Zhang San, who has panda eyes and is almost emaciated into a skull, is sitting behind a white table, flipping through Xia Qing's inspection reports one by one.

"The killing element has dropped to 16‰, which is not bad. The physical pain will disappear in five days, but when you can return to the combat strength before taking the stimulation solution depends on when you can take in enough energy. The bone damage has not been It's getting worse, no need to use other medicines. How are the three wolves in your territory?"

Xia Qing replied, "We haven't seen the alpha wolf today. Everything about the broken-waisted wolf is normal. The sick wolf has been in a state of excitement since last night. Maybe it feels like its body is getting better after taking the antidote."

 Zhang San yawned, "How much antidote is left?"

 “There is one left.”

"You and the sick wolf can take one drop with water every day until it is used up. During this period, you cannot eat food with a chlorine content exceeding 10‰, otherwise the efficacy of the medicine will be offset by the chlorine element."

 “Okay, thank you, third brother.”

Fan Xia Qing looked at his idol's haggard look and was really worried that he would die soon. "Third brother, I brought the green light peanuts and pecans to Ji Li. Do you want to eat chicken? I'll go back and kill them." I’ll send you one, and you’ll make up for it too?”

 Zhang San responded weakly, “No appetite.”

Zhang San was the only human that Xia Qing met during the natural disaster years who could starve himself to such a miserable state despite having enough green light food.

She speculated that Zhang San's "loss of appetite" might not be just due to picky eating, but this was a family secret, and Xia Qing certainly wouldn't pry.

“Huiyi Base sent people to search Liehuoshan, and no contraband was found, and no illegal experimental projects were found.” Zhang San’s expression and tone were very unhappy.

Xia Qing was so angry that she stood up and slapped the table, "Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

 Zhang San leaned back, "If you step back, you've hit me."




Xia Qing, who was smelly, pulled his chair back and said, "Third brother, let's not worry about how Fiery Volcano operates. It is a certainty that prohibited chemicals are hidden in Territory 9 and poison gas bombs are used. What happened this time? Can we drive them out of our territory?"

 Do you think I am very free? Zhang San rolled his eyes at Xia Qing, "Let Yang Jin and Tan Junjie handle the follow-up matters. I am only responsible for extinguishing the disaster."

Xia Qing was relieved when he handed it over to Yang Jin. With him, he would never suffer any loss. "Third brother, how did you get the antidote for the gas bomb?"

  When mentioning this matter, Zhang San became disgusted again, "It was exchanged with Li Si. She wanted to leave the Fire Team and stay with me. I didn't agree and arranged for her to go to the Red Eleven Base."

Although the Red Eleven Base is just north of the Huisan Base, it is separated from the Huisan Base by thousands of miles of evolutionary forest, and there is almost no communication.

It is also this evolutionary forest belt that runs north of Huisan Base and was formed during the violent crustal movement a few years before the natural disaster. It divides China into northern and southern halves. The southern part of the evolutionary forest is Huicheng and Guicheng Base, and the northern part is Hongcheng. , Lancheng and Baicheng bases.

This evolutionary forest belt that divides the north and the south and is thousands of miles wide has yet to be crossed by anyone on the ground. Therefore, although Red Eleven and Huisan are connected, there is almost no communication.

Xia Qing asked, "Third brother, are you saying that this case will be tried by the Red Eleven Base?"

"Yes." Zhang San rarely had the patience to explain to Xia Qing, "Basic director Huisan applied for an application for this major case with extremely serious consequences, extremely bad effects, and harmful to human interests on the grounds that the local trial would affect the fairness. Trial in another location.”

Xia Qing was more relieved that it was not Hui's first trial case, "Third brother, do we also have to go to the Red Eleven base when the trial starts?"

"I can't leave the territory. You can go out and see the world." Zhang San yawned and pointed to the medicine bag on the table. "You put these in your bag and take them back. You can start using them again in January. The requirements are the same as before." The idol has already prepared a new potion for treating physical injuries. After Xia Qing thanked him, he seized this rare opportunity and asked, "Third brother, is the poison of aggressive killing of rapeseed very powerful? I heard that someone in Territory No. 5 needed amputation after being poisoned."

