Chapter 475 A hearty breakfast

Xia Qing warmed himself by the fireplace for a while. After feeling warmer, he opened his backpack and took out deodorant powder, spray, body wash and incense.

These supplies were exchanged between Xia Qing and Yanlong. According to Yanlong, the deodorizing effect was just okay. To be able to make a level nine smell evolver say "not bad" means that the effect is already very good.

The first step in deodorizing is to spray deodorizing spray.

Xia Qing picked up the spray and found that her fingers were so painful that she couldn't press the button of the deodorant spray. Step one, fail.

 The second step of deodorization is to light the deodorizing incense.

Xia Qing put the incense on the big fire in the fireplace and succeeded.

The third step of deodorization is to place boxed gas adsorbents in each house.

This poisonous gas adsorption box was exchanged between Xia Qing and his idol before. It can effectively absorb Class C and D poisonous gases in the air. Xia Qing used a knife to cut the sealing paper on the box and placed it in the rooms upstairs and downstairs and in the living room. It was successful.

 The fourth step of deodorization is to apply deodorizing powder. The wolves had just rolled through the snow, and their fur was still damp, but now it was caked with powder and turned into mud. Xia Qing picked up the bag of deodorant powder and put it down again, giving up.

 The fifth step of deodorization is to clean, deodorize and disinfect the protective clothing.

Xia Qing took off her protective clothing, soaked it together with the protective clothing of the three wolves in a large basin for washing clothes, and added the deodorizing disinfectant Zhang He gave her.

Zhang He said that the reason why the odor of poisonous gas released by weasels is difficult to eliminate is because the poisonous gas contains an evolutionary substance with a slow-release effect. Xia Qing has forgotten its specific name. He only remembers that this substance can make the poisonous gas as much as possible. Evaporates slowly, making the odor last longer.

This evolutionary substance, even with the medicine prepared by the boss Zhang San, will take a week to completely remove. After soaking and rinsing the protective clothing, Xia Qing ran out of strength and hung the protective clothing in the bathroom on the first floor to let them drip and dry slowly.

  After completing the fifth step, Xia Qing's accumulated strength was used up. She took off her patched protective boots, opened the security door, and placed the boots under the eaves to diffuse the smell. When she looked up, she saw the giant wolf actually got into her quilt.

 The clothesline was broken, and the quilt, which was clamped at the four corners, became the giant wolf's cold-weather clothing. This is a new quilt made from cotton grown from seeds after she worked hard for several months!

The handsome giant wolf wearing cold weather clothing looked at Xia Qing quietly with its ice-blue eyes. Xia Qing, who lost her fighting strength, retreated and closed the door.

Xia Qing turned on the toxin detector and found that the poisonous gas had dropped by 0.01 percentage points. This method she was busy with was still effective.

 It is now six o'clock in the morning, and the wind and snow outside have become lighter. Xia Qing sat in front of the fireplace and decided to rest for a while to regain her strength before starting to make breakfast.

 After resting for an hour and a half, Xia Qing slowly went upstairs and opened the closet in the storage room. There are two sets of brand-new protective suits in the wardrobe, one is a field level four protective suit exchanged with Tang Huai, and the other is a special protective suit exchanged with the base director using spinach seeds.

Xia Qing stared at the special protective clothing for a moment, then took out the outdoor level four protective clothing and put it on. Go out to the garage in the storage room on the shelf on the east side of the house, and carry out sweet potatoes, cabbage, potatoes and chestnuts from the vegetable storage room under the garage. Because of his weak body, Xia Qing brought only green light ingredients today.

  Xia Qing found it extremely difficult to do things that were easy in the past. The supplies in the bag were less than twenty kilograms, but at this moment Xia Qing felt that it was more strenuous than carrying the two thousand kilograms of green light mang.

 The feeling of losing power is terrible.

Xia Qing walked out of the garage and found the sick wolf standing in the wind and snow waiting for her. She was moved, "Boss, do you have the strength now? Can you help me carry this bag back to the house? It contains the food we will eat this morning."

 The sick wolf flicked its tail, signaling Xia Qing to put the supplies on its back. Xia Qing walked back behind the sick wolf, passing by the handsome giant wolf wearing a quilt and cold-proof clothing, and took the initiative to say hello, "Good morning."

