Chapter 474 Night Battle

At four o'clock in the morning, the wind was fierce and the snow was heavy. The door of the sheep shed was not closed tightly, and the wind rushed into the house through the crack in the door, whining and roaring.

The alpha wolf, who was sleeping under the quilt with Sick Wolf and Xia Qing, moved his ears and retracted his head into the quilt to continue sleeping. The sheep boss simply stuck his head into the haystack.

The broken-waisted wolf and the handsome giant wolf guarding the door moved their ears and leaned on each other for warmth. In the swallow's nest under the eaves, which was well protected by rainproof cloth, the swallows huddled in the warm nest in twos and threes, sleeping soundly with their necks curled up. In the pine tree cave in the third area of ​​Forty-nine Mountains, the red squirrel, which had been shaved off by Xia Qing because of an abdominal injury, was tightly balled up and still shivering.

In the breeding greenhouse to the north of the deserted village, the chickens squatting on the bamboo shelves were awakened by the sound of the wind and the sound of the door opening, and they chattered quietly and huddled together in a pile. A beam of light swept across, and the white-feathered hen and black-feathered rooster immediately straightened their necks and clucked loudly to express their dissatisfaction.

Hushi Feng immediately turned off the lights and went to check the fish sleeping on the bottom of the water and the mealworms huddled in the leaves. After adding a few large pieces of firewood to the fire wall of the greenhouse, he went to check the planting greenhouse.

The green vegetable seedlings protected by the stone and the greenhouse, like the green wheat seedlings in the greenhouse, show no signs of evolution. As usual, Hu Feng added a few pieces of firewood to the fire wall. After checking that there were no air leaks in the greenhouse, he rushed to the Huangdeng **** field.

 Different from the tranquility in the previous places, the rapeseed greenhouse was busy. It may be due to the quality of the seeds. There are many more yellow-light rapeseed plants than yellow-light wheat. There are people running back and forth in the shed to clear away the high-growth plants. Some people are shaking the bamboo frame and shaking off the snow outside the rainproof cloth. There are also people clearing snow outside the shed.

The greenhouses in other territories are also brightly lit, and people are patrolling the farmland over and over again, clearing away snow.

 In Territory No. 7, Zhang San ignored the roar on his cell phone, put down his cell phone, put on his airtight protective suit, and led people to Territory No. 9 amid the violent storm and snow.

Outside the Beihuang Grass Wall of Territory No. 9, Tan Junjie led hundreds of investigation team members armed with live ammunition to block the passage out of the territory; the South Wasteland Grass Wall was blocked tightly by Yang Jin with two investigation teams and two Qinglong main teams. . The bulletproof and shockproof safety door of the core laboratory of Territory 9 was locked. Li Si, Xiao Liu and several other scientific researchers stood quietly inside the door, watching Zhang Qikun roar angrily outside the door.

Zhou Xun and Tang Huai were wrapped in cold-proof clothes and lying in the grass in Territory No. 2 and No. 12. Their bodies were covered with snow and they remained motionless, for fear of missing any wonderful shots.

 On the mountainside and southern foot of the third peak of No. 50 Mountain, weeds are still growing crazily. On the ground covered with thick snow, super evolved fungi are multiplying and growing rapidly.

 The snake coiled in the hidden valley spit out its forked tongue, slowly raised its bulging head, and crawled toward the fungus that exuded a snake-attracting fragrance.


The strong wind finally blew open the door of the sheep shed and hit the wall hard. The walls of the sheep shed trembled, and the thick snow on the pointed roof was shaken, sliding down and hitting the yard with a dull thud.

Blizzard rushed into the house. Xia Qing and the four wolves jumped up at the same time. The sheep boss opened his eyes for a second, then closed them again and fell asleep.

While the Broken Waist Wolf tried to close the door, Xia Qing was still staring at the quilt that perfectly blended with the hay in a daze.

"My Queen, please raise your feet." After Xia Qing reacted, she asked the two evolved wolves who were stepping on her quilt to raise their feet, and then walked out holding the quilt, "Your Majesty, it's too cold here. , let’s go back to the house.”

 Although his whole body was still in terrible pain after a good sleep, Xia Qing had regained some strength and was able to move around.

Finding that both Xia Qing and the wolf were out, the sheep boss immediately jumped up to follow them. Xia Qing fought against the strong wind and tried hard to close and lock the door of the sheep shed. Half of the hay in the shed was food for the sheep boss, and it would be troublesome if it got wet from the snow.

