today, which was to take the spring water from the hidden valley back to test the water quality.

Since the idol is not interested in this cave, she will test it herself.

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