 “Hey.” The handsome giant wolf said nothing, and the sheep boss, who was eating the dried leaves on the corn stalks under the eaves of the corridor, replied to Xia Qing.

 After Xia Qing returned to the house, she took off her protective clothing and started cooking. The house was very warm, and the broken-backed wolves and sick wolves who were watching her cooking at the door were very quiet. The sound of the sheep eating dried corn leaves outside the house, the cries of the swallows under the eaves, and the sound of the wind were very rhythmic. Xia Qing felt that her body was full of warmth. The pain was soothed.

 Green light rice porridge, boiled green light eggs, snake meat and cabbage pie, roasted sweet potatoes, this is her breakfast.

 Chinese cabbage, wheat bran, and compressed rations are the best ingredients for the sheep boss this morning.

  Cabbage, snake and meatball soup with a boiled green egg is the breakfast of a sick wolf.

Idol said that Xia Qing eats two plants of Gaoyi Element Green Lantern spinach every day, but this kind of spinach is difficult to store and is not grown in the greenhouse. She can only replenish it after planting in the spring of next year.

After the meal was ready, Xia Qing turned on the air toxin detector and found that the concentration of poisonous gases in the air had dropped by 0.005 percentage points. After lighting the odor eradication incense, Xia Qing mustered up the courage and took off the protective mask. .

  The smell inside the house was lighter than the smell in the bathroom in Territory No. 7, much better than the smell in many places outside the safe zone, and it would not affect Xia Qing's appetite at all.

She washed her face, sat behind the table, drank a large bowl of thick and glutinous green light rice porridge, and sighed happily.

Since he drank a bottle of super nutrient solution and a bottle of Yi element stimulating solution yesterday afternoon, Xia Qing has only drank a few water, and he is already hungry.

The sheep boss, sick wolf and broken waist wolf stood at the small table opposite, each guarding a rice bowl and happily cooking. Xia Qing had long expected that the broken-waisted wolf who had not followed the Queen would try to eat, so he also made a portion for the sick wolf according to the catering standards of the sick wolf.

Xia Qing finished the food on the table, took out the roasted sweet potatoes and chestnuts from the fireplace, filled her stomach, and leaned back on the chair not wanting to move.

 After eating and drinking, she regained some strength and the pain in her body was not so unbearable.

 After washing the dishes, Xia Qing put on protective clothing again and stood in the yard and looked up. The snow on the roofs of the main house, the shelf building and the chicken coop all exceeded 15 centimeters. The snow on the roof of the sheep shed was shaken off once, and now it is ten centimeters thick.

In order to deal with the snow, Xia Qing was fully prepared. The four roofs were covered with old tarpaulins that she had replaced from the greenhouse, and the cameras throughout the territory had also been protected. Therefore, even if there are corrosive substances in the snow, the old rainproof cloth will be corroded, and Xia Qing can still afford this loss.

Xia Qing grabbed the fixed rope of the old rainproof cloth and pulled it for a while. When she was about to call the sheep boss to come over and help, she saw the broken-waisted wolf standing beside her, looking at her eagerly.

So Xia Qing changed the person for help, "You handsome wolf guy with a broken waist, can you help me gently pull this rope? I need to get the snow off the roof, otherwise the roof may collapse."

The wolf bit the rope very cooperatively and pulled it back. Xia Qing shook the rope. The snow on the roof couldn't stay on the smooth rainproof cloth any longer. It fell down one after another and hit the yard, making dirty yellow clouds. The snowy mist made the Broken Waist Wolf’s eyes brighten.

Soon, Xia Qing and Broken Waist Wolf shook all the snow off the roof, and there was a pile of snow as high as half a person under the eaves.

Just when Xia Qing was about to drive the mini-tiller to clear the snow in the yard, and then drive the mini-tiller to the farmland to deliver sweet potatoes and chestnuts to the Bearded Feng team, the alpha wolf came back.

  Thanks to book friends 6526, Jewelmay, and Yongshunhang MAGGIE for the tips. Thank you all for your subscription support. Good morning.

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