Zhang San explained, “The liquid in the spikes contained corrosive acid. Not only was the person pricked by the spikes, he was also infected with super-evolved bacteria and had to have his limbs amputated to save his life.”

 The need for amputation means that even Zhang San’s medicine is ineffective against this superbug. Xia Qing asked, "Third brother, how long will it take for us to develop a Guangpu antibacterial agent against superbugs?"

 After hearing the idol's answer, Xia Qing walked out of Territory No. 7 and got on the mini-tiller with heavy steps.

Before Husband Feng could start the tiller and go back, he saw Yue Haiying leading two people out of Territory No. 15.

Hushi Feng immediately jumped off the mini-tiller and greeted Yue Haiying, "Brother Yue."

Hush Feng has often teamed up with Yue Haiying's troops to perform missions. It stands to reason that when Hui Feng sees Yue Haiying, he should raise his hands and salute. But Yue Haiying's right arm was broken, so Huo Feng changed the title used by the lords and did not salute.

 No matter what occupation or position he had before, Yue Haiying, like Xia Qing, is now a farmer.

Xia Qing, who was two beats behind, was about to get out of the car, but was stopped by Yue Haiying, "You haven't recovered yet. It's safe to stay in the car. How do you feel now?"

Xia Qing insisted on getting out of the car and standing in the snow with everyone. "I'm much better. The third brother said that the pain will disappear in five days."

Yue Haiying warned, "The disappearance of the pain does not mean that the body has recovered. In the next period of time, you should eat as much green light food as possible."

After Yue Haiying finished speaking, Yu Tao, the power evolver who was blind in his left eye and missing half of his hand, handed a bag to Hu Feng, "This is the Green Lantern Bamboo Rat Dried Meat. Sister Qing, take it back to replenish your body."

"Okay, thank you." Since they brought out the gifts, Xia Qing accepted them without any hesitation.

When passing by Territory No. 6, Kuang Qingwei and Zhu Li, who had been waiting under the street sign with umbrellas for a long time, came out and gave Xia Qing a small bag of yellow lantern longans.

Further forward, Xia Qing received dried celery from Territory No. 10, **** from Territory No. 5, fresh alfalfa sprouts grown from alfalfa seeds from Territory No. 4, and snoops and whispers from Territory No. 2.

After entering Territory No. 3 through the south gate, Xia Qing went home first to put down the gifts. After inspecting a circle of greenhouses, he entered the planting greenhouse.

It’s still snowing outside, but the fill lights in the breeding greenhouse are bright and the interior is warm. The spinach, alfalfa, perilla, spring onions, pumpkins and grass that were planted thirteen days ago have all sprouted and are growing well.

The fastest growing ones are the two hundred leek roots planted by Xia Qing. The leek leaves that have emerged are already more than ten centimeters long and can be cut and eaten.

Xia Qing pinched a few leek leaves, handed them to the sheep boss, and then slowly sat down next to the strawberry seedlings.

 The weather outside is cold and not suitable for outdoor activities, so the animals in Territory 3 get tired of staying at home and come to the greenhouse to play.

 Evolved wolves are carnivores and like to stay in breeding greenhouses. The eldest sheep is a herbivore and likes to stay in a greenhouse full of plants, staring at the young vegetables and chewing the cud.

 The sheep boss lay next to Xia Qing with a leek leaf in his mouth, tasting it slowly. Xia Qing leaned on the sheep boss and stared at the flowers growing on the strawberry seedlings in the vegetable patch.

These flower buds will bloom in a few days, and after artificial pollination, they will turn into small green strawberries. If everything goes well, Xia Qing will be able to eat fresh strawberries in January.

Xia Qing was not interested at the moment. What she was thinking about was the last words of her third brother:

If species diversity cannot be protected and the ecosystem can be maintained in a newly formed stable and balanced state as much as possible, the rate at which humans can develop antibacterial agents will never be able to keep up with the more than 400,000 known species of microorganisms and at least one million species of undiscovered microorganisms. the rate of evolution. (End of chapter)

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