"Okay." Xia Qing hung up the phone and asked Xiao Jiang to wait at the north gate. Her physical strength is low now. If she goes to open the north gate, the people from Territory No. 7 will have to wait outside for a long time.

“Xia Qing, are you feeling unwell?”

Hushi Feng, who was resting, received the news. He got up and went out of the house. He saw that Xia Qing's usually straight back was now curled up into a ball. He was very worried: Could it be that he ate too much snake meat?

Xia Qing, who felt pain in every pore like needles pricking her, straightened her back, relying solely on the energy and willpower of the super nutrient solution to hold on, "A little, I can still hold on."

Since she said she could hold on, Hu Feng didn’t ask any more questions.

Soon, Yanlong, Ji Li and a scientific researcher wearing a snow-white airtight protective suit arrived. The reason why they came so quickly was because the scientific researchers were carried over by Ji Li.

Ji Li put down the man he was carrying and introduced his identity to Xia Qing and Hu Huifeng, "This is Zhang Song, researcher of Territory No. 7."

Zhang Song, who was feeling dizzy and nauseated, held Ji Li's arm for a while and then said hello to Xia Qing, "Miss Xia, Third Brother asked me to come over and inspect the two domesticated animals you captured."

 Zhang Song?

 So his surname is Song, and he also has the character Zhang? This pseudonym was chosen in the style of Territory No. 7, just as perfunctory as the pseudonyms of Zhang San and Zhang He.

Yanlong also explained her purpose, "Take me to see the gap in the iron mesh wall. The lord asked me to search for the source of the tame beast."

Xia Qing asked Er Yong to take the ninth-level olfactory evolver Yan Long to find the person who broke through the iron wall. He also asked Xiao Jiang to take out the two water rats and the equipment they carried and put them on the table in the reception room of the small house next to the farmland. .

"Water rats were found in the reservoir. They don't swim fast and don't look like they are hunting for prey. These are the instruments and black tubes carried by one water rat. The ones carried by the other water rat were smashed. .Brother Song, look at what this is."


Zhang Song turned on the camera on the protective mask so that Zhang San could see the scene.

Zhang Song opened the medicine box and took out the injection. After injecting anesthetic into the still-living water mouse, he checked and reported, "The appearance and teeth are in line with the external characteristics of a water shrew of the insectivorous order Shrewidae. The body length is 22.5" respectively. cm and 27 cm. Based on the body shape, it can be preliminarily determined that the two water shrews are equipped with a plug-in weak current conductor, which is an insertion hole.

Xia Qing got closer and took a closer look, only to find that there were small red blood spots on both sides of the neck of the still alive water rat.

  Weak current commander is an instrument that uses electric shock to direct animals to act according to human requirements. Xia Qing had only seen collar-type weak current commanders, and this was the first time he had seen plug-in ones.

This kind of conductor, which inserts the energized contact directly into the body of the animal, is self-evidently cruel.

"The pilot current is 0.8A." After Zhang Song completed the current detection, he began to check the two black pipes, "Water quality sampling pipes, which can be remotely controlled for sampling."

 After Zhang Song finished the test, Zhang San asked feebly, "Xia Qing, are there any large aquatic organisms in the reservoir?"

Xia Qing immediately replied, "No, I didn't find any large aquatic creatures after the reservoir was emptied by lightning."

Xia Qing has not seen even the evolved leeches that used to jump up and attack her when fetching water.

Zhang San told his assistant, "Xiao Song, check whether the underwater robot has been installed or put something into the reservoir." "Okay." Zhang Song took out the underwater robot from the backpack Ji Li carried and hooked it with a rope buckle. Hold the ring at the top of the robot and put it into the water.

This is also the first time Xia Qing has seen this kind of instrument. Although it is called a robot, it is actually just a rectangular box about half a meter long, wide and high, with two skateboards underneath.

 Zhang Song came to the waterside, put the instrument into the water, and started testing.

Chen Cheng reported via the intercom, "Sister Qing, Sister Yan discovered that the person who broke through the iron wall was a person from Territory No. 9. This person invaded Territory No. 4 from the South Thorn Wall and has now returned."

 “Okay.” Xia Qing immediately reported the situation to his idol.

 Zhang San responded. He was obviously simultaneously checking the surveillance footage of the underwater robot through the camera carried by Zhang Song, and could not focus on other things.

Xia Qing also endured the pain and squatted beside him, watching carefully. Beard Peak saw that Xia Qing was really uncomfortable, so he moved a wooden stake for her and asked her to sit on it.

After nearly an hour, the test was completed and after confirming that the two water rats had not put anything into the water, Zhang San discussed with Xia Qing, "It is inferred from the black tube carried by the water rats that Territory No. 9 wants to obtain water samples from the reservoir of Territory No. 3. Test water quality.”

Xia Qing, who had unpolluted spring water in his territory, was frightened for a while, "Third brother, what should you do about this?"

Zhang San is also cautious, "In December last year, I tested the water quality in various sections of the river and found no abnormalities. If you agree, I will now ask Xiao Song to turn on the water quality detection sensor of the underwater robot and test it again water quality.”

Xia Qing said without any hesitation, "Okay, I'll bother Brother Song."

 After obtaining the Yi element detector, Xia Qing tested water samples at different depths and locations of the reservoir, especially those near low-slope planting areas, and found no abnormalities.

This shows that the pollution-free spring water in the northern buffer forest does not flow into the reservoir after flowing through the underground area of ​​the low-slope planting zone, but penetrates deeper.

Therefore, testing the water quality in the reservoir in her territory will not reveal the secret of the spring in her territory.

 The underwater robot stopped at different locations and depths of the reservoir to take samples. The test results were quickly sent back to the notebook carried by Zhang Song, and the data on the screen was constantly refreshed.

This process was very boring and hypnotic. Xia Qing pinched her thigh several times before forcing herself to sleep without closing her eyes.

Half an hour later, Zhang Song reported to Zhang San, “The pH, turbidity, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, and element content of water samples in various parts of the rivers and reservoirs in Territory No. 3 are consistent with those measured in Territory No. 7. data, there is no significant difference.”

"Okay, take back the robot and save the detection video and results." After Zhang San gave the instructions to the researcher, he discussed with Xia Qing, "Shan Ying is very stubborn. There are too few people in your territory. It is difficult to achieve 24-hour surveillance without blind spots." It's very big. I'll give her the water quality test report and video just now. After she eliminates her suspicion about your territory, she won't send people to keep an eye on you every day."

Although it was a bit frustrating to do this, but his strength was not as good as others, Xia Qing could only endure it for now, "Okay, I'll bother Third Brother."

Zhang San yawned and continued, "The people in Team Agni are very difficult to deal with. It won't be of much benefit to you if this matter gets too big. The punishment from the Territory Management Department won't even be considered a drop in the bucket for Team Agni. So. , it’s best not to alert the investigation team and let them compensate you for the loss, what do you think?”

Xia Qing lacked strength, so she could only swallow her anger and agreed to the idol's proposal, "Third brother is right, compensation is the most affordable. I want a pound of green light soybeans, do you think it can be done?"

Zhang San snorted, "One kilogram is not even enough to pay for the use of the equipment. Five kilograms, three kilograms are yours, two kilograms are mine, and I want a few rare herbs by the way." (End of Chapter)

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