After locking the door, Xia Qing turned around and saw the wolves and the sheep rolling around in the dirty yellow snow, as if they were trying to rub the dirt off their bodies.

 Could it be that snow removal also has the function of removing odor? Xia Qing hung the dirty and smelly quilt on the clothesline under the eaves, and then clamped the corners of the quilt with big clips to prevent it from being blown away by the wind. Then she also lay on the snow in the yard and rubbed it on the back. , rub the front and sides, rub the sides, and then use snow to scrub the protective mask where the plucked weasel lay all the way.

When the wolves and the sheep boss stood up to shake themselves, Xia Qing also stood up, patted the snow on his body, opened the security door and entered the house.

The soft yellow night light on the first floor illuminated the room peacefully and comfortably, but Xia Qing did not dare to take off his protective mask or protective clothing. After rubbing the snow on the soles of his feet on the hay by the door, Xia Qing turned on the light and first contacted Hu Feng through the headset-type walkie-talkie. After learning that everything in the farmland and greenhouse was normal, he decided to disinfect the house while he had the energy.

She first turned on the air toxin detector and found that there was Class C toxic gas-ethyl mercaptan in the indoor air.

Ethyl mercaptan is the smelly poison gas ejected from the glands of the evolved weasel. It is the smelliest and highly corrosive substance on the Blue Star. Inhaling ethyl mercaptan can cause headaches, eye pain, coughing, nausea, vomiting, and shortness of breath. Inhaling large amounts may cause suffocation and death.

It’s okay to say that the smell is poisonous and difficult to remove. The poisonous gas is also flammable and explosive. You may say it’s irritating or not.

 Fortunately, the concentration of ethyl mercaptan in Xia Qing’s house has been lower than 0.1%, and it will not explode in the presence of an open fire. She lit the fireplace to warm the room as quickly as possible.

The handsome giant wolf is still guarding the door. The alpha wolf, the sick wolf and the sheep boss gathered together by the fireplace, as far away from the tatami as they could. No need to ask, the tatami must be very smelly.

Xia Qing did not dare to take off her protective mask. She was now weak and needed to replenish her green light food. She is not afraid of the smell, but she is afraid that the ethyl mercaptan fumes will make her nauseous and vomiting, making her unable to eat.

 What about the Broken Waist Wolf?

Xia Qing turned around and saw this virtuous evolved forest wolf actually walking out of the tool shed with a new roll of straw mat in its mouth.

Finding that Xia Qing was looking at it, the Broken Waist Wolf stopped and looked at Xia Qing.

  When did this evolved wolf know that he put the straw mat in the tool shed? Besides straw mats, what else does it know? Life is not easy, Xia Qing sighed, "Thank you for the hard work of breaking your waist, just take it and lay it on the bed."

The Broken Waist Wolf immediately dragged the straw mat to the fireplace. Xia Qing untied the rope and spread the straw mat on the ground. The alpha wolf first lay down in the center of the straw mat, and then the broken-back wolf, the sheep boss and the sick wolf also went up.

 After Sick Wolf lay down, he turned his head and stared at Xia Qing.

Putting the backpack she brought back on the spot left for her by the sick wolf, Xia Qing discussed with Broken Waist Wolf and Boss Sheep, "Boss, Broken Waist, you two should throw out the smelly old straw mat on the tatami first. Okay?"

The sheep boss squinted his eyes and chewed the cud, and the broken-backed wolf lay next to the alpha wolf and stared at the fire, as if he had lost his hearing. It was obvious that neither of them wanted to touch the straw mat.

"Hold your dick, I'll throw it away." Xia Qing held down the sick wolf who was about to stand up, endured the pain and slowly walked over, swept up the grass, and threw it into the snow in the yard.

The giant silver-gray wolf standing in the shelter from the wind under the eaves of the corridor suddenly had a layer of snow falling on his body. After meeting its icy blue eyes, Xia Qing turned to discuss with the alpha wolf, "My Lady, the territory is safe now. Let Brother Giant Wolf come in too. It's too windy and snowy outside, and it's too cold."

 The wolf did not move, and neither did the handsome giant wolf. Obviously, the alpha wolf doesn't feel safe here.

Xia Qing stopped interfering with the wolf's decision and fought behind closed doors at night.

 Fighting poisonous gas at night.

  Thanks to book friends 1479 and Favorite Manbao for the reward, and thank you all for your subscription, support and love. happy weekend.

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