Microbes are the real masters of Blue Star.

When Xia Qing was moving bricks in the safe zone, he heard on the radio that the most powerful "enemy" threatening human survival at this stage is no longer, or has never been, the wildly evolved animals and plants on Blue Star, but Blue Star. The element of chlorine is everywhere in the world, and the pathogenic microorganisms that evolve crazily under the influence of the element of chlorine.

On the way back to his own territory, the mutilated allies that Xia Qing saw were the most direct evidence of this statement.

  The "enemy" is extremely powerful, so we must try our best to maintain the current ecological balance, slow down the evolution of the enemy, and give human researchers more time to find ways to fight against evolving pathogenic microorganisms.

  In the ten years since the natural disaster, the animals and plants in the evolutionary forest have faced microorganisms without the heavy protection of protective clothing, pharmaceuticals, advanced technology and weapons. Through the survival of the fittest, it has been iterated several times.

 They are not only a source of human food, but also a barrier between humans and pathogenic microorganisms. Once this barrier is broken, the living environment humans will face will only become worse than it is now.

Xia Qing took a deep breath and patted the evolutionary sheep beside him, "Boss, you are very powerful."

No matter what method is used, if the herbivore sheep boss can survive in the cruel evolutionary forest, he is a super awesome evolutionary sheep.

The big sheep chewing the dregs of leek leaves slightly raised its big head with spiral horns, looking arrogant.

However, Xia Qing thinks she is not bad either.

Both the Sheep Boss and the Wolf Pack were born after the natural disaster, while most of the existing humans, including Xia Qing himself, were born before the natural disaster. In other words, most humans are still products of Blue Star's previous period.

 What does this mean?

 It shows that in addition to long lifespan, humans also have the strongest teamwork ability among all animals in Blue Star. This is why only 7% of the population can survive until the tenth year of the natural disaster.

Human Xia Qing raised her head, full of fighting spirit, "I am twenty-five years old. I have survived natural disasters for ten years. I am more powerful than you!"

The sheep boss’s mouth stopped and his eyes narrowed dangerously.

Before it could move its hooves, Xia Qing stood up, picked up the **** and walked towards the vegetable patch, "Boss, do you want to eat the tender grass?"

The grass will always grow faster than the seedlings. If we don’t get rid of the grass, all the fertilizer nutrients we bought with points will be eaten by them.

“Mea~~” Followed by the sheep boss who stood up and prepared to fight, he immediately rushed outside the thorn fence, stared at Xia Qing with starry eyes, and made a cute and cute sound.

Xia Qing smiled without looking back, "Okay, I'll get some grass for you right away. By the way, Aunt Zhao used green alfalfa seeds to grow alfalfa sprouts, and I put them in the refrigerator. Let's eat alfalfa sprouts at noon today. "


There are definitely a lot of alfalfa seeds in Territory No. 4, so they use alfalfa seeds extravagantly to cultivate sprouts. She had to learn how to cultivate sprouts from her neighbors as soon as possible, and turn the collected green toon seeds into toon sprouts to enrich the dining tables of herself and the sheep boss.

                                      ifies by

The proud and loud cries of the hens after laying eggs came from the greenhouse next door. The sick wolf passed through the small door on the earthen wall between the two greenhouses, entered the planting greenhouse, and howled happily at Xia Qing.

"I heard it, the chickens laid eggs." Xia Qing picked up a handful of grass that had just been hoeed, placed half of it in front of the sheep boss, and let him pick and eat it. Then he picked up the other half and followed the happy sick wolf to the next door. Collecting eggs in the greenhouse.

It’s not necessary to pick up the eggs now, but since the sick wolf came to call her so happily, Xia Qing certainly wanted to go there and experience the joy of harvesting with the sick wolf.

Xia Qing first put half of the tender grass in the chicken trough, and when the chickens rushed over to peck at it, she went around to the other side and looked at the chicken coop. She opened the chicken coop with eggs and could only put one hand in. He took out two eggs from the small door and showed them to the sick wolf, "Look, brother, these eggs are still warm. Let's cook one for our brother to eat at night, okay?" The sick wolf smelled the eggs. , grinning haha.

