Chapter 498 Settling down

The little guy was really thirsty. When he saw the pollution-free spring water, he even ignored his fear of Xia Qing, a human being, and immediately rushed over to drink water.

Xia Qing looked carefully for a while and found that the red squirrel was not injured, and the blood on its body was from the evolved vole. But this little guy has lost a lot of weight, and his fur has lost its luster. The group of evolved voles may have discovered through feces or other means that the fighting strength of the red squirrel in this territory has declined, so they dared to form a team to **** its food.

 When the red squirrel was full, Xia Qing put away the bowl and turned around to collect the food in the cave. As soon as she moved, the red squirrel was frightened, jumped ten meters away, and hid in a big pine tree.

Finding that this human had actually taken out his tools and dug out the food he had stored, the red squirrel jumped up and down anxiously, cursing.

However, the red squirrel did not attack Xia Qing. Xia Qing was not afraid of it attacking, because the red squirrel's claws and teeth could not break through the level three field protective clothing Xia Qing wore.

The food stored in the stone cave was destroyed a lot by the evolved vole. Xia Qing picked up what he could still get and put it into a bag. He collected the corpse of the evolved vole and carried it towards the next tree hole.

The red squirrel holding two peanuts ran into the cave and circled around, then ran out again holding the peanuts, jumping up and down after Xia Qing, cursing.

Xia Qing complained, "Don't worry, I have more food than you. I don't look down on you who have been picked up by field mice."

Carrying the bag to the next tree hole, Xia Qing discovered that the food in this hole had also been destroyed by evolved voles, and the next few holes were all spared.

In other words, the red squirrel worked hard all autumn and saved the winter food, leaving only less than ten kilograms of pine nuts, chestnuts and grass seeds in the bag Xia Qing carried.

 No wonder red squirrels start fierce battles with evolved voles in stone caves. If the food in the cave is eaten up by voles, the red squirrel will have to dig through the snow to find food in the winter. Even if it can avoid attacks from snow springtails and natural enemies, it will still lose control due to too much killing elements in its body.

This little guy can’t stay in District 3 of No. 49 Mountain this winter.

Xia Qing carried the bag and led the scolding and weak neighbor back to his own territory. She didn't know how much food an evolved squirrel would need to eat during its three-month semi-hibernation period, but she could give it food from her storage room.

Without this red squirrel, Xia Qing would not have discovered the hot spring valley behind the Bear Cave on Mount No. 50. Just think of these foods as Xia Qing's share of leading the way.

Xia Qing found a big tree with a tree hole in the west buffer forest, put hay in it, poured some red squirrel food into it, turned around and spoke softly to the red squirrel hiding in the big tree next to it. , "This tree hole must have been your nest before, right? You can live here this winter. There are wolves in my territory, and the evolved voles and forest martens dare not come in."

The red squirrel hid behind the tree with its tail flying, staring at Xia Qing with its round eyes. After she left, it immediately got into the tree hole to protect its food.

Xia Qing returned home and took out the hypothermia emergency blanket stored in the tool room.

The emergency blanket Yang Jin wrapped her in had been scratched by branches, but it was still enough to cut a few pieces for the little red squirrel.

Xia Qing returned to the buffer forest and heard a red squirrel squirming in the tree hole and busy cleaning the house. Xia Qing seemed to see his own shadow in this little guy.

She climbed up the tree, stuffed the cut emergency blanket and three pecans into the hole, and told the red squirrel, who was too frightened to move, "That cloth is for you to use as a quilt. It will be very warm when you sleep in it. Those three pecans I gave you the walnuts for free. It’s a green light. Eating them is good for your health. Don’t look at the small quantity. The most handsome human in our base personally wrapped me in an emergency blanket, and that’s the price.”

 After saying that, Xia Qing folded the remaining emergency blanket into the size of a palm and nailed a wind-blocking curtain to the red squirrel's new home. After coming down from the tree, Xia Qing looked up and admired his masterpiece, "Boss, Second Brother, what do you think, is it beautiful?"

The sheep boss squinted his eyes and chewed the cud, as if he didn't hear it.

 Sick Wolf grinned and laughed at Xia Qing.

Xia Qing patted the bark chips stuck to her gloves and said, "You are right, brother, it is very beautiful. Let's go to the greenhouse to work."

The family of three walked slowly for a few steps when Xia Qing heard the sound of ropes coming from the tree hole again. The red squirrel was tumbling over the emergency blanket she had stuffed in it, and Xia Qing raised the corners of her mouth.

Although it has been two days since the snowstorm, the content of the element in the atmosphere is still at a high level, so Xia Qing did not remove the stones from the greenhouse and green light wheat field. Under the joint action of the stone, the greenhouse and the fill light, the animals and plants in the greenhouse are all normal, and everywhere you look you can see they are thriving. Therefore, not only the sheep boss and the sick wolf like to stay in the greenhouse, but Xia Qing also likes it.

She held a small **** and squatted on the ridge of the field to loosen the soil for the vegetable seedlings and remove weeds.

Divide the hoeed grass into two parts after shaking off the soil on the roots. If the sheep boss likes it, he will throw it outside the thorn fence for him to eat; if he doesn't like it, he will put it in a small basket and let the sick wolf take it to the greenhouse next door to feed fish, chickens, and rabbits.

This job was very healing. Xia Qing relaxed physically and mentally, and told the sheep boss and the sick wolf what happened to the red squirrel.

After hoeing, Xia Qing went to the breeding greenhouse to look at the peanuts on the rainproof cloth. The peanuts haven't been dried yet, but the pockmarks are much dryer. Xia Qing picked a few yellow ones and put them in his pocket.

If the red squirrel comes to her window sill looking for water tomorrow, Xia Qing will reward it with a few peanuts.

After one person, one wolf and one sheep returned home in the sunset, the sheep boss couldn't wait to climb onto his toy generator car, while the sick wolf lay down by the fireplace to rest.

After Xia Qing warmly praised the sheep boss, he took off his protective clothing, added some firewood to the fireplace, and then listened to the radio and started cooking dinner.

The smoke from the chimney on the roof was blown into chaos by the wind, but the room was stinky and warm.

Amidst the howling of the cold wind, there was a rustling sound in the warm tree hole in the buffer forest. A small squirrel's head emerged from the curtain of the emergency blanket. After looking around for a few times, it shrank back due to the cold. After a while, there was a clicking sound in the tree hole. The red squirrel skillfully chewed through the hard skin of the pecans and ate all the walnut kernels inside.

After it got completely dark, Xia Qing sat at the dining table and listened to the news broadcast and had dinner. Her dining table is full of green light food: green light rice, green light fried eggs with green light peppers, green light snake meatball soup sprinkled with green light green onion leaves.

The snowstorm has just passed. In addition to the touching stories that happened during the snowstorm, the news on the radio was that the military and civilians at various bases in Huicheng worked together to actively deal with the beast tide.

The disaster of super-evolved pathogenic microorganisms caused by humans at No. 50 Mountain has occurred for six days, and it still has not been included in the base news.

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