“Second brother, where are the Queen and the one with the broken waist?”

 Sick Wolf is still grinning haha.

Xia Qing rubbed its head, put the eggs away, turned over the peanuts hanging on the rainproof cloth, and continued to weed the greenhouse. The sick wolf followed, took the grass Xia Qing had cleared into his mouth and carried it to the greenhouse next door, where he fed the chickens, fish, and rabbits.

 It’s snowing outside, but it’s as warm as spring indoors. Xia Qing didn't turn on the Lord's intercom, enjoying the rare peace amid the chaos.

 “Buzz, buzz.”

 As soon as she cleaned up the two vegetable beds, her cell phone started to vibrate in her pocket. Xia Qing took out her mobile phone and found that it was Yanlong who was looking for her.

Xia Qing answered the call immediately, "Sister Yan."

Unexpectedly, it was Huo Zhun on the other end of the phone, "Xia Qing, it's me. How are you feeling today?"

After chatting for a while, Huo Zhun brought up the topic, "When we chased the fugitives yesterday, we seized two sets of individual aircraft. Yang Jin meant to hand over the old one as evidence, and give us the new one. It is considered the first time." As a reward for the third echelon being recruited to fight the disaster, that’s what we’ll do if you agree?”

"I agree."

Of course I agree! Xia Qing felt that her hesitation of 0.1 seconds showed disrespect for important supplies. Yang Jin is really a good ally.

Huo Zhun laughed, hissed in pain a few more times, and then continued, "There are two people and three wolves in the third echelon. You are the captain. In terms of task contribution, you have 2 shares, and the Queen and I each count 1.5. The remaining two wolves will each count as one share. Do you think this distribution is okay?"

The main force of the third echelon chasing fugitives are three evolved wolves that have the ability to search accurately under extreme conditions. Xia Qing is the person who can command the wolves, so although she was in a weak stage when she went on the mission, she is an indispensable person for the third echelon and is a true captain.

Huo Zhun ran back and forth with Xia Qing on his back, caught the two fugitives found by the alpha wolf and the giant wolf, and diverted the helicopter away from the alpha wolf, so he and the alpha wolf contributed more to the mission than the other two wolves.

Huo Zhun's distribution ratio is very reasonable. Xia Qing agreed and asked, "Okay. Brother Huo, I want this set of aircraft. Can I exchange materials or points for your share?"

The captain has the right of priority to harvest supplies. Xia Qing must get such important supplies as a single-soldier aircraft.

 She wants to fly!

Huo Zhun had long expected that Xia Qing would ask for the aircraft, and directly quoted the price and his exchange requirements, "This set of individual aircraft is military equipment. Although it is not a new model and the flying speed is not fast enough, it is durable and can carry 250 tons." It has a battery life of 10 minutes, the maximum distance of a single flight is 15 kilometers, and the balance is not bad, so the current transaction price on the black market is 850,000 points for a set. Just give me 180,000 points. Your green light is snake meat. Is there anything else? I want to exchange 80 pounds with you, and you can give me the rest, whatever you want."

Even though Xia Qing has more than 500 kilograms of python meat, these 80 kilograms still hurt her flesh.

However, this was not the time to bargain. Xia Qing could only agree, "Okay, according to the transaction price between me and the third brother, python meat is 500 points per pound, and 80 pounds is 40,000 points. I will transfer another 140,000 points to Can you?"

Xia Qing has a lot of supplies, but she is more willing to exchange them with points because during natural disaster years, supplies are more valuable than points.

“Yes, of course.” Huo Zhun agreed immediately.

This time on a mission with Xia Qing, Huo Zhun's wealth doubled, which made him smile. "Xia Qing, through this team formation, I feel that I can get along well with your team. If we have another chance in the future, we will Continue to form a team?" (End of this chapter)

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